WE did it AGAIN, Sup Forums!
WE didn't let ourselves be controlled by the sheeples!
WE did it AGAIN, Sup Forums!
WE didn't let ourselves be controlled by the sheeples!
why do sony fans have terrible taste
2k18 is the best game on that page desu
those top 10 are fucking terrible
What? I thought those never sold, not even with countries that play Cricket.
When you have no games you take what you can.
>that top 10
>all those normie games
That's terrible.
I'm a sony shill and those games wouldn't even be in my top 5000.
In fact I'd rather inject cooking oil in my veins than touch any of those games.
For you fucking retards here, this us the top selling PS4 games in Australia last week
What the fuck else came out last week?
It just so happens that Sony has the current best selling console, which means most of the normies are buying PS4 games along with the habitual playstation fans. The top selling games are always the most normie and lowest comon denominator shit games, that's why we call them that.
Let’s see your Nintenbro top 10 list then
>1. beeng beeng wahoooo
>2. legend of peter pan syndrome
>3. 1-2 switch
>4.-10. nogaems
I don't own any other Switch games.
imagine being this triggered
2K18 forces micro-tranasctions for stats. Boycott it!
*1up posts*
Fuck everyone who owns the Normiestation 4. Including me.
PS4 is my kingdom hearts and yakuza machine
>Need For Speed beat Gran Turismo
are you dissing lego marvel superheroes 2?
im afraid im gonna have to arrest you.
>The Sims 4 on PS4
when the fuck did this happen?
That looks like a list from australia
Because it is
>b-b-b-but nintendo
Thank god, I bought three copies just to fuck over reddit's le epic communist protest.
>Post a list of games that came out a month to half a year ago.
>Except Battlefront 2 which came out this week.
>Make a list of TOP 10 THIS WEEK.
>Not expecting this clickbait shit to happen.
If you fall for this, you're a fucking idiot. Of course a game that just came out is going to sell better in one week than a game three months ago.
Is this a parody account?
The profile picture is a little over the top.
color me surprised
No, that's fucking NeoGAF.
feels good to be a freethinker and not being a part of the reddit hivemind
They're not Sony fans. They have a PS4 because Xbox fucked up at the beginning of this gen. Knowing Sony, next gen they'll be arrogant and people will go bwck to Xbox. Normies don't care about what console plays their games, so long as they can play em, and with friends.
You know exactly what you've done.
You ain't getting a bite from me today, buddy boy.
>aussies have shit taste
No surprise here, even the biggest shitposter on this board is an aussie
How do you know if they are Sony fans?
Oh please, do you not remember the shit taste Sony fanboys had last gen?
Remember how Killzone 2 is b-better than Halo 3!
Oh I fucking remember. I'm glad to see them turn into FIFA machines. They've reaped what they sowed. It's only gonna get worse for them when Sony puts the patent for ads they have to full use. I'll be so fucking turned on by seeing them die that my cock will bore through the earth destroy this fucking planet.
>People ITT actually falling for OPs clickbait
Yeah, big suprise a AAA game with a marketing budget higher than the dev budget managed to top the charts for the week it was released in on consoles
>meanwhile the top seller on steam is pubg
thank god the master race is here to save us with their superior chink garbage
Ark topped the psn store for 3+months in a row with zero marketing.
How autistic you need to be to make these collages?
Asking for my mom.
>he doesn't want to bully gooks and kikes
I mean, I get Sony fanboys not wanting to bully heebs and slant eyes, but that's due to high concentrations of soy.
Guilt by association
You are trying to paint any support for Sony as degeneracy because there exists retards in this world. That would be like calling you a pedophile for frequenting Sup Forums and posting like an obsessed loser.
Sony made a patent for advertisment but they never used it for anything yet you are still saying this is bad for some reason. The reality of the situation is that Sony has the most exclusive games with high production values and that gives a clear signal that Sony is leading this industry hardcore.
>I'll be so fucking turned on by seeing them die that my cock will bore through the earth destroy this fucking planet.
You really are a toddler aren't you?
