>game starts of with the protagonist being a good guy
>ends with him becoming bad
What are some games that do this?
>game starts of with the protagonist being a good guy
>ends with him becoming bad
What are some games that do this?
Spec Ops: The Line
Jade Empire if you take the best path
Walt was never a good guy. He started as a normal guy.
Walter was never really good. He was just living his life in a neutral state where he really didn't have to make any moral choices at all.
As soon as he starts making choices, he always goes for the bad ones.
If you think he was driven to evil by the costs of his cancer treatments, the series goes out of its way to debunk that.
Streets of Rage if you accept the final bosses offer.
Walter was a more vengeful antagonist than the actual antagonists
You could say he's a repressed bad guy, showing deep rancor towards former friends for something who's fault relies entirely on him
dis desu. the fact that he has enough money to cover the treatments and more, but continous to do business as well as putting his own family at risk, with no stopping him, shows how evil he becomes as the story progresses
Jedi Academy if you choose the dark side.
>bad guy
what? He's just trying to protect his family, there's nothing good or bad about it
One of his "old enemies" outright states he wants to make things right by covering his treatment. He refuses. There was literally no need for any of this.
>gets his brother in law killed
>puts his own family at risk
>continues to do so throughout the series
how's it feel to be on the spectrum?
those mistakes don't make him the bad guy though. He didn't want to get hank killed, he tried to save him even though hank knew his identity
>it's a "soyboys don't understand that real men have to make decisions and take risks" episode
Will there ever be a bigger wild ride than Breaking Bad?
LOST was wilder
The Wire already exists
Shadow of the Colossus
I love the wire, but not even close
FFIV but the other way around
That’s actually just revealed that you are the bad guy all along, not that you’re good going bad
Yeah, remember how he said he wanted an empire? He was butthurt about the company he started with his friend and just wanted something that rivaled the feeling he would have had as the owner of a large company. The stuff about cancer and his family were just his cover.
I mean The Wire is great but can it be called a "wild ride"? It's not really that type of show. There's some surprising moments but generally it's based on cause and effect.
True Detective Season 1 is the wildest ride ive had
it clearly details how big boss became evil, or "nuclear", so to speak
wrong. thats not even boss, thats medic. and he has no wish to do the things he does.
This. He was always a bad guy, he just wasn't powerful.
that was what everyone THOUGHT the game would be
sen no kiseki
>man has no drive in life
>lives in a constant passive state
>"u have the kankers"
>thinks about the way he lived his life
>"wew, i contributed almost nothing long-term to my family"
>sees the possibility of using chemistry to cook meth for a quick buck
>realizes that he's suddenly taken seriously
>people validate him
>he feels alive
>the craft becomes his passion
>he dies for his passion the way he wanted
Yes decisions like "should I cook meth and get involved with cartel sociopaths because I wanna be remembered as the bald scarface?"
At what point should he have stopped?
>Walt keeps getting away with it
>Hank doesn't actually dig himself out and stop him
When he let Jane died. I hated the piece of shit even before that moment. There was no need to continue meth production at all but he still manipulated Jessie into continuing the production.
Most of the things for which Walter White is "blamed" weren't even morally wrong things to do.
The only thing he does in the entire series that's morally grey is having the white power gang kill all those people in prison, and even then that presupposes that Mike's former team aren't just as awful criminals as he was.
Every other person Walter kills actually deserved it... and even though he wasn't the one who killed Gale, if you give him "credit" for it, it was the most obvious case of duress imaginable.
i just started and finished breaking bad a few months ago and I can’t find another TV show that hooked me as much as that show did. I keep hearing The Wire is close to it but not as goodvideogames
Prototype, I guess?
You might have always been the villain in that, with the eating people and all
Napoleon: Total War
Too much build-up
"Muh muh my scientific meth formula"
"Muh muh purity is pure blue 98-99%"
These are the only reason that kept that old whinny faggot going with his life to the very end. I'm glad Jessie grew some balls and betrayed walter. Walter got to obsessed with his scientific meth formula and production to the point were he didn't care about the innocent people around him. His stupid pride is what lead him to his end.
Wire is slower paced but better imo, well worth watching
>the innocent people around him
Which ones were those? The drug addicts, the cartel hitmen, or the scummy lawyers?
Because he shows genuine regard for the few actually innocent people who get caught up in his mess.
Any Blizzard game ever?
>Killing drug dealers and king pins
They aren't even human though, millions of people could die and I wouldn't give a fuck if they were drug dealers. I'd actually clap in appreciation.
You want to bring your dead love back to life, what's wrong with that?
I can't say if he was evil, but he is the most incompetent gangster I've ever seen in a show. If everything goes wrong it's mostly because Walter was stupid at some point.
The only real professional was Mike and he was too good for his own sake.
Star Wars Kotor 1 & 2 probably count, although they're pretty neutral at the start. Then there's SW: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, you start as a Jedi Padawan, but you can turn to the dark side at the end, even if you do or don't have any dark side related abilities or not.
>You are still a good person.
