So I just finished Bayonetta 1(that I bought on Steam for a while ago) and Bayonetta 2(on Cemu).
I fucking enjoyed playing those games, now I'm looking forward to play something similar, any suggestions?
Games like Bayonetta
Other urls found in this thread:
the infinity superior ninja gaiden series
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition (PC)
Metal Gear Rising (PC)
Ninja Gaiden (?)
Nier Automata (PC)
nier automata is nothing like bayonetta though
Not particularly, but that's why I put it last on the list. You could still get your action kicks from it.
Metal Gear Rising I guess. Don't bother with Nier Automata unless you're interested in it's story.
These have you play as sexy girl???
>Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition
Yes - Trish & Lady
>Metal Gear Rising
>Ninja Gaiden
Yes - Ayane and them other chicks
>Nier Automata
Yes - 2B and A2
>Bayonetta 2(on Cemu).
Does it work smoothly OP? I wanna try it out.
Nigger what? Pretty sure its made by the same team. Same dodge, same on the fly weapon switching.
Automata shits on MGR, quite holding that shallow two hour game on such a pedestal.
Transformers Devastation is literally just the Bayonetta melee combat system with third person shooter mechanics grafted on.
Automata is the only game Platinum has made with a WORSE core combat system than MGR. Stop mashing buttons.
Bayo2 is playable 60 fps with no sound issues on Cemu now?
who want's to play as a sexy girl when you can play as a edgy cyborg ninja god
Nier is story focused and it has boring,repetitive gameplay. Yes, it's made by the same team but it's a yoko taro game, yoko taro games can't have good gameplay
I understand his opinion - Bayonetta and Nier Automata are both made by Platinum Games. However Nier Automata is an action role playing game compared to Bayonetta which is an all out action game.
Nier's combat is not nearly as deep as Bayonetta's. I still got my kicks from it and I encourage you to at least give it a try.
>Bayonetta 2(on Cemu).
Oh user I'm sorry.
devils third is much better
Devil's Third was a disaster. DmC was unironically superior.
As someone who loved Automata, MGR's combat is generally way better. Better/higher difficulty, more balanced healing system, more enemy variety, and just more satisfying overall. The two things Automata does better are the camera (because there's more open spaces) and the smoothness of the controls. Though obviously MGR still has a laundry list of flaws (which could have been ironed out in a sequel, but never ever).
You're fucking high, mashing buttons is exactly what you do in MGR. In fact Raiden literally slashes forever if you just press square. I wish DmC was never made you you fucking philistines didn't act like this slap dash game thrown together in less than two years was God's gift to action game fans.
>enemy variety
Now I know for a fact MGRfags are delusional. Automata has an entire bestiary dedicated to it.
t. shitter who can't git gud
I'm aware MGR has shallow as shit combat. Automata's is just even worse. Both games should not be played for their combat mechanics.
The only thing that gives MGR the edge is (a) Zandatsu is well-implemented and (b) Jetstream Sam actually has good mechanics.
=meaningful= enemy variety, Automata's enemies mostly blend together and can be defeated in mostly the same ways, MGR has enemies that will absolutely slap your shit if you're not paying attention to their quirks, even on Normal
Though again, that's not to say MGR is the peak of enemy design, even when compared to other Platinum games like Bayonetta or W101
Yeah but most of the enemy types are the same thing with a marginally different weapon attached.
There's the little guy, the little flying guy, the medium guy, the big guy, and then a few types of really big guy (the Tall One, the Big Flying Guy, the Snake)
Oh and I guess the horse-thing.
Switch out the weapons on those and that's your entire list of enemies, and most of them behave nearly identically.
Play the PlatinumGames
I fucking knew you fags would be dick riding Automata in this thread, please stop! I'll admit it does have a decent story but the gameplay is complete dog shit, an absolute embarrassment for Platinum Games.
I wanted to play metal gear rising on pc but something bothered me so much on the first boss fight I had to stop playing it.
I was playing with a controller, and sometimes you had to input controls on action sequences, and the inputs were keyboard/mouse ones instead of controller ones so I had no idea what to press, I search the options and googled and didn't find anything so I just stopped playing it because it was fucking annoying
god of war.
>Nierfags arguing
At least it's not the DMCfags vs NGfags as usual
>>Metal Gear Rising
Are you sure?
in the end we can all agree that all action games are trash when compared to ninja gaiden
Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death
I don't agree with you since unlike you I enjoy multiple action games. I can't even think of a Japanese action game I don't like.
Oh , DMC2 and DmC but those don't really count.
i played them all and did everything in them
ng simply takes a dump on everything even if other games are fun on their own
I tried DMC , too many fucking cutscenes man
That's your opinion. I find them all fun in their own way and enjoy them all, even stuff like Onimusha and Nightshade/Shinobi (wish these would come back), and ZoE2. Maybe the reason I love them all so much is because there aren't many of these games available.
Why hasn't DMC4's combat been topped yet. I mean it's been nine years. You'd think someone could match Istuno's greatness.
What do you guys think about this?
