"Cuphead and the Racist Spectre of Fleischer Animation"

>"Cuphead and the Racist Spectre of Fleischer Animation"
>"It’s a mistake to whitewash history, not if we hope to improve upon the present. After all, the animation industry is still so white that a roundtable about diversity last year had only white men on it. The videogame industry is no better. It’s difficult to argue against the idea that this lack of diversity winds up having a strong effect on the kinds of stories that get told, and the sort of aesthetics and time periods studios feel comfortable borrowing from in the first place."

well, Sup Forums, was cuphead racist?


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The fact that there are so many autistic journalists plaguing the industry is very depressing.

that's the thing: they aren't autistic
they're opportunistic vultures looking to write the most sensational articles they can for clicks

agreed, i imagine the author only encountered these 30's cartoons last week and just had to call cuphead racist because of it

please shut the fuck up already.

When can we finally fucking nuke fucking North America and their cancerous retarded degeneracy?


Cuphead and his pal Mugman, their fucking racist.

But King Dice is literally Keith David

>no one complains about the NBA being full of black guys, Hollywood being full of Jews or gardeners all being Mexicans
>but this is supposed to be bad

Stop giving attention to clickbait you massive faggot.

What's more depressing is idiots who fall for their bait hook line and sinker. These writers are just exploiting human psychology and competing in the online marketplace.

>(((Max Fleischer))

Do these journalist even realize that 1930 was a completely different time with a different mindset?

Good grief.

>King Dice
>Keith David

It fits

>Various forms of entertainment has strong racists culture behind it even till this day
>Only bring it up when it involves video games

The problem is that Burgers are such binary-minded retards they can't into context for the life of me. I don;t know what it is. It's like you never learned what critical thinking was so forming actual independent thoughts is impossible for Amerilards.
Same reason why these single-celled organisms are tearing down confederate statues because "MUH RAYCISSUM".

Ricky Gervais made a tweet a few years ago that was something like, as soon as we discover a cure for cancer, at least one group of individuals will cry, “what do you have against people with cancer?”

You can’t please everyone all at once. Warner Bros. releases these racist cartoons from the era they were produced in while pointing out that to hide/ignore these pieces is to pretend they never happened in the first place, and THAT’S where we begin to repeat our mistakes.


>posts archive link
where was i giving it attention again? unless you think people actually give a fuck about Sup Forums

being "oppressed" is literally all blacks have, so they don't want to let that go

typical bong obsessing over american cock like usual. it never fails that they get butthurt.

>crtical thinking
Schools here don't teach that, so it's understandable that you think most burgers are retards.

>well, Sup Forums, was cuphead racist?
no and the article doesn't argue this

Bad guy is black = racist.

Not the guy who you're replying to but i agree with him, most americans really have no clue how to argue. They think winning an argument is screaming their argument in your ear and deliberately ignoring the rebuttal, its like you're taught from day 1 to act entitled and dumb regardless of the scenario or context.

TL;DR burgers are fucking dumbasses

As long as people click on it and it makes money they will keep on doing it.

Remember nothing can exist if there's no money to be had. Teach people to adblock and avoid shitty websites.

Prove him wrong.
All these retarded white supremacy and white guilt narratives spawn from the USA, and you people actually fall for it because everyone is too gullible to think for themselves.


you should thank your lucky stars you're not speaking portugese you massive burger faggot

Agreed. American schools neither teach nor promote critical thinking skills unless you're in a gifted program. All they do is have you cram as much information as possible into your head in order to pass a test. Afterwards you throw it all away so that you can memorize more facts for the next test. When I was in 10th grade my history teacher was shocked that we had so much trouble answering document-based assessments (where you have to answer using your own interpretation of articles, illustrations, etc.). In middle school, we were pretty much taught that there is a right answer and a bunch of wrong answers, with no room for middle ground or opinions. Everything has a set formula or structure.

Is like the guy who created Sea Monkeys. He was literally a nazi

Who cares at this point, Cuphead has props for going old school af

This right here. They got nothing else to say about the game since everyone has gushed over it, so the only way to get views is say shit like "Could this game have racist undertones?" which like the OP showed was just a thinly veiled cloak for their real motive which was just to say the industry as a whole is racist. much like idiot alt-right journalists say "Could this be a conspiracy to kill white culture?"

Can kimmy boy just let the fucking nukes fly already? Literally who cares about this shit it's just manufactured controversy for clicks. There's nothing stopping minorities from creating a studio except the fact that they don't want to. People should have creative freedom to make whatever they want even if they're white

Why do you guys even read this bullshit? It's just boredfags writing about le evil Boogeyman racism in things that are completely innocent. The only reason they write about this shit is cause there's no war, wish we could ship these dipshits off to a warzone so they can appreciate their pampered lives more

>"it's difficult to argue against the idea that this lack of diversity winds up having a strong effect on the kinds of stories that get told, and the sort of aesthetics and time periods studios feel comfortable borrowing from in the first place"
I've been trying to break this down to make some sort of logical sense but just can't. How would a lack of diversity make developers uncomfortable about the time periods they borrow there stories from? Like what?