When he made a deal to work with Gus for millions. He had everything he needed at that point - family was still ok with him, Jesse was safely out of the picture, his deal would make more than enough money to cover treatment + everything for his family. Literally all he had to do was show up and work with amazing high-price machinery to produce his perfected product.
And then he fucks around with all of it because he thinks Gale is annoying or something, and that fuckery leads to Gus deciding Gale could learn and replace him because Walt is too unstable.
Warcraft 3
No, he liked Gale. He just had a pathological need to control Jesse.
>killing a bunch of shitskins that would become "immigrants" and terrorize peaceful people makes you a bad guy
t. armchair gangster
>If Lugo were still alive, he would likely suffer from PTSD. So really, he's the lucky one.
kill yourself
Sorry Ahmed, we Westerners don't do the whole "martyr" bullshit you and your kind are into.
>"just shut up and let me die in peace"
Walter was just idiot from the beginning till the end. I'm surprised skyer was still willing to stay with him after he blew up a patient room in the hospital.
>protagonist goes apeshit after losing everything, commences genocide, hurts innocents
>realises his mistakes in the very end and is granted a happy end
Need to replay Spec Ops and kill as many shitskins as possible! MAGA!
I love Mike so much. He was too good with Walter. I felt bad when he died.
Walter should have just also put Jesse on his back like he did with Jane and he would have no more problems in the world
Hearts of Iron Hitler :^)
He was originally supposed to actually come in and give her ANOTHER fucking dose and actively kill her. Vince Gilligan got veto'd by the rest of the writers - too bad too soon.
Jesse was unstable and threatening to expose the whole thing just to fuck with Hank and Walt didn't see a way out of it other than to bribe him with a job at Gus' meth lab. Of course he couldn't tell Gus "hey you need to let this crazy meth head work for you or he'll fuck me" because Gus would have just murdered Jesse so he had to fire Gale to justify a replacement.
>Shadow of the Colossus
Protagonist is not a bad guy, and neither is the "demon" that possesses him. They're just locked away forces, forbidden from the new dominant religion.
drug king pins don't have power if drugs aren't illegal. it's all business, man.
>people still think walter wasn't completely morally irredeemable even though the show goes out of its way to prove it
even vince thinks people who didn't get it are dumb
In Prototype the protagonist is not a villain. In fact whatever sprung from Alex Mercer's corpse is less evil than that sack of shit was during life.
Sure, he kills innocent people. But that's the dark hero type for you.
Raiden goes from fuccboi to emo soyboy, to angry faggot to self righteous nigger
truly the half measure that sealed walt's fate
had he killed the addict he would be fine
Same shit with Tony Soprano. Chase got pissed as fuck by the end of it which is why the last episode is Melfi basically saying "TONY IS A FUCKING IRREDEEMABLE SOCIOPATH"
Jesse was broken after Jane's death and it didn't seem like he was going to expose anything, but idk I don't recall the particulars
Jesus christ this soyboy shit is incredibly forced. This and all the brainlet posting, why are people trying to force shit now?
Well yeah, without Jesse he would have just made top notch meth for gus, earned hojillions, and died without ever getting caught
Why does everyone like this show again?
Lowbrow, needlessly violent crap about drug dealers masquerading as high brow entertainment, just like every pretentious tits and bums show on at the moment.
>why are people trying to force shit now?
you must be new here.
Peace Walker
Breaking Bad ruined me. I can't get attached to characters in any show as well as I could to the ones in Breaking Bad. As far as video games, I guess it's pretty obvious but the end parts of Nier are always wild rides. Whether you think they're good games or not the last few hours get pretty tense.
the important thing is that you've made this floating isolated post and feel superior to everyone else
next time just type it into notepad and pretend like you posted it
I'm retarded and got the point of the thread mixed up in my head while reading replies.
Didn't Jesse want to expose it because Hank beat the shit out of him for that prankcall
>ctrl f snake eater
>0 results
Come on, Sup Forums.
The Wire is great and my favourite show of all time, but it's stupid that The Wire and BB get compared all the time. The Wire is pretty slow and shows a lot of characters to tell one giant overarching story, while BB is fastpaced and great at keeping you in suspense but only has a handful of actually interesting characters.
He had to get Jesse back to work; Jesse wanted to destroy Hank's life with the police brutality lawsuit. Getting Jesse back into the meth trade was a necessary part of making sure he viewed the abuse incident as a "get out of jail free card" and didn't target Hank.
Walt forced Gale out to keep Hank from having his life destroyed.
Did nobody fucking watch the show?
Your whole military complex is built on it and always has been. All you did was validate it via government.
>tfw just finished season 3 lately but I don't mind the spoilers
I just wish Walter let Jessie die
It's only because of that one Family Guy episode that treated them as similar in being "shows that are actually just a hypnosis program that forces you to recommend them to your friends"
Suddenly everyone mentions them in the same breath.
he was a beta faggot anyway
bioshock infinite
braid, dummy
Never heard of that episode. Yet this discussion comes up all the time when people talk about their favorite tv-shows.
I still feel bad for Jesse