How do lootbox apologists feel right now?

How do lootbox apologists feel right now?

What the fuck Sup Forumsros? We should be for lootboxes because that will make Reddit mad!

I'll believe it when they're actually banned

Not sure what that implies for TCG and f2p

>we should be for lgbtbbq+ because islamists are against it!
>we should be for communism because hitler was against it!
>we should not enjoy videogames anymore because dudebros now do!

>we should not breathe because normies do

TCG was already spoken about in Belgium and the Netherlands.
They are a different category as they are physical products that can be traded, and hence have actual consumer value as opposed to untradeable digital products.

I'll get started on this right now.

not great, worried what will happen to my pubg lootboxes that make me earn money while just playing the game.

Fuck you goyim.
Buy my loot boxes.

At what point should we give up personal responsibility and just have the government tell us what to do?

Just slap AO on every game with lootboxes, problem fixed.

better than my own example, I'll steal this

So what if publishers decide to include 'market places' to exchange the shit you don't want?

Activision-Blizzard must be pissed at EA for all the negative press they got too

What's wrong with gambling anyone? Limiting it because a few people will act irresponsible is the same argument people use to ban anything.

Oh I know why Sup Forums pretends to hate gambling. To feel morally superior to the powerful companies they hate; bitter losers online naturally hate anything large and powerful.

>Sup Forums pretends to hate gambling
No it's more like gambling is illegal for children, which are the majority of people playing games.

Sup Forums BTFO

Who the fuck are these kids that have income to gamble? Quit hiding behind muh children to make up for your shitty parenting.

>only places in europe care
>they dont even play those types of games there
this doesnt really change anything since the majority of the people who play these types of games are americans.

>EA shill SEETHING this much
Imagine the salt when more US states start taking action

Gambling is always rigged for the house. You can always give your money away for free, its the same thing.

Do you know what an allowance is?

Gambling is 18+ because children can't make informed financial decisions. A child just sees WOW COOL STUFF FROM THAT THERE LOOTBOX, types in mum's credit card info and spends 2000 dollarydood on them.


None of the places investigating it matter at all.
If anything this will just strengthen loot boxes, which really weren't bad to begin with.


Yes, and if you're a parent that allows your child to waste his money on frivolous items you're a shit parent, point?

>needs money to participate
>chance of financial returns or losing your current money

>never requires you to pay, and if it does even because it takes too long not to pay its very looked down upon (like the recent battlefront 2)
>chance of only getting in-game items (even with the steam marketplace, because the money is only bound to steam itself, not real money)

Why are people so retarded

Almost had this happen with my 5 year old brother in law on Rocket League. He spends hours just looking at what he can get out of the lootboxes and trying to buy them. Luckily he can't quite figure out credit cards on his own yet

I didn't know you could see into the future to prevent your child from throwing $100 at lootboxes before it happens.

Give it up brainlet, you've got no leg to stand on.


Then you get PoE and Warframe-style market jewry.
>how much for [x]
>"offer :)"

They can keep the gambling, but they should be slapped with an Adult Only rating and deal with the consequences of selling AO games.

Never have children, you obviously aren't responsible enough to take care of them.

> Limiting it because a few people will act irresponsible is the same argument people use to ban anything.
It is more than a few, retard.
> To feel morally superior to the powerful companies they hate
There is no threshold of feeling morally superior to something that has no morals, retard.
> bitter losers online naturally hate anything large and powerful.
And despite all that, we still hate your penis, retard.

>disliking poes trading system
I love it

t. virgin

>spend money on a bet in hope of material gain

>spend money on a bet in hope of virtual gain

Goddamn, I can't stand it.
All I want to do is play the game, not play the market.

Because i get scammed and do not get what i paid for.

I still don’t get why Sup Forums cares so much about a dumb normie dude bro franchise

"It wont make a dent"

I have feeling we can achieve great things.

>You will never be such a greedy fucker that you make headlines all over the globe about gambling in gaming and what a fucking Jew you are
Sasuga, EA.

gain is way too vague of a term to take this seriously user, don't give arguments in the Sup Forums way

>What's wrong with gambling anyone?
This is the question that shills have to ask now. Went from "LOOTBOXES AREN'T GAMBLING" to "OH YEAH WELL WHAT'S WRONG WITH GAMBLING ANYWAY?". Anything to sell a product, unfortunately normal people know that gambling is bad.

Say's who?
I learned to play blackjack and poker when I was 5 years old, and am not a compulsive gambler or other form of degenerate; I go to the local indian casino once a month, otherwise I really don't gamble.

Lol What? That's literally what you have to do as a parent. Prepare your children for what's to come. Predatory pay to win tactics isn't even out of left field for you to not reliably cover.

Are you retarded?

You're an idiot that's never had to take care of children. You can't sit over their shoulder 24/7 watching what they're doing. And it doesn't matter if you address an issue a head of time, some kids are just dumb and do it anyway until they learn their lesson the more painful way.

>a parent's job is to make it literally impossible for children to make mistakes
You are a long haired, no life, pathetic, can't even look someone in the eyes when they're talking to you, bitch. Don't even pretend you know the first thing about reality.

Based R*ddit hitting EA where it hurts

Seriously. Never have children. That might be true for some issues but this is a pretty clear cut issue that the majority of kids will be able to comprehend.

If you go to a casino once a month, you're obsessed

If you recall distinctly when you started gambling you're obsessed

>I don't have a problem
Denial too

"My child electrocuted himself by sticking something in a socket, god damn government how come you can't regulate sockets, what am I supposed to do, watch my child 24/7??"