Killzone 2 was better than Halo btw
And people wonder why they keep trying to sell this shit for 60 bux
I almost thought you were gonna make a point, but I get it now user. Funny joke. :3c
I didn't make these. And tell her you need the same amount of autism as your son. She'll know what that means.
I never played either Killzone 2 or Halo 3. I'm a Sonyfan but I don't care about shooters. The only one I really enjoy is Overwatch.
It it could include the VR version that just came out
Wake me up when sony do a game with a jump button that don't suck.
(Also point me at a good place to buy a PS4 if this game just happens to be a cool ass 3D acrobatic platformer, because having to wait 10+ years to nintendo to release another one of those instead of just doing shit 2.6D lego marios is quite harsh and would be nice to have something else from the same genre to play)
I'm honestly curious in how that version is.
But I don't have a son. Are you sure you're not autistic?
Top fucking kek. I know for certain that Sony doesn't have shit to do with money hatting websites.
>I almost thought you were gonna make a point, but I get it now user. Funny joke. :3c
Come up with an argument instead.
Why are Sony games "shit taste" ?
Why wouldn't the most popular platform be getting praise?
You are severely delusional.
Crash N. Sane Trilogy? Uncharted? Both have jump buttons.
Well, I feel sorry for yall. You got lumped in with retards who think Uncharted (sans 2) is any good, people who said Sony Smash was any good, DS3 was a better controller than 360's, etc.
>Asking for my mom
>And tell her you need the same amount of autism as your son
>tell her
that'll be $59.99 my friend
What the fuck is your problem?
Crash is a linear blaster master with bad camera and uncharted is a watered down tomb raider.
Are you taking some sort of pills to keep your autism in check?
Asking for my mom.
More like $410. I don't have a PS VR in the first place.
killzone 2 multiplayer was better than halo 3
>the absolute state of the gaystation
just buy it user
Okay, let's start with how low the fucking bar is for "good" games on Sony platforms.
Horizon is a mediocre game with an ugly as sin protagonist, with a plot as predictable as the combat is bland, but it's nominated for a GOTY from Spikes Game Awards. If it was multiplatform, It'd be considered bland.
Knack 2 is a fucking thing.
They basically retconned the ending of the best PS3 game (inFamous 2) to make a shitty cash in for the PS4 launch.
They've made more than one fucking Killzone game.
That's just the tip of the fucking Playstation Iceburg.
>Sup Forums still deluded into thinking they’re an active voice in anything
It’s time to let go
knack 2
>Horizon is a mediocre game with an ugly as sin protagonist, with a plot as predictable as the combat is bland
Sounds like Zelda to me.
Who brought up Zelda, you fucking potato nigger?
No Todd.
>console plebs have shit taste!!
Let's see what top steam games are... Oh... Oh my...
Hello Muhammed, How's PSN doing right now? FIFA enjoyable?
Hey man, I loved Horizon. That's fine that you didn't like it, but it's objectively a good game. I put 230 hours into it.
I did. Give me a minute, I'll recheck.
I rented it, put 60 hours into it and felt like if I played anymore of it my brain would jam the controller down my throat. It's cool if you like something. Never let anyone say you can't like something. I'm just giving my thoughts.
But Aloy is ugly as sin. Same with 99% of the models for human beings desu
What's wrong with FIFA? I've never played a single sports game, but I constantly see a stream of HURR FIFA HURR posting, coming from nin-toddlers.
Maybe share a couple of argument on why FIFA is bad?
I wouldn't know as I'm too busy enjoying BotW to care.
Nier and Divinity are already better than anything on ps4 top 10 by far.
Pc list is not great, but they don't even compare
They're not in top 10. Nice try though.
Both those are on PS4 too user.
>Playing ARPG's on console
Sorry for this post, I'm really drunk right now.
Why would you not play NieR on PS4? The PC port was pretty much sn afterthought.
Do you guys ever think we should just burn everything? And I mean all of it, videogames, politics, movies, comics, every single thing. The only way everything can be purified is through fire.
>literally all multi-plats
Please tell me how your console is the best console again