Is this the best licensed video game?

Is this the best licensed video game?

it was better than the show thats for sure

its certainly one of the best, but my vote goes to this

No but it's up there.

Spodeman 2 is da best

#1 capevidya


AVP Classic 2000

I don't know if it's the best, but it's pretty good.


is that the one with qte gore finishers and a boss running a barrel over his head?

Tough question, cuz it's really fucking good.

isn't avp 2 better?

>tfw replaying a level just to try and get cool physics kills

His eternal frown while torturing crimeholes is hilarious

>still the best modern stealth game


this is.

Except this shit won't run on PC. Got a good torrent, started up first mission and it says "Error Loading Game". Nothin online about it

That's not BFBB

work on me muchine just fine lad :^)