>Pol hate degenerates
>consider people affected by addictions degenerates
>degenerates now have less ways to be degenerates
>pol btfo


You can say this because you follow this shit so you've seen step 1 to 20.

Imagine being a parent whos last video game was the original gears of war or something like that.

Why do you assume we aren't for those things? This is the video games board, not the right-wing politics board.

Governments do regulate sockets you mouth breather.

I feel that it's pathetic that you're that dependent on the State being your parent.

Stop being so dramatic acting like kids are objects of chaos with no rhyme or reason. You're some alarmist piece of shit who just screams "think of the children!" at everyone.

You're being seriously retarded right now and just need to stop. You can easily tell most kids about types of gambling and the dangers of it. This ain't some abstract concept like you're trying to make it out to be. This is about lootboxes not their entire life you drama queen.

Typical brainlet. On the off-chance you actually thought you were making a valid argument, it's easy to warn kids against electrocuting themselves because it's fucking death. Meanwhile policing how they spend their money on entertainment is more finicky and prone to rebellion, especially if it's money they earned themselves. Only a brainlet such as yourself could think they're even remotely similar.

I didn't know Hawaii was part of Europe.

>You can easily tell most kids about types of gambling and the dangers of it
They are told about it though. As well as smoking, and drugs, and unprotected sex. Yet some still do it anyway. Really makes you think.

Yea at least you're dumb enough that it'll hinder your procreation. We cool dude

>we should be for communism because hitler was against it!
Should'nt we be against it then?

>So what if publishers decide to include 'market places' to exchange the shit you don't want?
This will be the lootbox system that's good for consumer, so if that happens, we won.

The entire point of the systems as they are is to ease them into it, get them rolling once or twice and letting it seem normal. That kind of shit can undue years of cautionary tales very easily.

And consider that a lot of parents who played games but maybe stopped about 10 years ago when they had their kid, those kids are hitting the age where they'd start wanting to play these games and if they go "can I buy this costume for my game" you're likely to think back to old cosmetic DLCs and go "oh yea sure"

>It's impossible to teach children the value of money and limit their ability to buy things. Brainlet brainlet brainlet.

Go back to GAF/ResetEra

>n-n-no u
Classic brainlet.

Yeah the majority of kids don't until theyre older. It's like the majority of kids listen to basic parenting.

You gonna throw me anecdotes after this? All that shit is down for children statistically.

Who are you quoting Sup Forumsnigger? I didn't say that at all.


pissed like I did before ? I am big fan of poker and I can't play it through any American company just because some people faggots and get to decide how i spend my money. personally i don't spend my money on them but i empathize with the people who do.

What exactly is your point? We have laws to protect the ones who don't listen to parental advice. You'd have to be a pedophile to think this is a bad thing.

>don't regulate drugs, it's addictive but its their fault for getting addicted
>this is actually how some people think

They're restricting it for children. Are you a child?

>I smoke every other day but im not smoker! I can stop whenever i want!

>>Pol hate degenerates
Sup Forums is fucking chock full of degenerates. The board is a god damn embarrassment in almost every conceivable way.

poker isn't restricted just for children and neither is the proposed loot box ban.

They are probably dutch

A lot of these people act as if people are totally rational 100% of the time and will never have lapses of judgement and if they do it's a huge character flaw that they aren't perfect machines.

They're either children or hate themselves.

Gamers are raised to be ancap so they support corporations and shill for them for free, unfortunately some are only now learning that you can't just sell anything you want.

I don't doubt that you may have some semblance of "personal responsibility" in you but everyone else doesn't have it and as a consequence people like us will have little to no choice when it comes to triple A games when they all realize that selling lootboxes is alot more profitable than anything else. The government has to be involved to knock some sense into people and I think its the lesser of two evils at this point. Do you want to have lootboxes forever? Or do you want to wade through a bunch of shitty indie games to find a rare gem?

Why would argue with someone when you're retarded? Do you just randomly jump into conversations youre not part of?

You might be autistic.

There are thousands of poker websites, sorry that the 18+ gate prevents your entry faggot.

then why are non addictive drugs regulated ?

But it is their fault. But then it's society fault to make them want a drugs.

Ironic. If you're not going to address the argument then don't post at all, degenerate pedo.

How is poker restricted for adults? You mean like they have some suggestions that you shouldnt ruin your life with gambling kind of thing?

there are not thousands. in fact there is not even a dozen quality sites. Americans are barred from the most mainstream ones as well.

that doesnt make any sense, just because something can be traded doesnt mean the method of obtaining them isnt gambling, in fact that makes it worse and is what got csgo in trouble since what you gambled for now has a secondary market value and has real monetary worth

americans can't even stop themselves trying to cure their diabetes with prayers and mcdonalds and you think they have the mental capacity to take prescription drugs reasonably?
are you retarded?

So what you're saying is there are online poker sites that Americans can access, but you're still salty that they prevent children from entering them.

Nice projection lol

That would actually make it worse, as the guy just above me put it, they dodged the UK bullet strictly because it is entirely within it's own ecosystem, the second you could do anything with it then it'd become gambling.

Americans can't play online poker at any decent site. The only american ones that are legal are intrastate sites that have no player base and make you use this broken geolocation software that doesnt even work so you cant play if you wanted to.

Don't reply to me again, pedo.

uhhhh sweetie what the fuck is the steam market place and what the fuck are these thousand dollar fucking gloves that are so consumer friendly?

wtf I love online poker now.

If wotc goes under i can still sell my blood moon for bubblegum money, if valve goes under i dont actually have a stout shako.

Hopefully it means Ubisoft backing down from wanting to make Siege's lootboxs eventually purchasable with real money.

If you have personal responsibility then you shouldn't be buying lootboxes or gambling anyway.