Is Sup Forums, dare I say, a "reddit" board?
Is Sup Forums, dare I say, a "reddit" board?
wtf i love Sup Forums now
>Sup Forums still has board cultu-
>This is your mindset at the top
Now that's dedication.
nah it's Sup Forums
>every day until you like it
>this is your mindset
>i'm a big guy for you
the triforce of autism
>that fucking /o/ lap picture
What's the point of this thread?
Where can you find the most reposted images per board?
>muh frogposters
I'm surprised none of the console wojaks are there desu
Probably only a matter of time until WIRRRR is there at this rate
>Stirner below Rand
what happen
>barneyfag is number 1
>Number 1 repost is Barneyfag
I can't fucking breathe
I actually find that one hilarious and search for it in the catalog
was there ever any doubt about that?
Corvette vs GTR is the worst cancer
Better if you don't visit /o/
Does every board have some sort of [thing] vs [thing]?
Probably but as you can see the most reposted image on /o/ is thing vs thing
What's #6 for Sup Forums? I don't recognize that.
Where are these sourced from?
Barney image
Are there anymore for other boards?
Obviously dont post the porn boards because this is a christian board
>the gtr weeb shills made it to the top reposts on /o/
>normie boards spam normie memes
who would have thunk
So... Sakura fish is still a thing after all this years?
why is Sup Forums the best fucking board
what part of "every day until you like it" don't you get?
How is people not liking it already?
At least it's not as bad as Sup Forums.
Where is FLAOT?
what is the difference between the 2 mcchicken?
What happened to Sup Forums even? I remember them being half a porn board while shitposting their hearts out against moderators but now that fizzled out.
Pepe really should have died when it was still sadfrog.jpg
You're shitting me, he's on there twice? I know he started most of the threads himself, but that's just pure insanity. You'd think they'd start to filter the image.
Daily reminder that /r9k/'s original deletion caused the autists there to go to their next favorite hobby and caused Sup Forums to forever be associated as a feelfag board. People on Sup Forums now just use their Wojaks to console shitpost akin to calling Nintendo or Sonyfags soyboys or nu-males
porn posters moved to Sup Forums making a mod thread usually gets deleted before enough replies so that's gone. Australians hardly shitpost anymore now they've moved to /asp/, we have canadian shitposters now. desu it's hardly changed. old memes die new memes replace
Feelsguy anf nu-wojak are completely different things, just like sadfrog and nu-pepe
One symbolizes old Sup Forums, the other represents post-normalfag-invasion Sup Forums
>gtr vs corvette
truly gods chosen posters
I miss Kornheiser.
>it's not a reddit meme when I use it!
fuck off 2010 nigger
2005 but yeah, whatever man
Doesn't matter, feelshit is feelshit.
sakurafish got permabanned by the same faggot mod that deletes anything loli related
global mods were a mistake
I have big folder of pepe images, but I'm going back to posting wojaks lately because brainlet wojak is one of the best recent memes.
>every day until you like it
>this is your mindset
What are these?
They're lurk more before posting faggot
Sakurafish and Barneyfag.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Does this board have martial arts? I have always wondered where you can talk about things like BJJ/MMA training on Sup Forums. /fit/ seems mostly uninterested and when I checked Sup Forums before it was just people talking about pro matches which I don't even follow.
Sup Forums hasn't had its own board culture since about 2008.
He's called "Sup Forumsojak" on the other boards.
Jesus fucking Christ why do you newfags even come to this website?
If you don't know you shouldn't be here.
>giving him an @
You know those are rarer than (You)'s right?
Reddit appropriated all of our culture. Hypocrites.
People have been doing every day until you like it since pretty much day one though.
I dunno, maybe I have seen them and just ignored them because they are shit posts.
Everyday until you like it applies to a lot of things that used to be posted but I am guessing this is some new iteration.
This is your mindset reminds me of a screencap like pic related (but not pic related, couldn't be fucked trying to find the exact one I was thinking of).
>some new iteration.
unbelievable. you truly make me sick
Unironically end your life
>Kubo made it into top 5
We don't deserve him
this is the best thing to get circulated in years
amerimutt started years ago senpai
He's in the top 5 because he's THAT much of a hack.
this was literally created months ago after the 56% article. maybe you're talking about shart in pants
we had some impressive amount of OC coming for this
the original 56% face is from 2015, but some chilean in Sup Forums spammed his new pics and it all snowballed from there
>keeping these abominations on your pc
Christ, everything Sup Forums and below is just cancer.
I wish I could kill the 'people' who took the time to make this shit
And I'm european so you don't get to call me butthurt amerifat or anything like that
I really, really like that image.
amerimongrels has been a term thrown around here for a long time, newcunt
I knew this guy is autistic but I refuse to accept that he is THAT autistic.
How many of them are imposters?
We may never know.
The problem with /po/ is that they "recruit" newfags for their delusional culture war.
those mods are uironic redditora, why do I still visit this godforsaken site. There's not a hint of integrity left
damnit, those Japanese paper folding posters are at it again!!!
Weeaboo isn't misused, though. It's used exactly as Wapanese was.
This might be the best image ever created
>Weeaboo isn't misused
it has been misused on this site for a while now
fuck origami and fuck asian people
I had figured it felt like there was less OC because I am no longer as involved as I used to be. I have a busy life now and only spend a couple hours on Sup Forums every odd evening when I used to spend entire days here viewing the latest posts firing up pirated photoshop to contribute alongside them.
I thought I just had less exposure to the OC that didn't survive but I suppose even Sup Forums these days is mostly just recycled threads (may as well be /bg/ like /vg/).
Now there is something I have not heard in sometime.
>Weeaboo isn't misused, though.
>I like anime = weeaboo
>I like Japanese game = weeaboo
What a horrible night to be on Sup Forums.
Yeah, good MSpaint editing skills kid.
>2/4 of /ck/s are mchicken
i love it
It was used in the same way back then to refer to the same people, now it's just vastly overblown because normalfags started using it too everywhere.
What's that Descartes quote? Any community that gets its laughs from behaving like idiots will eventually be flooded by idiots who believe they are in good company?
I laughed at the Anons spamming that back in the day but fuck. Am I getting old or is Sup Forums getting old?