Characters of colour done right. Even just ones that doesn’t piss off Sup Forums

Characters of colour done right. Even just ones that doesn’t piss off Sup Forums

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>slightly tan with white features
Every time


>muh white features
You guys always say that if the person isn't as ugly as you want them all to be.

>kept trying to romance her the whole game
>finally get sister's permission to do it right before hitting the vault
>disappear while inside the vault to some unknown place we'll never actually see because sequel never ever
>never get to do anything with her besides lose my spaghetti

BL3 is supposed to have continuation of their story, you can only pray that they will just slightly fuck up with these characters

>never brings up their race

That's why they're so good i guess.

>disappear while inside the vault to some unknown place we'll never actually see because sequel never ever

People thought we would never see a sequel to Wolf Among us. We need to wait and see.

But Telltale recently fired 25% of their people. They spread themselves too thin over too many projects. I still wonder why the hell they made a Minecraft game. I thought it was a joke when they announced it.

She's ugly as fuck. Dirty shitlocks




>is likeable
>is a natural and actually deep character
>represents their race right
>social justice glorification
What does "done right" mean?

Cole Train is fun.


> Even just ones that doesn’t piss off Sup Forums

Does not exist. /vpol/ despsies all characters that are darker than fish belly-white.

>of colour



When character's race is either never brought up or played out in entertaining way. In case of borderlands there's literally no reason to care about her skin color, whole planet is gone to shit and people just don't care about things like that

>have to buy something from Gearbox to finish the story

And you can call me FAT Larry with a F. A. T. cause I know I got a weight problem, I just don't give a fuck!

Thanks for clarifying user on that for me, user.

Do random characters you can create count?

Japan does it better

Really all of the characters from the game

Best fighter and good father too


Thanks for reminding me about this real ass nigga

he was orange in ME 1

This is a thread of people of color, not a thread for black people. Learn how to fucking read you retard.

>I'm from london, says the black man with an american accent
depressingly accurate desu

Fiona was still the best girl tho.

Rest in pieces you magnificent bastard

>They spread themselves too thin over too many projects. I still wonder why the hell they made a Minecraft game
Because they thought it will sell like crazy. And it did. Contrast with Tales from the Borderlands, which sold like shit.

Unfair, isn't it.

this character was shit
the only one deserving of my live was loaderbot

>anything other than white
>not pissing off /polv/

Yeah, OK.

He said he was born in London, presumably he grew up state side

fuck this was easily the best thing telltale's put out. picked it up for free like two months ago and i was completely blown away by how good it turned out being

>The Black Scottish Cyclops: now extinct!

>Reginald D. Hunter


I think TellTale said she's supposed to be space Mediterranean.

>Nobody gave a shit about blacks in video games 15 years ago

Wow it's almost like the culture has changed and putting a black character in a game just for the sake of it and not for some faggot brownie points or to push an agenda is very rare nowadays.

It would have won a ton of GOTY awards if it hadn't come out in 2015.

>proving my point

Are any of the Telltale games decent?

I'm not pissed off, I'm explaining why people take issue with it nowadays, dummie.

tales and the wolf amango are their best

The only people who take issue with it are Sup Forumstards, Sup Forumsirgins, and white supremecists.

Tales from the Borderlands is pretty good

Tales of the borderlands

Walking Dead season 1

first 2 episodes of Wolf Among Us

But the problem with this is that nowadays everything is deemed to be fishing for brownie points, even if it might not. We don't know.

What about people who don't appreciate their pastime being flooded with political shit?

POC characters done right are characters you dont fucking notice are coloured
if a developer even SLIGHTLY draw attention to it or make the character a certain type for the sake of diversity then they have absolutely failed in their careers

>there's non-whites in my games, this makes me so angry!

You're the one making it political by acting like it's the end of the world when a minority or woman has any more of a role than a silent background NPC.

>Unfair, isn't it.
Not really. I played every Telltale game up to Game of Thrones where I stopped buying them because they had slowly stripped their games of all their puzzles while never actually advancing how much their stories branch. The choices remained shallow as the game play got more shallow. I got tales of the borderlands for free with PS+ and it's the same shit. I dropped it 2 episodes in because it's clear that Telltale thinks they can actually get away with making the same game over and over again, bank on popular IPs and not advance their gameplay or design at all. It's pretty inexcusable and they deserve to die for not listening to the criticisms their games frequently got.

>Be quiet, goy, white genocide is not important
Uh, no.

