How does Sup Forums feel about the Horde finally being driven into the dirt?

How does Sup Forums feel about the Horde finally being driven into the dirt?

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When did Jaina become a "I'm tough I don't need no man to protect me" SJW cunt?

Oh just like they tried in MoP? Cannot fucking wait

When Thrall spurned her for a brown thot. It's widely regarded as his worst decision narrowly beating his idea of leaving the Horde with Garrosh.

>Jaina is in her late forties by now
>probably still a virgin

Who cares about the WoW story desu. It's all about the gameplay content

but with who?

shitty hairstyle
>clipping on a custom made model

When will Orcs finally get kicked out of Azeroth, as it should be?

Me kill orc niggers for mommy

little anduin obviously

im not at all feeling for this shitty lore, this braindead game. Blizzard destroyed the most beautiful game Reign of Chaos, they are not creative anymore, and the gameplay is repetitive, the characters are killed when needed not longer and it goes on like Game of Thrones.


implying arthas didn't smash the shit out of that before getting corrupted

Daelin was right

im pretty sure arthes fuck her in one of his novels.

>>clipping on a custom made model
It's in reference to that Frozen scene you stupid cunt.

>he thought the lore was ever good

I think the point is that they made a custom model and yet couldn't prevent the hair from clipping against the rest of the body

Typical bliz quality

it was before WoW BC.


Jaina "Father was Right" Proudmoore

>WC3 Lore
>literally "muh corruption" the fucking game. THe hayday of Metzen.
>Kiljaeden destroys an entire city with a sand castle
>proceeds to be killed by a bunch of wisps
>doesn't actually die and you have to fight him again later
>Arthas kills Illidan by slicing him straight up his fucking dick right up his neck with Frostmourne
>He survives this and goes to Outland to be killed again
>Metzen literally says "You guys want to see Illidan come back?" at Blizzcon.
>Garrosh was ashamed of his father in TBC, and was so dejected he didn't fight and couldn't lead
>Suddenly becomes a massive edgelord, becomes a key player for no fucking reason.

Warcraft has retarded as fuck lore that's gotten worse. It's only eclipsed by the absolute atrocity that was SC2.

Arthas canonically plowed her, in fact Arthas canonically cucked Kaelthas out of Jaina.

He meant it as a joke:

But still this is fucking pathetic blizz quality tbqh

That bitch needs some serious dicking. I bet she is still thirsting for that huge green cock she was denied.
She just wants a war to enslave orcs and make her hidden underground sex slave harem with them.

There is only one good human mage right now, and he is Dadgar.

She looks fucking retarded with those eyebrows what the hell were they thinking?

That wasn't Kil'jaedan. That was Archimonde.

Nowhere near fucking enough.

Delete Forsaken
Delete Orcs
Leave the rest be.

>proceeds to be killed by a bunch of wisps
This was Archimonde dumbass


When her green orc lover married another orc and his son blew up her city.

This is true, but Jaina probably gave Thrall's BGC at least one handy from how much they were hanging out.

>Kiljaeden destroys an entire city with a sand castle
That was cool as fuck. Also everything you listed is nu-craft lore.

> Cataclysm
> Horde takes over essentially the whole of Lordareon on the undead storyline
> Ends in Forsaken controlling the continent up to an including Arathi
> Battle for Azeroth
> They're driven out of Lordareon at the start
What is Blizzard thinking here? Actually, what do the changed in old continent even matter, its not like there is going to be content there?

None of the novels even imply anything of the sort, let alone flat out say it.
Arthas plowing Jaina and cucking Kael is flat out said in the Rise of the Witch King novel.

Is it ever explained why Night Elves have those wisps or why they turn into them on death?


He fucked his horse for sure because Christie Golden can't write for shit.

>pass most of Wrath cockblocking Varian to fight the horde

I will never forgive that

>Garrosh was ashamed of his father in TBC, and was so dejected he didn't fight and couldn't lead

This actually made no sense. They set Garrosh up to be extremely meek and worrisome in that Nagrand questline, supposedly so that he could become more like Thrall after accepting his heritage. But then, y'know, fuck that, he's just a psycho big bad evil man.

They already live in mudhuts. How much more in the dirt can they be driven?

I read that novel and it wasn't too bad, mostly because outside of prologue and epilogue it was just retread of WC3 and TFT.
Arthas being so obsessive over Invincible I bet was just forced by Blizz to warrant making that stupid horse a drop in ICC raid.

>Highmountain and Nightborne join the Horde
>tfw the Horde pretty much controls the Broken isles now

Basically when everything she did to be nice just blew up in her face.

This is severely understated and will probably never be brought up. Horde territories are ridiculous with those allies.

She's taking Kalec's scaly dick every day though

>it was Archimonde dumbass
Wow maybe make your characters different next time Metzen. I literally cannot tell the difference.