Very similar:
Devil May Cry Series
Metal Gear Rising
Xbox Ninja Gaiden Series
Not so similar but it's in the same vein:
God Hand
Nier Automata
Transformers: Devastation
The Legend of Korra
Killer Is Dead
Otogi 1 & 2
PS2 Shinobi games
Wonderful 101
might as well have kingdom hearts in there if nier automata is similar
you forgot god of war on the very similar part otherwise good list
stop trying to start infighting, we're all fans of these games faggot.
There are quite a few good 2D ones as well.
Not him but I'd recommend DmC before I would recommend shitty God Of War.
what's that?
Did this game rape them or something? the asspain it's caused is astronomical. Especially funny when the first had terrible combat.
You joking nigga, god of war is just a shitty button masher for normies with no skill or depth involved
>too many fucking cutscenes man
>platinumfag talking about "too many fucking cutscenes" after Bayonetta
Holy shit, that's just a new level of shit taste
Just play any shit from platinum games, they're all the same with atrocious level design and disgusting musou-tier combat
Is the main game of this actually good? All I ever see posted is this arena mode or whatever it is showing off needlessly flashy moves as though it's supposed to be impressive.
All god of war games even the shitty psp ones are better than any devil may cry game
are you emotional?
I can see someone more invested in that and story putting MGR above nier auto. But Nier auto's biggest problem is enemies that just stand around and do nothing. They barely tax you the way enemies do in bayo. And even if they did, the damage scale is too level dependent, you can just put on like 2 HP chips and tank everything for days with small heals
I guess if you're into greek mythology.
misspoke, meant to say >putting nier auto above MGR
MGR's cohesion and story is nowhere near as high as nier
That's not a flaw. That's simply how the game is. Not really fair to compare it to other similar games. It's alright for a game to be different. Bayonetta is far from perfect itself. There's a lot Nier does that other games don't do well.
The bottom line I was trying to get at with my two points were that the combat is boring. no taxing enemies + poor damage scale == combat which is very ignorable, and boring
to me, that is a flaw, because I'm in it for the bayonetta style challenge
How does such a relatively small genre manage to have so much infighting among the fanbase?
Bayo > MGR > Nier
MGR > Nier > dogshit >>>>> Bayo
If you like easy games that are slow, I guess. I don't hate GOW but it's kind shitty
I replayed Bayo recently and was pretty bored.
really not sure why you fags hold it to such a high standard. And when something much better comes along eventually that'll be the new standard, and suddenly bayonetta will feel extremely outdated and archaic. Funny how games age like that. Meanwhile Nier's ost will still be amazing.
Yeah, God of War.
It's in our blood. :P
>I didn't even get platinum in every chapter on normal
Go back, "pretented to be retarded"
Even Tales of Berseria has better combat then fucking Nier
Bayonetta isn't even difficult. you can just spam the same couple moves over and over with the shuraba. it's got like 1000 moves that all do basically the same thing and makes it feel artificially deep. Best in terms of combat would be Godhand. Bayo is incredibly shallow, and the style switching in dmc4 is much better. shame they didn't stick with that.
>HEY check this out, Whadda ya buyin? Hehehe, heard that in a game once.
Why do only Japanese games have cool eastereggs?
>being bored your first time through a game is fine since I was bored my second time through
did you.. go through it on normal difficulty again with all the upgrades already? Because that's another thing these other games do better -- their higher difficulties are actually different enemies and higher attack speed, meanwhile Nier's is just "we turned off the lock on and multiplied the damage on everything about 4 or 5 times so you have to stack HP"
HUH! I had no idea we were talking about OSTs, but you know what, the OP didn't specify when he said "similar". Maybe the music was his big draw.
He should check out Rez
At least it had ass and sexual tension whereas DMC had EDGE
Very much like Bayonetta's sexual fan service, DMC is not taking seriously. If you want real edge play DmC.
Fight'n Rage
The reason you see people running Bloody Palace so othen is because the main campaign forces you to play as specific characters during the missions and also because Bloody Palace is the best place to practice stuff.
Though the same can be said for high level DMC3 content too. If you look it up it's mainly Mission 1, 2 & 6 along with some Boss battles. Nobody really ever did runs in DMC3's bloody palace.
Every action game thread
>Nier Automata sucks
>Nier Automata isn't an action game - Nierfags
>Guys, how's the sigma series
>Stay away from the Sigma series THAT NERFED A FEW LEVELS!!!
>Is Ninja Gaiden 2 good debate
>Bayonetta has too many QTEs
>DMC4 has the best combat
>DMC3 is the best DMC game overall
>Everyone likes Godhand but nobody plays it
>Is Ninja Gaiden Razor's Edge good?
>No it's shit because Ninja Gaiden 3 (vanilla) is shit
>Razor's Edge is fun, ignore the fags who got burnt via NG3
>NGfags vs DMCfags
>Bayo vs MGR
>MGR vs Nier
>That one VJoe/WoW1 fags who only post the same webm every time
Do you fucks ever not get tired of repeating yourselves?!? Go check pass threads and takes these words into the future threads. I promise you this is literally every single thread to the point I stop checking them.