Is Presea legal?

Is Presea legal?

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Why not?

she's still physically only 14
she's mentally there though


She's only three years younger than Lloyd.

She mentally seems to be a mix. Sometimes, she acts a little closer to how she looks. I guess even if she's pushing thirty, she spent half those years with her emotions completely locked away. She was practically an automaton. Those kinds of conditions probably aren't very conducive to mental maturity.

Lloyd's potential love interests:
>16-year-old girl who acts like a 9-year-old
>19-year-old girl who acts like a 15-year-old boy
>23-year-old elf who ages very slowly
>28-year-old in the body of a 12-year-old

I just played this for the first time and my reaction's basically just, "Yep. This is a JRPG alright."

>One of Presea's optional skits
>Presea: "Lloyd, do you have anyone you like?"
>Lloyd: "I like everyone!"
>Presea: "Do you have a girlfriend?"
>Lloyd: "Nope, why?"
>Presea: "Hmmm. Well, that's okay for now."

And I was just like, "Where the fuck did this come from?" Also, poor Genis.

It's clearly stated.

ThisShe says people remember her as being bright and cheery. If I had to describe what she's like when the party meets her, it's like she's got the mentality of a 30-odd year old woman and the emotional maturity of a teenager. She's just emotionally stunted. Like, she could give you advice on life and shit, and the next moment demanding you cuddle with her until she falls asleep.

That's... fucking hot.

Man, my dick is starting to whistle.

She can't give much advice. For fifteen years, she just went through the motions without feeling or experiencing anything.

Genis never really stood a chance.

His attraction to Presea was also more of an intense crush and never developed into anything meaningful. By this, I mean that he never seemed to acknowledge that Presea was actually 28 years old and not the same age as him, nor did he do anything to try to comfort her or talk about the psychological and philosophical and emotional issues she's struggling with due to everything that happened to her and her family.

Almost every interaction between Genis and Presea is Genis stammering and focusing entirely on how pretty he thinks Presea is, without even properly conveying that much to her, either.

Lloyd and Presea are a cuter pair, if you had to pair Presea up with anyone. He actually supports her and helps her work through a lot of the issues she's dealing with in a meaningful way.

Also, it's hilarious that they went out of their way to add a scene in the PS2 and up version of the game where Genis and Presea can go on a date together if you do Genis's route after a guy gives them matching winter clothing, but only Genis thinks it's a date between the two. And if you do Presea's route, you get the same setup, but Genis is mistakenly given a girl's outfit instead and runs off in anger, leaving Presea to ask Lloyd to spend time with her. Lloyd even asks if he should go get Genis again, only for Presea to immediately stress that she'd rather it just be him.

Yeah, that's all true. It's obvious Genis never stood a chance.

Berubetto is still better.

Lloyd is better. He's so precious.

This was a blessed read.

>Pairing Lloyd with anyone except for Collete
They're the perfect retard couple. You can't be more compatible than that.

Lloyd goes with everyone.

The game forced the pairing hard enough to turn me off it. Colletes relationship value is an anchor and you basically need NG+ to shake her off without a guide.
That said Raine/Lloyd is the real best pairing.

It's technically possible, but probably not blind. But if you're going for Raine the whole way through and you have a decent grasp of her personality, maybe.

>Go for Sheena or Genis
>they like everything Colette likes
>Colette starts with a 500 point lead

>Play the game for the first
>Think I'll probably go for Raine
>Kinda ambivalent towards Presea at first, but then she gets her emotions back and I find myself looking for her skit points a lot
>Eventually realize that I've been locked into Colette

Sure, why not.

Lloyd is given the option to end up with everyone. So of course, everyone likes him back.

Going by age, yes.

Dont forget Prysea loves Pawpads!

Shes a furry and gets railed by woodland animals

Yeah but the thing is, the game takes the first four characters that have the highest affection with Lloyd as who you can get locked into the route of. Even if Colette is still in first place by then, you can turn her away for someone else.

Forgot to mention, but I got the Sheena route on my first playthrough of Symphonia, blind, before I even realized how the route stuff worked.

Except his dad. Because he leaves the planet. Forever.

He has a spare dad.

Shame he didn't have a spare mom.

So they dropped actual character delevopement and left questions in favor of waifu pandering? Or is there still a canon relationship confirmed outside of the game?

