I just tried this, Its a bit overrated right ? Ori and the Blind forest pull the genre way better imo. This just feels like a 2d bloodborne copy.
I just tried this, Its a bit overrated right ? Ori and the Blind forest pull the genre way better imo...
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Hollow Knight starts out slow. Like reaaaaally slow. It only got good for me about 3 or 4 hours in, but then it got reeeeeaaaally good as time went on after that.
I definitely enjoyed it just as much as Ori. It gets especially worthwhile once you gain all of the dash/movement abilities. Personally, I loved it, and wish I could wipe my memory of the game and start over again. I sort of spoiled the experience by sticking to the wiki too much while playing, because it definitely gave off a Dark Souls vibe. Either way, I regret not buying it when it was at full price.
I know people may be bored of this style of gameplay/genre/whatever, but I love stuff like this and want more. It definitely makes me want to go back and play Super Metroid again.
Ori doesn't really focus on exploration, it's a platformer that's simply a bit more open than usual.
Agreed. Ori involves more fast-paced platforming than pure exploration into small nooks and holes.
Not going to lie though, I wish there was a vertical up-dash move in Hollow Knight.
It's a real shame this game got undermined on Sup Forums by shills and falseflags, it's really excellent.
The free DLC came out last month slipped under everyone since a lot of big games came out that week.
A bit overrated is exactly what I'd say it is. It's a incredibly typical indie sidescroller. I imagine it's so praised on Sup Forums because a lot of Sup Forums scorns all indie games but were drawn into this one because Sup Forums discussing it incessantly at launch/The Bug Souls aesthetic got their pavlov going.
That said, I do believe there were some falseflaggers on Sup Forums purposefully overselling it like we also had with A Hat in Time, so that's probably a part of it.
It's not a bad game, in a year that isn't 2017 I could even see Hollow Knight as indie GOTY material. But this year it's one of many very well made games coming out. It's a well made game with a great amount of content but made on already highly treaded ground.
Also the death mechanic is wishy washy and stupid
>You can't fill up your health reserve quite as much
>Whack your ghost twice to get it back
It feels like they wanted death in game to be more than just having the player restart because Souls did it, but they didn't have a good idea for how death could be more of an ingame mechanic so we got that.
It's a horrible game through an through. Sup Forums only pretends to like it because they don't want to admit they fell for the massive shilling campaign that happened here when the game was first launched
I found the dlc a bit lackluster. One good boss fight and an annoying platforming section to earn another useless trinket.
>Ori and the Blind forest pull the genre way better imo
You couldn't have said "Ori is better" in a worse way. Ori is barely even a Metroidvania to begin with.
The art is great, the exploration is rewarding, the music is great, honestly I just really enjoy the game.
I never played Ori but it always seemed like bog-standard Xbox Live shit. Hollow Knight is going for more of a retro vibe.
I agree on that front. There was only one time in the entire 30 hour run I did where I fucked up and died twice and lost all of my Geo. Perhaps better balancing with Geo gain and more challenging death consequences could have helped?
To be frank, I keep seeing the Steel Soul achievements, and I have zero fucking clue how anyone could pull that off.
Indie metroidvanias taught me to expect 6-8 hours. This game gave me 30.
That's pretty pretentious to say.
You should play Ori— it's fun
cute kemoshota > bug with a lego head
if you get down to 1 hit left, you gotta quit to start screen. then you can heal at a bench.
Basically, gotta cheese it.
How is it pretentious lol
Do you know what pretentious means
>This just feels like a 2d bloodborne copy.
first off, close but wrong. secondly, i want that.
>I keep seeing the Steel Soul achievements, and I have zero fucking clue how anyone could pull that off
>Basically, gotta cheese it.
This. And the speedrun chievos are not hard to get as long as you have a rough idea of what's necessary to win. I got em all on first try.
>I never played Ori but it always seemed like bog-standard Xbox Live shit.
>"I don't want to play a game that looks mainstream because that would make me look mainstream."
>Pretentious: Characterized by pretension— an allegation of doubtful value. having or showing the unpleasant quality of people who want to be regarded as more impressive, successful, or important than they really are. trying to appear better or more important than is really the case.
Both are great games, but I like Hollow Knight more cause I'm a huge Metroid geek and prefer Hollow Knight's slower, more methodical exploration to Ori's frantic platforming acrobatics. The former doesn't make my thumbs feel like they've been run through a meat grinder after a few hours of play. That said, I do think Ori has the better presentation, music, and art direction. As for the Bloodborne thing, yeah, what's up with that? The lore premise is eerily similar, except you have bugs instead of people in Hollow Knight's case.
>Ori is barely even a Metroidvania to begin with.
Ironically, they got the dude who made AM2R to work on the Ori sequel. Wonder what he's gonna bring to the table.
It starts off a bit too slow and is generally much longer and slower paced than Ori, which is rather lightweight if you judge it as a metroidvania. It picks up once you're about 2-5 hours in, by that time you should have dash+walljump and most of the map open to explore.
>I never played Ori but it always seemed like bog-standard Xbox Live shit.
