Objective: No Survivors

>Objective: No Survivors

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wow.. fat old nigger ruining other peoples lives

>India, where your dentist sets you on fire

The man insulted the other's waifu. This was unacceptable and so he retaliated with lighting him on fire.

Who was his waifu?

>makes sure he replaces the needle cap before moving
Now that's a professional.

A shit.

I love how the nurse guy immediately ran away with zero regard for his patient.

What would you do? Be honest.


>Objective: Hide

Retarded third worlders do this all the time. One did it in a bank here recently and nearly killed everybody. A few months ago one did it in a casino and killed 30 something people.

How fucking retarded do you have to be to think that the best way of murdering is setting them on fire. Is Fat Albert surprised that he ended up one fire too? He could've just stabbed or shot him

Uh, the entire place is fucking on fire? Are actually retarded or?

>hurrrrrrrrrr i would go save my patient
shut the fuck up, you fucking child, no you wouldn't or you would be a dead as fuck too and clearly good riddance.

You're one of these retards that say, "hey just use a tazer bro LOL" in like split second life or death situations.

Imagine having your mother go to do a treatment and learning she was horrifically killed in a fire because an idiot got mad at another? Don't let third worlders into your country, just don't let it.

>the arsonist died while the patient he was targeting managed to escape with his life

So there is justice in this world

Fuck off m8 she's gone and he would be asphyxiated within seconds after his lungs have been burned.
There's another 2 patients in there that aren't currently on fire that will be if he fucks around with a woman that doesn't have the strength to kick off a blanket.

But why?

Source on the news? Might give me some hope there's a god.

>Don't let third worlders into your country, just don't let it.

okay I'm not letting them into my country, thanks
I just stopped 2 getting in because of this post

Why are you so mad lol

>All these "lel third worlders man"
>When all the mass shootings and terror attacks exists

Really activates it

>lol you're mad

So, I was right about the child part. Just think about the things you write before you write them, kiddo, you come off very stupid.

Blanket lady and another lady died.
It's in an Albanian dialysis ward.

>When all the mass shootings and terror attacks exists
Committed by third worlders. Yes, that includes burgers.

At the end of the day, mass shootings and terrorists still take less lives than daily violence.

Bro chill out

You can create any narrative you want; there's billions of people in the world.. shit is gonna happen.

If you want to look at the world black and white and just say, "hurr dem third worlders" you can find all the evidence you want.

If you want to circle jerk with people over flat earth, you can find that too.

Why? No really, what's the context here, this is the clumsiest attempt on a man's life that I've seen in a while.

how the fuck did the target survive?

Why is this in Sup Forums?

>The biggest mass shooting in America
>That one autist in norway

From the top of my head

Are we talking about daily violence or just retarded shit like OP?

uhh, gonna need that source. The dude was drenched in what looked like kerosene. If the killer died, there's no way he isn't dead as fuck.

I think this is wishful thinking.

>why is a video game trope about objectives on a video games imageboard

Go back to /qa/ with your stupid whining shitlord

It was his objective to.

not him but i literally dragged the last 3 words to the adress bar

How the fuck is that fish smart enough to do that? I always see fish basically walking in to their predator's mouths begging to be eaten.

Mandalay Bay was done by an American. Americans are third worlders.

Breivik I can't refute. Even Aryans can get a little savage.

how enlightened. no shit. 'daily violence' occurs literally everywhere there's humans.

that fish BIG braiiin

Most shootings and violence in general is from third worlders and niggers though. See pic related.

Objective: Survive

Here man.
The targeted guy is very seriously injured so might die too.

probably the same intelligence tropical fish and sharks have, sharks stay stationary and let smaller fish eat parasites inside them

yeah it seems he made it, but he's fighting for his life atm. not sure if he's gonna pull through. it'd be pretty amazing, he was in the center of the inferno.

>I love how the nurse guy immediately ran away with zero regard for his patient.
Rule number one in the SABCDE ranking in emergency care is safety then Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure.

They're just naturally violent people.

watching the woman next to the struggle catch flame and pitifully attempt to escape hurts me. that is probably someone's ma. imagine getting the news that your recovering mother died in such an excruciatingly slow way.

Considering the pyro guy died, do you think he expected it to be a suicide mission? I wonder what thoughts are in your head when you realize you fucked up for all of eternity?

> third worlders
> asking why

This is not recent user
He already died

oh boy, the 'race realist'; alright kiddo. Try not to drink too much of the koolaid.

needed that chuckle

Don't bother he might as well be braindead.

She would've died a slow and excruciating death regardless.

I'm a mutt, I live in brazil, on a predominantly black area and he's right, black people and black descendants ARE more violent, they have less control over their aggressive impulses. That being said the idiot on the video isn't even black.

when I first saw it, an user said it was a mafia thing.

The 2 are not even remotely comparable.

is this metal gear solid v?

I was actually being 100% genuine and wondering if I had missed something. Now that you have pointed it out, I see it. Thanks, I guess?

Why do you think that statistics are racist?

you can't argue with tru fax

Nani how did that happen

stop lying faggot. sharks literally die if they stop moving

>dyalisis ward
>patients have all of their blood sucked out, freshend up a little, and put back in
>this causes severe cramping
>generally makes you feel like shit all day
>three times a week or more
>this idiot thinks that being lit on fire Is worse than that

56% is a meme not even sure how it got started but its wrong. 64% is the correct number, 80% if you count white hispanics.

Doesn't albania still effectively practice blood feuds?

fuckin fat shut-in kids lol

One is worse than the other.
Best way to go is in your sleep, no pain, no nothing, just blissful sleep.

That happened in Albania, because of some feud between two families.

thanks user

>blood feuds

I see what you did there, Carlos.

where do you people get these basic-ass reaction images? imgur?

Someone please stop him

and go straight to hell
best way to die is fighting

> The hospital issued a statement on Facebook commending the actions of the nurses
> who run away like headless chickens as soon as the fire broke out


That's not america bud, you can't be sued for 30 million because you didn't spit shine their asshole on time