He's supposed to be based off Cab Calloway who did lots of work with the music in Betty Boop cartoons.


Yup it's like Sup Forums judging past games by modern standards. I swear it's all burgers in this poo hole

typical bong, can't resist keeping his mouth shut. wew lad!

is that so? tell that to the european union. merkel seems to have all of those faggots by the balls.

yeah, thank god i don't live in a crime infested rat hole that speaks niggerese. you sure hurt my feelings there, you limp wristed cocksucker!

They're saying that because they're racist, they have no problem taking elements from periods in which racism was strong i.e the old cartoons of the 20's and 30's which had lots of racism depending on what you watched. If they were more diverse we wouldn't be seeing this because people would just clump it all together as problematic because of the historical context which is really dumb.

My nigga

Diversity will cure all of our ‘problems,’ what’s so hard to understand about that?

>Barely 2 million mudslime refugees
>In a continent of over 510 million people
>Meanwhile is 50% of US is blacked
>With another 30% white americans being brainwashed into backing niggers
Your people are beyond retarded.


the SJW shit comes from europe


The article OP posted is clearly American, as are all other bullshit articles like it.

>you should thank your lucky stars you're not speaking portugese
>talks about london, as if london is a major portuguese speaking country

and you say burgers are stupid, look at yourself dipshit. you can't even type a proper sentence without having a stroke. "i irony being", good typing skills there waterhead. you're sealing the deal here.



Burger society is on the verge of imploding in on itself.

don't worry user it's not to late to come over here and get some free brain surgery on the nhs

>London, Paris and Berlin have been ethnically cleansed.
>Sweden won't even exist in the 22nd century
durr we're doing just fine

mhmm. so you're the type of knuckle dragger to post nigger memes on twitter replying to someone with reaction gifs of coons laughing hysterically. intredasting.


Sweden has NO GO zones ffs man.

the UK is 87% white

>>Barely 2 million mudslime refugees
that's like saying that someone has "barely few cancer cells"

people with power tend to step on those without power, nobody should apologize for the deeds of someone else

also fleischer animation is funny, and sometimes racism is funny too - in fact I'd go out on a limb and say that usually racism is funny.


>implying the UK will be part of europe in the near future

>hurr we're all fucked in 100 years time
I don't think you realize how pissed off the people in those countries are. The rising right wing parties is a indication we'll be back in power in about 5 years time. Unlike in a America your vote can actually have an impact.
Do you really think Yurops are just willing to throw away thousands of years of culture and ancestry just like that?

London is lost m8 sorry you had to hear it here

>muh black people love racism food

could it be that this (((stereotype))) exists because watermelons are literally from Africa and black people indeed love eating them there?

what's next? is it racist for a Chinese person to be eating fried rice?

>(est 2011)
Those percentages have definitely changed since then.

i don't live in london. most people outside of london hate it. it may as well be a different country to the rest of the uk.

Man Chinese food is so fucking good. For a bunch of bug men they sure do make goodass food.

I grew up in an international community and went to international schools.
Can confirm almost all stereotypes hold true in some shape or form.

Doesn't matter when Mohammed and his 15 wifes shit out five kids each all on Sven's money.

mugs and glasses are underrepresented

really convincing argument there champ

So where's the article about how Herald is racist...oh, wait, I forgot, its okay to have "problematic content" if you're part of the approved cabal.

If any medium of entertainment is enjoyed by straight white males, then it is 100% fully racist and so are you.

But it doesn't.

>japanese game being made in japan
>roundtable is all japs

Wow, so i guess they must be racist too! Nice logic! We must outcry and reform them, the demons! Nioh will be made live action of the murrican saving japan of its racism

You have what you consider a different country as your capital, your most populated city, and your brothers flee. You are in my prayers

thats from 7 years ago
also, they count arabs and ""white"" hispanics as white
so its really more like 56%

How much of a fucking faggot do you have to be to play Cuphead and think "Man I wish PoC weren't so underrepresented."

I almost feel sorry for those people honestly, you literally can't touch any art/entertainement product without associating it with political bullshit in some way. Must be horrible.

This is absolutely going to happen when we discover a way to fix autism.

Maybe for the U.K. 7 years is not enough time to seriously alter the 13% blacks in the us statistic. Blacks seem more plentiful in us because they congregate, so if you walk down Detroit you're convinced the country is lost, but leave the city and there's hardly any of them around.

>this type of comment gets replies like flies swarming shit
>user brings up actual discussion points
>0 replies

Anything related to gaming is autistic

>t. Butthurt Burger

Look at this awful post. This retarded american didn't even realize he was proving the other user's argument.

i mean maybe for him. ick, imagine being so triggered by an art style

>Burgers get called out for being retarded and pushing some shitty SJW narrative
>"B-but Yurop.. M-muh mudlimes"
Every tiem.

I don't understand what people like this WANT. Does he want a bunch of golliwogs and buck-toothed squinty-eyed chinamen caricatures in the game so that it's not "whitewashed?" Does he want some Assassin's Creed-esque disclaimer to appear every time you start the game reminding you of how rayciss Fleisher animation is and how you should feel bad? Would he have wanted the game to not be made at all? WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?