What would God confess to us?
your mom sucked my dick
I'm an idort but exclusively shitpost about nintendo.
im a Chinese gold seller
Isn't that job literal hell? I remember reading about a boy who was in the business in China and was forced to play for over 12 hours a day with 0 breaks in between and would ask to use the bathroom and would rest there for 5 minutes before going back. And spent the other half playing the actual game for himself.
I'm playing Nioh on PC and I use to just play games out of habit but this one is so much fucking fun for me I don't know why
if i rent a game, i play it on easy so i can zip through it and see everything without any hassle before i return it
Yosuke's my favorite P4 SLink.
In every single way bar number of different viable combat builds and strats, The Witcher series is vastly superior to the Souls series.
Because, for once, it's actually good
Why is father wojak fat?
because he absorbs sins
Good action games are amazing and they stopped making them after fucking batman combat took off.
My confession is I'm a total normalfag but I've been coming here since like 2007 when I got sick of gamefaqs.
I borowed Pokémon Red from my classmate Matt and never returned it.
That was 18 years ago
I bought all the DLC for Total War: Warhammer and will probably buy all the DLC for TW:W2
I'm also I dirty phoneposter
I can't invest myself into video games anymore
I don't know, my attention is just all over the place lately and after 5 minutes, be it a game, a video or a thread I instantly get bored and I have this itch in my brain that wants to move on to the next thing
Ave, brother.
I really doubt you're still a normalfag if you've been here since 2007.
I haven't really picked up any Sup Forums mannerisms. I didn't even post here for the first time until 2012 or 2013. I just came here to get gaming news and have a few laughs.
Depends on your definition of normalfag I guess. I'm well adjusted and happy with a good social life.