I beat mario. Now what? Do I return this thing?

I beat mario. Now what? Do I return this thing?


If you owned a Wii U there isn't really much to do on the system after that. Maybe wait for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and see if that's any good.

I've never played a xenoblade game, they don't really look that appealing to me. I like JRPGs but there's something about games like xenoblade or star ocean that I really don't like. It's the same with FFVII and VIII for me.

You can play botw,doom,snipperclips plus,troll and I, Mario rabbids,Skyrim,rocket league,mariokart,arms,Xenoblade 2,la noire,fire emblem warriors,stardew valley,Minecraft,3 different Lego games,axiom verge,golf story,nba2k17 or about 200 other games available on eShop....lol

get other games that interest you or wait for them to be released? why are people so bad at owning consoles?

imagine thinking like this

Does the switch play Wii u games? Like smash

I have a PC.

you cant put a disc in anywhere in a switch

No. It doesn't have a disc drive.

You should've thought ahead, brainlet.

Start speed running it.

>Backwards compatability console

I only have joycons and sometimes turning the camera with those fucking things made me want to kill myself.

You should have waited until the system had a large library of games, got Virtual Console games, and got a revision with a better battery, dock, and Tegra X2 chip.

I'm starting to realize this too. Though I didn't own Splatoon 1 so I'm gonna be getting Splat 2. Also Mario Kart 8 again, fuck it, was my favorite racing game ever made on Wii U. It's kinda suffering that XC2 looks completely shit to me though, gonna have to wait until Prime 4 I guess.

You can play something else on your ps4 while you wait for Xenoblade release

But your PC isn't portable and dosn't have local coop multiplayer games and dosn't have Nintendo games ...not sure why you bought a switch if you didn't like it i mean didn't you do any research?

I would suck someone off if it got 3DS games on it, I never had a 3DS. I'd even swallow if they were upscaled ports.

I don't need portability or local coop. I bought one for nintendo games. Where's the new pikmin or some of the old mario games?

There is over 200+ games on eShop if you can't find a couple you want to play you are either really stupid like mentally retarded or lying and a butthurt sony pony that can't afford a switch

So I have to buy a Wii U for one game?

Umm are you really that stupid

Bought mk8 since i liked it on wiiu, arms (total waste of money) and mario. Beat mario and xenoblade didn't hyped me cause of his mmo fight system so i sold my switch since there's no exclusivity worth it

I don't like your attitude, I'd prefer if you could stay out of my thread. Thanks.

>You could play PC games.

I wish I still believed other people were PC+Nintendo and not just pretending to shill

I owned a Wii U and knew it was going to happen, but I bought a Switch for Mario anyway, because the alternative is to wait until some time next year. And I wanted to play it right now.

Do you need to get Smash now? Why not just wait for the inevitable Switch version?

Same. And its too hot of an item to see a discount soon anyway so fuck it.

Prove you
1. own a Switch
2. own SM Odyssey
3. "beat" the game

Also explain why you aren't going for the other 500-600 moons that provide much more challenge.

Until you have done this, don't post again.

>had pokken for WIIU
>played over 1000 games online.
>rebought it for switch
>played a new character for about 20 minutes
>returned it next day

4 new characters isn't worth 60 more dollars, I heard splatoon 2 is not very different than splatoon.

if you haven't played these games, then switch town all the way however. i found out it's a pretty dead console if you already have experience with this literal rehash machine.


I expect Nintendo to make that a Virtual Console as soon as they kill the 3DS.

>got the Switch with Zelda for cheap
>sold it again after playing BotW for a few hours and realizing it's mediocre trash
>two times

I wish I made this up. I always get the urge to buy Nintendo stuff if it's cheap and ALWAYS end up selling it again short after. Only device I kept was the original dsi XL.

Thank god the vast majority of people weren't dumb enough to buy that clunky piece of trash they called Wii University.

muh portability
no decent games? portability
all multiplats? portability
games never on sale? portability
controller for $70? portability
underpowered? portability
battery runs 3 hours? portability

How are you so bad at knowing what you actually want?

always fun watching Sup Forumss head explode like a malfunctioning robot

I loved link between worlds and the 3DS majoras mask remake. Thought I also would like BotW but I also own other consoles and a PC so the open world borefest did not impress me sadly.



Forza: lootboxes
Call of Duty: lootboxes
Battlefront 2: lootboxes
Overwatch: lootboxes
Red Dead Redemption 2: C'mon you know it's going to have it too

EA has been shitting the bed, so that's a decent chunk of AAA on other consoles that isn't worth playing. Face it, we got portability, 60fps on first party titles (barring BotW), and good games.

The other systems have Bloodborne and Rare Replay to their name.

