Everyone already owns the PS4, I don't know why Sony even bothers making so many of them still
Does this actually mean lootboxes are gonna go away with all the attention given cause of ea? Will star wars be given to someone else?
Really doubt that lootboxes are going away, just toned down to not be p2w, just cosmetics
Best case scenario is Star Wars license being taken away from EA, yeah. With all the bad PR Disney has been getting, I wouldn't be surprised.
won what?
>muh reddit war
you need to go back,now!
the autism race
Its not going away since no one wants to put effort into anything, especially people who are just being contrarian to be contrarian
Is Xbox One X really going to win this holiday season.
I’ll kill myself if they do. Where are people getting this money?
what are we laughing at
everyone already has a ps4 and most people buy digital now because it's easier
oh yeah
haha lootboxes and stuff right guys
>Yea i'll totally wait 2-4 hours for a download instead of just going to the store and buying my physical copy within 25 minutes.
You are either full of shit or I've underestimated the IQ of sony gamers.
>2-4 hours
you poor fool
>Look mommy i posted it again!
EA paid Target a bit of money in Australia to market Star wars battlefront, the ad came on 5 times each break.
products are made to sell in stores
the playstation is a video game console you can exchange money for to own
hopes this helps x
>the order 1886
My favorite
Probably. EA directed torrents of negative attention towards Disney's most lucrative property right before the release of the next film.. They've got to be pissed.
>the only good ones are ports
but i don't have a ps4
maybe you could change that ;)
>look at all these multiplats, rehashes and cinematic experiences
If your main platform is on console that already says that you're not on 100mb internet speed.
pm sent ;)
>That shit godzilla game
>order 1886
>implying you play 15% of these
Now post the unsold switches that refuse to go on holiday sale
like everyone, except some degenerates, already owns a ps4
Also, Sonybro's know that greedy lootbox corporations are not to be supported.
>Does this actually mean lootboxes are gonna go away with all the attention given cause of ea?
Probably not. Companies have realized the potential profit in shit like lootboxes where they can literally make more money from them than from the games sales alone, and that's with an extremely popular game like Overwatch.
>Will star wars be given to someone else?
I want to say yes, but the drama has pretty much disappeared now compared to what it was and people are moving onto the new news, so there's a possibility EA will keep it, but I doubt it.
he plays 56% of them
Quite literally best machine for playing bloodborne on.
>criticism of sony
>no mention of nintendo anywhere
>b-b-b-but what about nintendo???
Every. Fucking. Time. Can't you Sony basketballs defend your shitty console without resorting to whataboutism?
>have all third parties in the palm of your hand
>best they can muster
absolutely pathetic, and that first party is a joke too.
wtf you sent me a phillip's cdi?
>look at all these neatly stacked planograms
>pictures taken before the store even opened
It doesn't mean shit for your retarded agenda. I saw at least two people on my Snapchat flashing that exact bundle, and I'm a social retard with zero friends.
>No Ape Escape 4
>No Parappa the Rapper 3
>No Time Crisis 5 port
Why should I own a PS4 again?
>pro out of stock in amazon
niggers it aint even the morning yet fuck sake.
>mfw Switch + PS4 + PC
feels good not being a pleb