Who have you voted for in the GotY awards?

Who have you voted for in the GotY awards?

I voted for the game with the least amount of trannies.

Not that boys game anyway, that's for sure.

not that abomination

Fuck off neofaggot


But that game was a fucking mess...

Horizon easily wins 2017’s GOTY. I have never played anything as great as Horizon, personally this is 2017’s Dark Souls

what an ugly boy

Horizon would look so nice on PC, shame its only on ps4.

> boy
God, if Aloy had a benis, would waifu

>Voting for a game who's only redeeming quality is graphics in webms with post editing


yeah, be ware that this turd might be there

Horizon, P5, Mario and Zelda all have them so you voted for PUBG?

>awards and reviews being worth anything
the absolute fucking state of Sup Forums

>neofag tumblr reddit lefty shills trying to steal our redpilled memes

The left can't meme


No one's ever disputed that.
Too bad its a Sony owned IP and studio.

Voted for A Hat in Time, I really enjoyed that game.

>bololo bololo :DDD

yea, rip

>using meme as a verb
back to youtube


Lala is not a tranny you faggot.

zomg teh rei

a shit

>half of Sup Forums votes mario
>other half votes zelda
>horizon wins because nintendofans can't decide

>tfw you can actually judge a game's worth by the amount of porn it has
>Horizon has barely more than 20 pictures TOTAL
wew lads

They really deserve it. Great game. I didn't ply Zelda but having a nice gameplay doesn't make it nowadays imo, the game must be strong in all fronts and HZD beats Zelda in most of them so it would be a fine winner imo.

>actually voting for GOTY
>actually caring what wins GOTY

>Horizon still triggers Sup Forums months later
