Bandai Namco launches new title countdown website, features microwave and egg

What game will it be?

Some JRPG?

Other urls found in this thread:


Death Stranding
The egg is Konami and the microwave Kojima.
Its a metaphor for phoenix rising from the ashes.

>microwaving eggs

Only super sayan high IQ japanese people do it.

>in b4 bamco is trying to make a rival to cooking mama.

Eggs splatter and the microwave houses one.

Shokugeki no Soma game finally?!

It's Bamco, what difference does it really make. It'll be a low quality, generic game regardless.

JRPG protagonist user has to protect his chicken farm from the hungry demon army.

Tales of Lunch

i would ironically play this, especially if you go full trapfaggot and turn your lands into the deadliest shit known to the entire god damn planet.

fuck i ment unironically, i suck cocks.

My Hero Academia game. The egg in the microwave is the image that the MC uses in his head to focus his power.

Persona 5 on Switch.

Sonygros on suicide watch

Works ok. Not as good as normal scrambled eggs or omelette but it's a decent lazy cooking lifehack.

thatd be cool

The egg was splattered by the microwave but the soul still burns
Soul Caliber 6 confirmed.

Microwaving food = Remaking
Egg = EGG

They've acquired the rights to Elemental Gimmick Gear and are remaking it.

This seems so far-fetched while fitting at the same time, i like it desu.

Oh fuck

It's Digimon.

Billy Hatcher and the Microwaved Egg


>My Hero Academia
user here is right.

>Bandai Namco

Shame it'll probably just be a themed skin on a mediocre fighter.

>as the game goes on, you get even crazier and everyone else ends up either leaving you cuz you got crazy or stays to talk our of your obsession of egg starved demons

>The enemy captures a rare drop called the 'Golden Egg'
>Game turns into shooter where you are chasing them down to stop them delivering the 'Golden Egg' to the lord of demons
>tfw some of your previous friends have been recruited for the delivery leaving you no choice but to convince them of your righteous side or kill them

it's bandai, they're probably just fucking with everyone

candle sniffing fuck fence ! Bamco got the rights of Sonic after Sega's final disaster made them ragequit the IP!

>Sonic The Hedgehog: End of Eggman

>My Hero Academia Something Something
It will be.

Dizzy Swings into Suicide


Side Quest: Found a drunk lady, wat do?

Step 1: Buy Panacea Hens
Step 2: Procure Panacea Eggs
Step 3: Have her eat all the Panacea Eggs to get better
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit

It's My Hero Academia (Online).

Look at the fucking name of the website.
My Hero Academia Online (Japan?)


It's clearly Muper HAObot Jars.

>we want everyone to know what it is but we're not going to officially say what it is to create more buzz

Billy hatcher 2: revenge

Jilly Snatcher's Ticking Egg

Thread Theme

Ding ding, we have a winner. I hope it's an action game and not a fighting game.

The oj stands for Original Jenerations. The game is gonna be full of OCs.

New JoJo game confirmed, get hype

I know it's a joke but god damn that hurts to read

I hope not. Otherwise it'll be a jap only game that'll last about 2 years before going down, like 98% of all "Licensed Theme: Online" games.

>People thinks ha means My Hero Academia
>Not realising that the Japanese acronym is BnHA
You guys are retarded, huh?

You DO know that the japanese logo for BnHA has "MY HERO ACADEMIA" written on top of it right? And if they're planning to localize it, it makes more sense to use MHA since it's more recognizable.

Probably another digimon game.

Plus at the bottom of that Jap poster the site listed is "heroaca". No one actually uses MHA's Hepburn.

is this separate from the super robot tasien announcement?

>Fighting game by Cyber Connect 2

There are ways to do it, tin foil the egg and it won't explode.

That animation is so fucking sexy.

Tin foil in a microwave? I have experience with that, and things do go as planned.
Before anyone actually tries this. Electrical charges will shoot out the corners and hit the wall of the microwave. With older models, it can cause large burns in the side and on the base.

you scramble eggs in the microwave but it smells like complete farts

also you can poach an egg in the microwave but you need to do it carefully or it will explode in the microwave or as soon you put a fork in it

I legit can only think of BnHA

>Top 10 high fives

kek i was looking for this

>turbo weebs honestly believe they're being super extra jappo kneesy by clinging to romanizations instead of translations/localizations

What the fuck are you even trying to say?


yeah but

Are they finally gonna make a game out of that ED


>Words in English
>Bandai Namco publishing
They are localizing it, it's not even a .jp site


It was mocking those people.
BnHA = Romanization
Which only retarded weebs cling to, because they think it's more Japanese (it's not).

At least the fights will look much nicer than the anime with the IE cutscenes that they used for the nardo games.

That’s be nice

It better be the JRPG based on the S2 ED I always wanted

you know itll be a mobile gacha game, but deep inside your heart youre holding onto the very slim hope that it isnt

I THINK it's something to do with food.

I can't be sure.

Quick, how do you make eggs benedict?

but Macadamia already has a mobile gacha game

It's my hero academia
You just need to look at the comic microwave style

I'd really dig it

>tfw Nakamura
Anything this guy animates is pure sex

And the teachers always calls the students young eggs.

I still don't know how the audience didn't die due to all the debris but whatever

Yeah egg in a microwave + website starting with "mha" hint hard at a My Hero Academia game

That would be the coolest shit if true.

Did someone ask for an EGG?!