>and putting a black character in a game just for the sake of it and not for some faggot brownie points or to push an agenda is very rare nowadays.
How are you able to tell why a character is put in a game? Are you a mind reader?

Just read Fables, you'll enjoy it more.

Even when the later issues get weird as fuck, still a great concept.

>Nothing but strawmanning

Alright we're done here thanks for the riveting, intellectual conversation.

>I still wonder why the hell they made a Minecraft game
It's makes the most money out of everything

Show me a well written, flawed black character that doesn't draw attention to the fact they're black all the time from the past few years.

You're just proving that he's right and pretty much everything you said has been wrong. You are showing right now that you are in fact quite upset despite denying it earlier. You are also proving him right that you are making it political by confirming that if a black character has nay role other than a silent background NPC you view it as a part of the white genocide. I don't get how you even take yourself seriously.

>implying there is a wrong and right way to make a fucking fictional character

You didn't answer my question. I'll do what you ask if you do what I ask. How are you able to tell why a person put a black character in a game?

Also you're pretty fucking stupid because this thread has a picture of a Telltale game in the OP and Lee from the Walking Dead is literally exactly what you just described. SO much so that even Sup Forums loves him

No, they're dogshit. Only Tales are good, specifically because Gearbox had nothing to do with it.

Borderlands 1 is objectively horrible, BL2 is apparently fun if you have f-friends

>non-whites in video games means the white race is being genocided into extinction

I will forever give a massive horse-laugh every time I see this incredible piece of retardation.

Remember me?

One of my favorite characters and I am conservative as fuck.

Good goys.

Not like there was anything intelligent or riveting about your "hurr anyone who isn't white in my games means liberals are destroying my hobby" nonsense.

>only thing when Lee being black is addressed is when Kenny suggests him to pick the lock
top kek

They're pretty fun for $10, the only criticism you see on Sup Forums is "but the memes", usually from people who immediately spam "Soyboi cuck SJW" in every thread

TftB's one major flaw was constantly trying pair up Ryhs and Sasha. It's fine as an option, but it should have been shoved in my face a dozen times after I turned her down the first time.

You know it's true.

Primals don't count.


Holy shit, I just realized that the Sage from assassin's creed is a rip-off from Zasalamel

> "When I joined the Corps, we didn't have any fancy-shmancy tanks. We had sticks! Two sticks, and a rock for the whole platoon - and we had to share the rock! Buck up, boy, you're one very lucky Marine!"
I miss him


I want him to be my dad

Viviene makes tumblr seethe with rage, so she's fine in my book.

Wish the franchise went out like him. With a bang.

Most of them from before roughly the last 10 years or so were fine

I want more Springs

Did I say anything about black people you fucking idiot?

Tales of Monkey Island are also pretty good if you're into the series.

Why does Tumblr hate a proud independent black woman who don't need no man?

Never played the game, I thought tumblr and reddit were defending the character? I even remember them freaking out when someone made those race edits?



How so? I don’t dislike any of the companions (yes, even sera is ok) but i found her the least interesting. 2 stand outs things about her at least was that whole thing where you weren’t sure if you were trying to assassinate someone for her or not and the fact that she gets so catty with my fav, Dorian.

So I’ll ask again, what’s the issue

Long story short, Viviene is a mage. Dragon Age is similiar to Warhammer in the aspect where mages are dangerous and need to be controlled, or some demon will possess them and let all Hell loose.
In order to safeguard the mages and protect the people from magic, the Templar Order rounds them up in towers. This is portayed (especially in the last two games) as a Really Bad Thing, with templars barely getting sympathetic characters. Mages, meanwhile, are literally niggers, who keep going on killing sprees, but the game wants you to sympathize with them.

It all culminated in the ending of the second game, when all the mages rebelled against the templars, and the war between two started.
Everyone - except for Viviene. She thinks that the Circles are fine, although they need some changes, templars are overall good people, and mageniggers are stupid twats. Through the entire game, she is a consistently strong right wing figure, who is portayed as maybe evil, but not cartoonishly so.

Naturally, the minute tumblr found out about it, they went apeshit.

This trilogy have some really good banter.

Baird/Cole > Marcus/Dom

Tan maybe, not much of a nigress

Anyone that didn't side with the Templars as a mage character in DA2 is retarded, so she sounds pretty based.

She has nothing interesting imo, why the fuck she ended up being the divine. The fuck is the chantry thinking