Protoss players will defend this

>Protoss players will defend this.

Actually, they will defend this.

Thank god they are finally getting nerfed.

SCV ready to go sir


It is a good feeling to see SC2 threads

How do you defend playing SC2 in 2017? You weren't around when the game was actually hype, back in 2010/1/2?

Stopped playing SC2 late WoL and recently came back. The game is so much better now it's unbelievable. Shame that it took 7 years to get here.

Been playing since day 1 and never really stopped.

What did he mean by this?

What is that, a Naaru?

>Forget to put Zealot in wall on hold position.
>Out of all games this is the one where the Zerg build like 30 lings early on and they all run into your base and rape your probes.

This game is so fucking unforgiving.

Wait, Raynor! You cannot kill Kerrigan! The future depends on it! And so does the past!
>Who the hell are you?
I'm the Protoss ghost of christmas past from the future, and I'm here to help you save the Koprulu Sector!
>What the hell does that have to do with anything?
Well I'm glad you asked because THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGOOOO there was a bloody war between man and machine! Man fought tooth and nail to defeat the rampaging devices, but their leader, Christian Bale, was blinded by greed and bitterness, and it was to be his downfall, for he was murdered in his sleep by his wife, Bryce Dallas-Howard, who was, it turns out, a deadly cylon agent.

Played my first ladder games the other day and got matched with a dude in Master 3. When he realize I was a scrub he didn't shittalk me or anything, but coached me for like 2 hours on the basic of the game and invited me to a training clan full of pretty nice guys. Really appreciate communities like that.

My story was the exact opposite.
>win WoL off of some raffle thing
>install it
>enjoy the campaign on Normal
>get into multi
>realize the campaign doesn't teach you shit
>ask around in certain places
>they tell me to fuck off and git gud
>Day9 dailies are fun to watch but I realize I don't even have the most basic RTS skills and I don't know where to hone them
>no clue where to ask
>feel gatekept from the MP experience as there is no arcade
>Starcraft 2:
>where making barriers is a useful talent toi have
>IdrA leaves the game.

>only way to defend against them as Zerg is to rush mutalisks
Great unit. Fun match-up.

Community has gotten a lot better over the years. Most cancerous faggots flock to other games now.

>Going Muta vs stargate opener.
You can defend normal Orcale openers with Queens and a Spore in each mineral line, which you start building at 3:40. Best way to beat mass Oracle these days is to just stay defensive on 4 bases and tech up to Vipers. The new parasitic bomb SHREDS Oracles.

t. gm zerg

Never played an RTS game before, will this run on a toaster?

Co-op is fun.



Maybe, I played WoL in a all-in-one PC with a Intel HD, with little to no flaws

I'm playing on my 3 year old toaster laptop on low settings
you get a lite lag here and there, but it's fine

Yeah. I played it 5 years ago on a crappy laptop.

What are you guys talking about? Playing the campaign with 30fps? Because I guarantee you that you won't be able to maintain 60+fps in maxed out fights in mp.

I have a bottlenecked GPU desktop that works most games pretty well but I get massive FPS stuttering in co-op once massive armies start piling up.

I'm not a huge fan of starcraft but holy fuck, wrecking shit as alarak in coop is great. I hope warcraft IV has coop and heroes.

Yes, it's a 7 year old game after all. With all settings down you can run this on old iGPUs without issues.