How about you actually play the game, it's fun and pretty
So since both Ori and Hollow Knight are on sale and I love platformers should I just get both? A friend recommened Ori to me and Hollow Knight looks like my kind of game just from looking at it.
oh shit I just remembered ori is getting a sequel soon
Is the Ori sequel still set as a Xbone/Wangblows 10 exclusive or did they come to their senses?
When did I say mainstream at all you fucking shill
I'm saying it looks like the standard "heartwrenching" "beautiful" indie shit on Xbox. Fuck you you fucking shill
I think the second I heard its soundtrack was acclaimed, and then I listened to it, I knew that it's a bullshit game.
Definitely get both. Use a controller for both, and have fun. Remember that they're two different styles of platforming and exploration:
Ori = More acrobatic/fluid movement through an environment, with light combat and emphasis on story.
Hollow Knight = Slower movement than Ori, but faster later on, more emphasis on combat with a variety of techniques and abilities to change it up with varying degrees of difficulty.
>bog-standard Xbox Live shit
i.e., generic Xbox Live shit
It's like you don't understand writing...
The art looks like straight out from a crappy newgrounds flashgame(ooops, because it is newgrounds.com
>i.e., generic Xbox Live shit
Yes but that doesn't mean mainstream you fucking shill
Are you saying Ori excels in those areas? Because in art and music I would disagree (and from gameplay I've seen I would disagree)
It's good, but also overrated.
It really is insane how much content was taken from the soul series. Even the newest DLC has to do with embers and flame, so bullshit.
I wish someone would compile a list of all the things that were almost directly copied.
It's 10/10 you just have shit taste. Sorry that you're a pleb.
It's a Microsoft IP. Of course it's only coming to those platforms.
Sorry OP. You fell for the shilling.
HK is a game that could only perform well by catering to the niche audience it was made for. And marketers know how to advertise without getting banned for it.
Are you fucking stupid dude?
Why don't you just stop and re-clarify what you meant instead of firing back that "HURR UR STUPID LOL NOOB-SHILL." For fucks sake, you're just coming off as some goddamn newfag.
>Mainstream: a prevailing current or direction of activity or influence
>Generic: not being or having a particular brand name. having no particularly distinctive quality or application
>prevailing current
>having no distinctive quality
Fucking idiot.
Still have to play Ori but Hollow Knight was a masterpiece.
It'll more than likely come to steam eventually, pretty much every Microsoft game except Gears and Forza has
I honestly got bored of Ori after the second "escape the collapsing temple" sequence, but Hollow Knight managed to keep me engrossed for 20+ hours. Still haven't played it since the new content was added, will probably just wait for the final one before giving it another playthrough. I think it's just different strokes for different folks.
Here's the thing kid, generic is not the focus of the statement. None of my derision towards Ori has been about it being "boring." It's been about the Xbox Live shit. The style over substance flash and shitty music.
Kys. Ori is excellent
>The style over substance flash and shitty music.
Well I know this might sound shocking, but there's actually a very tightly paced platformer with excellent movement underneath all that flashy visuals and audio
Then it sounds OK. Just like Brothers is OK - well, Brothers was a little more than OK since it innovated.
But is mascot platformer that much of a high water mark? Especially when the rest of the production is style over substance?
How would you even know without playing?
Also, the implication of "GAMES CAN'T HAVE GOOD GRAPHICS" is stupid at best. The game has a definitive artstyle and direction, just as Hollow Knight has one. The other poster who complained about HK being "empty" seems to miss the fucking point. The game is supposed to feel that way early on because the entire world you play in is dying. Later the game has very lush detail and visuals. It's part of the fucking narrative.
>Ori looks live Xbox live shovelware oscarbait
>I think the second I heard its soundtrack was acclaimed, and then I listened to it, I knew that it's a bullshit game
after these astounding statements, I'm curious to see what you consider to be even ok games
Maybe he doesn't like video games
It's among my favorite releases this year simply for staying playable, intriguing and pretty the whole way through without holding your hand.
Also god-tier OST.
I agree.
>the entire world you play in is dying
i dont like the prices of the items 1800multiped for a new route like seriously?
this game have MMO pricing on everything forcing you to grind which is ridiculous
Yeah yeah we get it shills now fuck off.
the moment i heard this
i was in love with the game such good ost and the artstyle also.
I just finished it a couple of days ago, because I was running it on a toaster I got annoyed that it felt a little lagging on my part which made some bosses fucking awful to fight, it took me like 10 attempts to even beat the Soul guy.
I still like the mood and tone.
Switch release when? I think they delayed it to 2018?
discussing hollow knight in a hollow knight thread?
Yeah, it's very overrated
Ori's gameplay is terrible. The game looks nice, sounds nice but it pretty much stops there.
beating ori takes like 3 hours and an extra 1 or 2 if you want all the powerups, and it's legitimately easier than mario or metroid, it's pathetic. and for 30 dollars, too.
Hollow knight has about 10 hours of content minimum, and it's only 15 dollars. not to mention challenging and fun.
That's a pretty cute mosquito.
Ori is the one overrated, there's barely any gameplay to it.