Edna is the better loli

Good for you.

The game does push Colette, but Lloyd has that whole "I love everybody" thing that was popular in generic animu back in the early 2000s.

>people actually didn't become best friends with their dad

Enjoy your pink-haired fuckboy fake-womanizer

Look, I'm sorry, but for the longest time I always somehow assumed that I was supposed to deal with Hima first before I got to Palmacosta, so I had no idea there were more than one training scenes.

Not even best Symphonia girl

>there are people that didn't /ss/ ToS

>So they dropped actual character delevopement and left questions in favor of waifu pandering?

What are you talking about? Did you even play Symphonia? It wasn't just the girls, there were non-romantic routes with the guys as well. Each one was pretty fleshed out and showed even more sides and insight to each party member. Zelos's was a great one, for example.

Everyone gets character development regardless of whatever route is "canon", because the routes just compliment the main plot and developments. One of the few things Dawn of the New World did right was continuing to let the player decide which route they wanted Lloyd to have ended up in.

That said, the game goes out of its way to push Colette, and she is the main heroine. At the start of the game, everyone's affection points, which are needed for them to even be in the running near the end for their routes to be options for you, is at zero--except for Colette, who automatically starts out at 500 points. It's designed in a way where Colette can very easily end up being the character's route you end up with.

If you really need a "canon" one, Lloyd and Colette would be the closest thing to it. But again, I don't think it's necessary to have a set canon route when all of them are done well in their own ways.

Lloyd's not a shota and the only girl who isn't technically older than Lloyd is Colette.

Thing is, what makes it somewhat uncommon is the fact that each one actually does have a route that leads to romance. That's not something you see everyday in a typical JRPG. Not even other Tales games let you do that.

Come to think of it, I do vaguely know about one Tales game where everyone was upset because it didn't let you be with the girl everyone liked.

It's been ages, but I think you're talking about either Tales of Vesperia or maybe Tales of Hearts R. Or both. I remember a lot of people wishing Vesperia had routes like Symphonia did, and a lot of people wishing Beryl could be an alternate romance option in Hearts R, at least.

I'm not really a fan of the tech system. In order to figure out what each tech does, you need to actually learn it and try it out. Then you have to forget it, reverse the character's tech orientation and then learn the other one. And only then can you figure out which one you like better.

The thing is that even without that 500 point boost, Colette is still the easiest to level affection for.

There was a glitch in the original Gamecube version that let you get both versions of moves and spells as you saw fit.

Doing it the legitimate way could be cumbersome though, definitely. You at least knew what you were in for generally, since Strike was focused on single hitting powerful versions of artes and Technical was about multi-hit/multi-target attacks/spells. It was the having to learn and figure out which ones you liked more on a character to character basis that was a drag. They probably could have implemented it better.

Tales of Symphonia really needs a remake.

She's 12 in the first game, same age as Genis. So that's 5years younger than Lloyd.

If the game gave us the option, we'd probably fuck Genis too.

I don't see how Hearts R could get that type of reaction considering Hearts existed. The biggest thing like that in Tales was how Zestiria advertised Alisha and forced Rose on you.

>She's 12 in the first game, same age as Genis. So that's 5years younger than Lloyd.
Did people play the game, or are we just talking about her physical body and not her actual age?

Physical body. Everyone already mentioned her real and mental age being a lot older.

She's like 27 in Symphonia, that's why I was wondering what we were talking about.

Go fuck yourself up the ass with the new mana tree, Kvar!

I associate Raine too strongly with "It's nothing" to like her very much.

>Lloyd travels with Presea
>They become lovers
>Presea doesn't really know what to do and feels awkward because of the physical age difference
>She gets worried about whether Lloyd would prefer someone who physically fit his age
>They haven't really "done anything" yet either
>Lloyd tells her he's happy just being with her and holding her hand and gives her a shining, affectionate smile

Moral of the story is Lloyd is perfect.

Check again.
Or this Everyone's been talking about Presea's body's physical age versus her actual age. The first couple of people just got her body's physical age in Symphonia wrong, so someone was pointing that out. That's all.

she's physically 27
the cruxious crystal kept her body from aging as it was in stasis, but she is still 27 or around that age. If she was a living breathing human for over 20 years, she is still technically physically whatever age she's supposed to be.
She APPEARS to be 14. If someone is physically something, then they ARE it.

