Is this a good game?

Is this a good game?

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Never played it, but I've heard it has:

>a slider to turn random encounter rates up, down, or off
>decent combat because of the Brave system allowing you to mess with the number of turns you have
>interesting skills
>a 2nd half that forces you to go back through all the same areas as the 1st half of the game

I don't know if the bosses are actually good or not.

It's good until the midway point. It has the shittiest form of padding I've ever seen in a game. They literally loop the entire game 3+ times with little to no changes. I stopped playing so idk how many times it does it.

It has one of the most fun battle/job systems in any JRPG. I actually enjoyed grinding to get new job abilities. You can speed up combat and adjust encounter rates, which eliminated tedium. The story is ok. I liked it, but it makes you retread what you've already done multiple times because of how the story is structured. The soundtrack is amazing.

It's alright.

i stopped right when it wanted me to go back to areas i have already been

plus 3ds is shit

Yes it is! It also has a concert which is the best thing I watched on the Internet! Revo for Bravely Third

It's not really a good game. If gets boring really quick. Edea or w/e her name is makes the game passable but your characters for the most part suck.

Edea > POWER GAP >>>>>>>> Ringabel >>>>>> Agnes >>> Tiz

I don't recommend the game tbqh. Turn based combat is dead senpai.

Definitely my top 3 OST of all time.

Combat and Job system was fun. Try not to get spoiled though, the twist near the latter half is what pushes this game forward. Pretty grindy in my experience towards the end.

It's only decent, and that's coming from someone who autistically maxed out all of my jobs on every character. It's mostly fun once you unlock broken skill combinations, but even then the repetition is bad, and, along with dumb characters, messes up the story.

Still probably the best not-final-fantasy on 3DS, though

I work night shift as security and basically sit in an office for 8-10 hours overnight only getting up every now and then to let the maintenance crew/janitors in and out so I'm looking for stuff to pass the time. About how long on average is this if I do sidequests and everything?

Ringabel > Edea >Tiz > Agnés

I just beat it a week or two ago.
The encounter rates slider is your best friend. Once you get to the 2nd continent turn that shit off and only turn it back on to gain a level or two if a boss is literally impossible.
The 2nd half of the game isnt that good honestly, but you can skip most everything at that point to only do the story important parts.
Be prepared to fight the same 4 bosses like 6 times.
The best part of the game is optimizing your skills/jobs. Shit like
>+3% damage per hit that stacks (with 16/32 hits an attack) as long as all hits connect
>+100% hit rate
>25% chance to attack again after each attack
>dual wield grants full attack power
>use high power, low accuracy weapons in each hand
>use skills with small bonuses to damage with small defense debuffs
>skills always have 100% accuracy
Shit gets pretty fun honestly, messing around with that stuff is the definitely the high point.

Maybe 80 hours?
There are also secret bosses that you unlock with spotpass.

Possibly 96 hours maybe? Idk... It's been awhile since I played. You will spend time grinding though.

It was great for a modern JRPG, but the latter half is pretty weak because you have to fight 4 of the bosses again multiple times to get the true ending. Don't listen to the memers who say you have to replay the entire game.
Second game is an improvement gameplaywise (and it fixes the issue with the true ending), but has a weaker OST and characters.

I remember having something around 100 hours when I stopped playing. Story doesn't take long, but it's the grinding and the village building minigame that take the most time.


This doesn't answer OP's question.





It's final fantasy 5.
So if you liked that game it's more of that game.

Fuck thats good.



user didn't come to stare at Edea or fanboy over her. He wanted to know if Bravely was good.

Why is Edea so fat?

I want to fuck Airy

you must have stopped at one time, as the second and further loops are all significantly different

Also here's some salt.

More salt

not fat

Whatever, Second is so flawed that Revo at the OST wouldn't have made much of a difference .
Enjoy the improved combat with the fun new classes and stop.

I've started it recently. For veterans:

Is there a cookie cutter party setup, or can I just go with whatever feels right?
How important are bravely seconds?
How important is the town building minigame? I hate leaving the thing on while I'm not playing, and I doubt I would encounter anyone with streetpass, so grinding these with actual real time is a pain in the ass.