I respect your opinion bit I'll never understand it. I'm mostly a pc games and i prefer open world games, i dont think botw isn't like anything available on pc, natively at least

Cry harder

Sorry, but piss easy shit for little kids can't be good.


you don't want either xenoblade or smt?

but muh portability
muh soyboys
muh media create
muh ur games don't count

I just don't like the combat.

Or anime.

You're right, linear corridors are much more mature.

Exactly my sentiment.

I enjoyed the Zelda games mostly for the temples and puzzles. Everyting in BotW feels like it's made to beat in 10 minutes top. It's all so shallow and even though it was fun to explore at the start, as soon as you leave the plateau the world feels empty.

Not my cup of tea I guess. I'm tempted to get a Switch for the THIRD time for the new Mario. I really liked 3D World on the Switch.

Does SMT even have a release date yet? Nintendo isn't particularly against hardware revisions, who knows if there won't be a switch homeconsole version for $200 by the time SMT actually releases. In the worst case I can just buy a switch for the exact same money again.

>but sony

what would toddlers do without sony?

>and got a revision with a better battery, dock, and Tegra X2 chip.
Keep waiting, faggot. It ain't happening.

Not the person you've been talking to but it sounds like your limiting what games you experience based on perception of maturity. Isn't that pretty petty and immature? People who's tastes are dependant on societies perception of coolness are called middle schoolers.

Don't you think what games you play should be dependant on how entertaining they are to you personally?

After finishing BotW and Odyssey, I have no clue. I guess it's going to be my dust collector until Metroid Prime 4, or if/when they start porting WiiU games for it. I've been on a DKC kick recently, and would love to play Returns/Frozen Dong.

Wish I returned it after BotW.
All of the fucking praise for that game for being another puddle of an open world game.

I give no shit about maturity, I want difficulty and high skill ceiling. That's why your baby shit games for little kids do nothing for me.

It's okay, you don't have to try to fit in here. We already know that you are not a respectable adult

What games do you like?

dude, just look at this hotness

tell me this isn't GOTY

Splatoon has a great skill ceiling best shooter this year, but keep crying over nothing I guess

What is the Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance SP, DSI, and New 3DS?

>you actually bought a Switch when a PS4 is $199 today

Actual retard please kill yourself immediately

Why would he buy the inferior versions of games?

Why wouldn't I just play the new Just Dance? This is a rhythm game right?

probably have decent threads on Sup Forums

Shit flinging aside, what do you mean by it "for cheap" and where did you get it?

>waggle aiming
>skill ceiling

Handheld consoles

I beat off Mario

I have literally no reason to buy a PS4. Any of the games that are on it that I want to play I can play on another platform. A retard as a person who buys a console with no games that he needs.

What the hell do you think the Switch is, homeboy?

Yup, gyro is great

it sure is

Ah, the desperate cries of no argument in the morning

I have one of those already, why would I buy another one?

Hybrid home console

Do you not understand the difference between gyro controls and waggles? Are you so retarded you don't realize the problem people have with gyro controls is that it has a high skill ceiling?

Nice argument, bud. It's more precise than with a traditional controller, but you can still play it that way if you want

Shitty controls is not skill ceiling, toddler. Although, how would you know, there are no games with skill ceiling on recent Nintendo consoles.

>if you like multiplats
>if you like Nintendo stuff/JRPG's
>Sony exclusives
>Xbox exclusives
Xbone/a noose

Do you've never used gyro controls?

>my peepee better than poopoo

>home console
It's a tablet that uses a tablet chipset. the dock is just HDMI-out.

Keep crying, Splatoon2 will still be better than any other shooter released this year

At least Xbox One is integrating OG as well so you can get two pathetic libraries in one.

Yes and it's a home console

It's literally just splatoon 1: the expansion

Do you actually have any argument why gyro is bad?

It's still casual trash, toddler.

You don't know what waggle means then?

It's a handheld with HDMI-out

as the xbox one I just don't see any point in this console.

Doesn't make him wrong though, all shooters are expansion: full price or people hate it just like Doom 3

You have no idea how retarded you are. You are giving yourself away as a casual constantly while acting elitist about it. It's pathetic.

Gyro controls are objectively superior to dual analog, only a mouse and key can beat it in precision. This is a fact. I can understand not being good with gyro controls, it has a high skill ceiling, but it is superior if you are competent at it.

Still great

Also Wiiu is dead

>I heard splatoon 2 is not very different than splatoon.
splatoon 2 is literally has twice as much content as the first game

If Sm4sh and Mario Maker don't get ports in the coming year, Nintendo have officially lost their minds. Hell, toss in 3D World, Tropical Freeze, and a few others.