Do you have some kind of tick that you "force" in every single game, Sup Forums?

Do you have some kind of tick that you "force" in every single game, Sup Forums?

I for example always play as a black female character if I got the choice. I also always mute the ingame sound.

subtitles on if possible. game music off for horror games


No more shitskins in videogames

I also like to play as black women, but only if I can make them actually black, and not shit-colored.

>using vsync

elves always female

every other fantasy race always male

>I for example always play as a black female character if I got the choice

Typically subtitles. Also if I'm playing an RPG I usually play the soldier or knight class a first go round to get used to the basics before I dabble in magic.

it's a necessity for shitty unoptimized games or shit with screen tearing

>Being gay and having bad taste.

I'm always mister goody two shoes in games.
I rarely want to take the evil rout.

Why are you posting this slut?

If given the option I will play as the young white woman I wish I was.

the latency doesnt matter in non action / easy games though


>thinly veiled jungle fever threads

I too enjoy playing as Geralt of Nigeria.

>ooga booga where the magic wimmen at

>black female character
>pic unrelated

Given the choice I mostly play as rugged old men.

This is the most cherry picked comparison I have ever seen.

The technical term is "daddy". You play as daddies.
You're gay.

wtf i love multiculturalism now

we can go darker


Jesus fucking christ. Imagine coming home to this at night. How do niggers not scare the shit out of each other?

Less face makeup and paint her hands to match the rest of her.
Then maybe.

Why would you be scared? You wouldn't even see her.

Let's go darker.

not black
honorary black
not black
shopped black

I play as a black male in most fantasy settings. It's not that I'm into BLACKED shit I just think they look cool in heavy plate armor

brown and black people are the same shit

i wanna play as the sterotypical black man 2bh

black men are the appex of male aesthetics

When playing fighting games, have a habit of shouting "WRECKED 'EM!" when I beat someone after a good match.

Several people mishear it as "RECTUM" though. Pretty sure neighbors must as well.

>The Girl You Like
>Her Ex

Wow it's almost like genetics are a fucking lottery and every race has ugly people

Mixed-race people are the most attractive according to studies, though.

It didn't have to be this way.
They tried to stop it.

>value claim
People loke you give science a bad name.