Mythos is thousands of years old, he appears much younger than that but is physically still thousands of years old. Or was it hundreds?

I really fucking hate that my Tales of Symphonia is missing

>Lloyd travels with Zelos
>Some cute girls approach them and starts hitting on Zelos, which he obviously likes
>Tell him to ditch the loser and have some fun with them
>Zelos immediately loses all interest and tells them to go away


I want to agree, but no matter how much you choose her in dialogue options, she always comes off as a mentor/teacher first and love interest second.
She does not give the same dialogue implication that she's in to you like Collete and Sheena.
I never went for Presea because I can't let my best bro Regal down.

>She APPEARS to be 14.

First of all, Presea appears to be 12 in the original Symphonia. That was how old she was when she stopped aging. She's actually 28 years old, too, while we're at it.

The difference between Mithos and Presea is that Presea's body started to age again after her Exsphere was properly dealt with. In Dawn of the New World, which takes place two years later, she even grew several inches. She would have presumably continued to have had her body develop and age normally.

Iiiii really don't think he's into her like that.

Have you seen Alicia?
He's definitely a pedo

Yeah but he's STILL into Alicia. He hasn't let go.

Plus, there's something kinda fucked up about your lover dying and moving onto her sister. Regal doesn't really strike me as that kinda dude. If he actually went for Presea, it'd degrade him as a character.

>Lloyd travels with Raine
>Continues tutoring him as they go
>One day Raine sees some miniskirts and glasses on sale
>...gets some ideas for their "tutoring session" that night.

So is Presea the most popular Tales of Symphonia girl?

It's Velvet.

Oh yeah I'm retarded. Probably Sheena I'd say but Presea is my favorite.

What would have been cool is if Dawn of the New World could read ToF save data and based on the save file you use, the character you chose as your soulmate act different.

If they ever remake Symphonia, they should do that.

According to a 2017 character poll, Colette was the most popular.

Vesperia best girl? Judith right? Though Rita is good too.

Wasnt she supposedly 28 or something? Crystal-thing halted her growth or whatever convenient excuse they had.

Link to the poll?

Why is Lloyd so loved?

Lloyd only likes older women.

Colette's younger than him though.

She's 29th, by the way. Lloyd is 11th and beaten by Zelos.

ColettexPresea is cute too.

We need a final solution to the fujoshi question.

>twink at number 1

There's already a scene where you can choose who Lloyds soulmate was in the first game.
The only thing that changes though is the flanoir scene

Aren't there also different endings after the final boss? It's been a while.

>Play the Japanese versions
>"Genius" (because that's a subtle name) keeps saying how much he loves Lloyd
>Zelos calls Lloyd "honey"

I can't really blame fujoshi. This shit was clearly on purpose.

The only real choice is Zelos
>Symphonia 2
>tell every one of the old party members that Lloyd has become an asshole
>they all end up believing some random guy, some weird chick, and scooby doo
>except Zelos
>he doesn't trust some guy just showed up randomly
>trusts his bro more than any evidence


>genius sage
>is a genius
>refill sage
>refills your health

Yeah that made me sad.

If they could have done then they could have made it so Lloyd's soulmate didn't believe it either. But they were on two completely separate consoles so it can't be helped.

>Symphonia's love system
>only applies to Lloyd, the most boring character in the cast
>the love interest that's obviously the most pushed starts with a massive head-start in love points, and the only way to shake her off is if you're a complete dick to her in dialogue options
>love points are invisible and are never explained through gameplay so the average player will always end up with Colette
>only way to get Kratos back in your party is to ignore the system entirely

The idea is neat but I never related to Lloyd or felt that he represented me as a player so it didn't work from the waifu angle, and I really resent that it didn't let me pair up other characters together.

You don't need to shake her off as much as bring other characters up. Then you can just ignore her.


Iced Latteman


>Hates humans
>But loves Lloyd, who is a human
>And has a crush on Presea, who is also a human
>But he still hates humans


they pushed Colette ship hard. you have to act like an total asshole towards here just to get her points low enough to open up other routes.

they really should make a BFF ship again. weird Symphonia is the only game that dose that.