It's their connection to the world tree. If their mortal form dies they become a wisp and eventually an ancient

You need to read more stuff if you think this novel "wasn't too bad".

>final patch of the expansion
>it's about supporting your war effort in order to build an army to fight the opposing faction
>final boss of the expansion is a 40v40 battleground, pitting alliance players against horde players
>the faction who wins the most battles wins the war
>winning side captures all the opposing character's major cities and makes the azeroth they always dreamedd of
>losing side has their characters deleted and subscriptions permanently terminated
>no more expansions

Kalec is definitely a sub in that scenario.

Would never work. There must always be a war(craft).

Through Worgen knot - Unity

I read a lot actually, it was the only WC novel I even read since I got it with WotLK.
And I found it harmless. It wasn't good, but it was harmless.

Is "There must always be a Lich King" the biggest ass pull in all of video game history?

Night Elves and Worgen control Val’Sharah

>not horsedick

Isn't that the blue dragon that stopped her from flooding orgrimmar? Which literally just led into the horde nuking Teldrassil like they nuked Theramore? No way she's with him.

It was literally nothing, just generic Warhammer/Tolkien ripoff with nowhere near the nuance or intricacy of most other fantasy settings. I love how you fags act like it was ever anything else.

pretty damn good.

>werewolves having horsedick
>werewolves having horsedicks with knots

>Garrosh is ashamed of his father and thinks he just abandoned him
>Thrall comes in and tells him he was the coolest guy and murdered, pillaged and destroyed whatever he wanted

WC2 was the last good Warcraft game.

Thrall was a mistake.

She's in her early to mid 30s. Why do people keep trying to push her age back?

>plays a fantasy game
>picks the most generic faction with generic races

>killed the entire LK plot and made everything about Arthas

it was shit

It's about damn time. The Forsaken should've been the final raid of Vanilla instead of Kel'thuzad. The Amani take over as EK representatives and the ogres share Durotar.
With the Forsaken in the Horde the Alliance should've wiped them out ten years ago.

>Anduin was a mistake.


This, but unironically. Metzen was a good personality for the brand, but his "mark" on the game ruined just about every storyline.

Name one good decision thrall has ever made

protip: you can't

Does Jaina's tits get bigger with every expansion?

That’s a hot take

You do realize that she wasn't the one that killed the LK plot, but Metzen, right?
The novel was a tie-in to the game, not the other way around.

No fucking shit, it's literally a main writer self insert

I'm gonna be honest, I never thought Anduin was gonna be more than a no-name kid npc in Stormwind. The fact that they made him relevant outside of being the main priest class rep in hearthstone is amazing to say the least., he had 0 involvement in the story before that. He still gay, though.

>whine about the horde having an actual warchief
>retcon him into literally drumpfler and kill him off
>then proceed to give alliance a genocidal racist maniac character
>then proceed to make the horde warchief a character only alliance and blood elf players like


Why did Blizzard make so many retarded story decisions? I mean it's not that bloody hard to make shit that while uninspired and bland at lest isn't a steaming pile of moldy shit.

she literally changed everything from WC3 TFT mate

its almost like magic

>fucked up SC 2 story
>fucked up Warcraft story
He is on my list of "worst people of the vidya industry".

Saving the Tauren

What really bothers me about the end of WotLK is that we only killed Arthas and not the Lich King. Bolvar basically became the new Lich King with the promise "no yeah totally I'll keep the scourge in check". It seems really irresponsible to leave such a massive loose end, especially a loose end that has been known to twist minds and change their alleigances. You're just setting yourself up for a Wrath of the Lich King sequel.

If it aint WoW Classic I dont care about it

Fucking daily reminder that the burning of Teldrassil is a carefully executed worgen psy-op
Genn will do anything to force a war with Sylvanas and the Forsaken
Fucking daily reminder that both Genn and Sylvanas are being influenced by the Old Gods to start a war

She's lactating.

Founding Orgimmar.

>risking the alliance looking like bad guys


Sylvanas has been building literal Nazi death camps in Lordaeron for the past ten years, nobody is being manipulated into anything.

Dismantling of the horde when?
>We can finally have Taurens being a separate faction
It would all make so much more sense.

Blizzard seemed to hop of the corruption train once he was gone, at least, so far. Not saying their writing is going to get better but maybe they'll create more than one plot device. I know if Metzen stayed around we would've ACTUALLY got dreadlord Jaina and he would've thought it was 'rad'


What bothers me most about Diablo is that there is no atmosphere in 3.


Its canon that Arthas pumped and dumped her pre Warcraft 3

Tauren can join the Alliance along with Blood Elves who help put all the undead back in the ground. Goblin females can be allowed to remain alive for breeding purpose. Everyone else should be made a head shorter.

Give me a name for a human paladin

Both of your points are retarded. Genn would never do something that retarded even after being cucked out of his territory. And of course the old gods are behind this conflict, but not via controlling faction leaders.