My main problems with it are the forced 3DS gimmicks and the story pacing. It starts so fucking fast. No build up, you are out to save the world immediately. How come you can walk up to the king wight away? You are just a fucking farm boy. And every single boss has a cool personality, which is fine, but then they just die by your hands right away without any kind of goodbye or closure.

Oh damn, I was actually just about to make a thread about this. Thanks user

Yes. The looping takes away from it a bit but it's actually a very small part of the overall game. After a while, the looping pays off for the story and game.


it's all cool until late, which almost made me drop it due pure boredom, the OST is fantastic though.

You sure Revo wouldn't have made much of a difference? Then again I hear critics say Revo has repeated melodies too often (listen to his SNK album). I wonder if Revo would have composed for Second, would people complain that the ost is too much like Default's?

1: until you get to the final chapter with the optional boss gauntlet, your setup doesn't particularly matter. your standard tank/dps/caster/healer will work. if you're on hard mode you'll hit a wall in chapter 3, but you can figure that one out pretty easily, or just grind it. There's lots of creative combinations that work, and if you have any experience in JRPGs at all you'll naturally stumble upon the broken combinations

2: Bravely Second is not necessary at all. Use it once to clear the tutorial quest

3: The town building game is integral to leveling your limit breaks, and lets you get some pretty good equipment early on. It also feeds you with items/potions/etc as you progress. Its not strictly necessary, but its considered a handicap to not do it

As for your last concern, every single one of those plot related concerns is justified or expanded on later in the game

>How come you can walk up to the king wight away? You are just a fucking farm boy.
Is this your first JRPG?
Going to greet your buddy the king like you own the place has been a thing since Dragon Quest.

>Is there a cookie cutter party setup, or can I just go with whatever feels right?
As long as you have a dedicated healer youre good. Once you get the pirate job its really good to have that as well.
>How important are bravely seconds?
I used it twice to prevent wipes, aka You dont have to worry about it.
>How important is the town building minigame?
Not at all.
The only thing its good for is unlocking the basic special attacks, everything else is just filler.
And to your complaints, youll see as you continue the game. It has pretty good closure.

Go with whatever feels right. There's enough variety that you can be flexible and still handle most fights
They're just there to bail you out of a bad situation. Don't use them unless you're in an emergency or you want to break the limit and annihilate a boss
I'm pretty sure special moves are locked behind town building and you get a lot of free items by doing it. Edit your save file if you can, it's easier than relying on freebies/streetpass

Speaking of Revo, how do you feel about Sound Horizon? Do you like it or are you mad because Revo prioritized Nein over Bravely Second and won't touch it? I think because of the mass uproar over Revo not composing for Second, Bravely fans would be very reluctant to try Sound Horizon

As far as SNK goes, SNK fans just plain don't care about Sound Horizon

I actually like the second half of the game.
what no one's mentioned is that while you fight the same bosses again, there's a boss for each class that uses those abilities.
The meta in the game is all about pushing the job skills and the game's mechanics to their limit to break the combat.

They start teaming up in pairs and then 3's and then at the end 4 man parties that complement each other in different ways, and the player finally has to start facing encounters that also abuse the meta. These endgame encounters are pretty challenging and fun. you're pretty much forced to be OP to beat them and it's optional.
To me this is the most interesting part of the game. at that point there's no reason for you to travel the overworld people say it's repetitive but what's really happening is you turn off encounters and just go straight to the bosses. Even then it's optional and you can just skip along and only do the crystal bosses.

Despite what all the contranians say this game is pretty good. The music is good and the boss fights are pretty fair except for maybe in chapters 7 and 8 where the fights are straight up bullshit.

Is Second harder than Default?
I don't remember much about the first, but in Second most bosses can easily oneshot me, without Revive/fog I wouldn't last.

