20 out of 26 characters are considered non-meta

>20 out of 26 characters are considered non-meta
>choosing any of these 20 characters will get you banned

>playing for fun gets you banned
>banter gets you banned
>teabagging gets you banned
>using voicelines gets you banned
>using sprays gets you banned
>saying gg gets you banned
>doing your best but losing gets you banned
>not buying loot boxes gets you banned
>winning too much gets you banned
>trying too hard in quick play gets you banned

Defend this, Overfags.

yet you'll still play it

>Choose to play competitive mode
>Complain when people bitch at you for treating competitive like it's quick play

I though we where talking about every moba ever

[citation required]

>he has a "main" character
>he doesn't understand that this game is about picking counters to your enemies

The game's been out for 1.5 years how slow are you?

don't forget reporting people gets you banned too.

you can grief as much as you want in dota without any consequence

Imagine being so butt-blasted and autistic to post made up bullshit here daily.

You don't have to play it.

then what the fuck do I play huh?
TF2 is dead and boring
LoL and Dota 2 are shit
Paladins is just a rip off of Overwatch
what the fuck do i play

next time just make a thread saying "i hate blizzard" so you don't have to lie on the internet.

Don't play anything, get a life


you're free to play for fun
just not in fucking competitive

>people get banned for 1tricking in comp with no voice and no team cooperation
system working as intented
you can't be that fucking stupid to deny it

>winning too much gets you banned
>trying too hard in quick play gets you banned
shit I remember that video

How about instead of dropping people into a game randomly and letting everyone fight about it and hope they figure it out and ban them if they don't, Overshit instead does what every MMO has been doing for the past fucking decade and has party finders by class choice so you can pick whoever the fuck you want and get dropped into a team with characters that fucking work together without arguments?

Fuck that, I melt people with Zenyatta since the beta, and do better with him than most people do with meta heroes. If he doesn't work I switch, but being harassed to pick meta before the match has even started is retarded.


lmao a life?
ahahah the get a life ocmeback everyone

Why don't they just let you not select the non-meta characters in competitive mode?
Why even have 20 non-usable characters when you can spend that time and effort to have fewer but more balanced characters?

>Paladins is just a rip off of Overwatch
paladins isn't a overwatch copy
this meme need die

then the other team will report you for not giving them competition you retarded blizzcuck

>banned for losing to the enemy team

So that you can play whoever you want when you're playing 6 stack.
But you're probably too autistic to even talk to your parent, yet even be able to communicate with 5 other people

>playing to win and having fun are exclusive concepts
this is the true cancer

>teabagging gets you banned
good, amerimutts should go play gaylo

Meanwhile in the only Moba that matters
>Cyka blyat ebani pizdec I fuck your mother *please wait for PutinVodkaInvoker to reconnect*
>"Haha GG FF WP faggots I am smurfing because a loser bought my services to boost this account to 5k, 100 euro per 1000 MMR cum git gud pm for ERP" RRRRAMPAGE Bloodseeker is Godlike, somebody stop him!!!
>Stop taking my lasthits, why aren't you buying wards I will report you *you have no more reports to give this week*
>Radiant had lost the game.
>You must win 5 games to get out of Low Priority Queue *counter randomly resets*
>New patch update: game balanced for top 1% fuck everyone else buy our workshop shit you fags
Adding cellphone numbers *really* improved matchmaking guuuiiseee FUCKING WORSE THAN EVER

This is why I can't get into ASSFAGGOTS or OW stuff, you can't have a main and I want to just pick one character and be really good at them. It's why I really like fighting games; for the character proficiency.

tf2 aint dead you gay cunt

As an overfag I don't defend this. I uninstalled a few weeks ago.

Yeah that would be true if you couldn't get mass reported for picking off meta and end up in low priority queue.

S76 literally works in every line-up.

How about no gay meme shooters and play real games?

He's not entirely wrong
Cancer is very often fun

Speaking of trying too hard

>Play qp
>Hanzo + Widow + 3 DPS every time
I just want to play casual matches that are not a shitfest