What does rockstar mean by this?

What does rockstar mean by this?

Its almost suprising they assume they'll get games at decent quality

>Shitch is bad hardware

Why you surprised? Look at the state their flagship title released in.

how can people play games at such low framerate?

b-b-b-b-b-but it's PORTABLE

>Switch is a second forward
>PS3 shows framedrops 1 second later

not as bad drops as switch
how sad you have to compare to 12 year old hardware

At least Nintendies can run Skyrim in 60 fps.

they wish
30fps and looks like PS3

i love ya nintendo but ya blew it

i was planning on getting my first nintendo console since n64 but i cba with a console that has worse performance than a goddamn smartphone

1) Switch runs, at worst, at higher res than the PS3 version
2) Compare any handheld to the previous gen home console. Compare GBC to NES, GBA to SNES let alone N64, Vita to PS3

All of 3 them have shit frame rates.

How are you still posting pre-patch screenshots when DF even uploaded a video showing this was just a streaming issue that was fixed. Literally the only area with framerate dips anymore is just the korok forest.

switch runs 600p

U just have to be a delusional nindrone and you will eat any shit that shittendo poops out. Tons of ppl still are nostalgic about GoldenEye on64 even to it was running at 6-18fps

Switch runs at 1080p with scaling to 1440x1080.

I don't understand the point of PS4pros after looking at so many of these benchmarks. They're either identical fps wise to the normal PS4, or have so few extra frames it doesn't matter. Why the fuck would anyone extra money for so little extra?

Read my post, retard. But here's a post-patch shot anyway. Garbage hardware

Decades of conditioning.

VR craze and 4k TVs becomimg mainstream. Even if pro can only checkboard render and upscale, all that matters is normies think 4k.




who cares? the game is designed to run at 30 anyway, which is shit to begjn with.

>the game is designed to run at 30 anyway

and switch fails at that

Looks like Oblivion on the 360

it's just of the major problems

Right looks better.

>more color
>less clutter
>can focus on objective rather than trying to figure out what the fuck is in front of me

clearly a bait image

>more color
different time of day
>less clutter
lol. Giant camps and other actual landmarks are clutter?

y-yeah let's just make all games use rainbow textures for the max color guys

Just stop.

There's no excuse why the PS4 and Switch versions aren't 60fps. Rockstar can't optimize for shit.


you're lying to yourself buddy