Enjoy a game very much

>enjoy a game very much
>can't find any other similar to it
What's her name Sup Forums?


Metal Gear Rising, Mass Effect.



World of Warcraft

vagrant story


LITERALLY no other game like it.


Smash Bros



Metroid prime

Just Cause 2 Multiplayer during beta when there was only one server with 2000 players and no teleport option.

Playstation... hehe... All-Stars.... heheheh... Battle Royale pfffttHAHAHAHAHAHA

Battle network
yeah there's star force but I've finished those too

Lost Kingdoms 2.

fuck you for reminding me of this fact, god damn; every fucking MMO is shit right now, WoW has officially gone down the toilet since draenor, EVE is a gigantic pile of autism and aids that anyone whos even remotely sane does not want to touch, runescape has gone full jew, all the anime MMO's are full fucking korean grindy garbage shit and everything else is god damn dead.

Worms 3d

Klonoa 2, not in terms of platformer but story. I guess its to late

>just the right amount of autism for eu4
>not enough for hearts of iron
What do Sup Forums?


Get vaccinated

It is too simple as vanilla and installing mods just break the game so much with bugs and unbalanced shit but wish it was more lasting and filled with more end game content.
Factorio is more like what I want but it is 2d and it is not finished yet.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Pretty much nothing else out there like it. Closest I've gotten is the Metro series which is really only a match in tone and a crappy indie game called the Signal from Tolva, which ended up being more like Far Cry 3 with really shitty gunplay and a S.T.A.L.K.E.R coat of paint.

Hogs of War

Godhand, Catherine and Resonance of Fate. To some extent.

Front Mission 3

one of these days I'll get a sequel

Mother 3

Rivals of Aether
Icons combat arena (this on will be free)

it looks like just another character action game. What's special about this one?

Bionic Commando 09

ark the lad
rubble trouble

isn't infinifactory the exact same in 3D? there's a ton of those type games.

kingdom hearts (2)


Umm Iwant a sanbox where you explore and build, but not just build
That game you mention seems like it is just based around building stuff to build more stuff only

Hand of Fate (2)

GunZ: The Duel

try Tunguska

this. Holy shit the airport was nuts

Wurm Unlimited


Halo 3 custom maps


Spore's space stage. I've yet to find anything that can fill the need to have that experience again.

I loved the spice trading from system to system, and slowly conquering the huge galaxy, planet by planet. It was nice and easy, too, so I barely pay attention and listen to audiobooks.

That was a great game,shame is dismissed by so many people.

Fuck off
Afro Samurai, Alpha Protocol
Splinter Cell
Space Rogue
Dark Cloud 2
The Precursors

The Guild 2. Preferably without bugs, unfortunately the Guild 3 has kept that tradition going, but what can you expect from a game still in alpha.

Dragon's dogma
If anyone knows anything with at least similar gameplay, best tell me boy

Dark Souls 1. I hate that the sequels became dumbed down DMC clones that focused on the combat and bosses and skipped the interesting encounter design and level design from DaS1 and DeS.

Mountain Blade

Alpha Protocol