Edea's castle boss fights

Second seemed easier to me but that's probably because I knew the system better at that point and knew how to optimize
Summoner with spellcraft shits on the entire game

No not really

yes and no. yes because bosses have more health and hit harder and have less obvious weaknesses, but no because job combos are even more broken.

Second is harder at the start, but doesn't have the giant spike in difficult Default has at the end. The Second's version of the superboss is also harder

Default has invincibility combos, Second has SOMUCHDAMAGE combos.

That's about the difference. All the new classes in Second are absolutely stronger than the old classes from Default.

Second has a much better end-game (you don't just go replay the whole fucking story thirty times), but things are generally harder if you don't grind.


You just have to beat the same 4 bosses 3 or 4 times. It's not that hard. All of the other bosses are just optional.
They change what they say before and after the battle and you can get their jobs if you didn't before. But that's it. Completely optional and doesn't add anything more to the story.
So the second "half" is not half the game in playtime if you only do that 4 bosses.



>I doubt I would encounter anyone with streetpass, so grinding these with actual real time is a pain in the ass.
You get some villagers every day when you talk to the save point guy and choose "Update data".

Depends on the jobs you had. Spirit Master class was gamebreaking in Default because of the "Stillness" abilty and the "Ghost" status in Second was just flat out broken.

"apart" is the opposite of "a part"

having one character as White Mage+Spiritmaster is an absolute requirment. besides that it's whatever you want.

Ninja is hands down the best DPS in the game and the evasion skills are GOAT
Knight is the best tank class you can dual wield shield and block all physical damage, and there's a move that does damage based on your defense so it's still good DPS.
Time Mage is GOAT once you realize that you can use the special move to make everything including bosses to make them weak to Stop.

Miscellany from the starter class is hands down the strongest job secondary to have. the final skill mimic lets you do any move that preceded it without any of the costs. You just brave three times and do the move 4 times for the cost of one. This is absolutely broken for all the skills that have high BP cost. Performer would normally go down all the way to give the rest of the party max BP. Instead the performer ends up gaining BP.



This is the perfect fairy. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>tfw the best fairies are evil
it's not fair

fairies have never been nice user. Tinker Bell tried to kill Wendy, twice. If a fairy is being nice to you, you should be suspicious

awful, waste of time

That cover is the best part of the entire franchise.

>airy will never give your dick a full-body massage in return for going along with her keikaku
End it all desu

all fae are amoral, don't believe their lies

Don't listen to the memers who say you have to replay the entire game.
Unless you re-battle all the asterisk fights, you won't have the 'full' story.

>Unless you re-battle all the asterisk fights, you won't have the 'full' story.
Most of those are side stories anyway.

God bless that fat ass.



Aerodynamic for extra speed. Excellent!

Last one. I don't have bald pics of the other three

I want to fuck her stinky sister!


I played both games and it was the best experience ever. A really good timesink.

It's pretty good.

Now go watch the concert if you haven't seen it yet

The writing also become very uninspired after halfway through the game
It starts out almost poetic but it turns into more shitty anime dialogue for some reason.

Swordmaster + Pirate (free lunch, 3x amped strikes) + 150% physical attack boost + Bravely Default/Second to bypass 9999 damage cap = over 100K damage

I felt the exact opposite, with how incredibly one dimensional everything is on your first run, then actually becoming something a bit more interesting.

But it does start to throw some anime shenanigans in there just to give your party something to do after the journey part of the story doesn't really exist anymore.

Bravely has a good balance of serious and lighthearted.
Unlike Second that is 99% stupid anime hijinx without any sense of urgency at all.

>you will never be their minister of the right




never played it before but i would do anything to fuck agnes edea and airy all at the same time

The first had a lot of great ideas and characters, a strong soundtrack, a nice visual design, and a lot of promise though it was plagued by a lot of flaws (like having to repeat the same fucking bosses 4 or 5 times for the secret ending).

I didn't play the second in an act of trying not to support censorship, so I can't speak to how well it fixed these flaws.

it has better gameplay, with the soundtrack being a downgrade


you mean the indian girl turning into a cowboy? neither of them makes sense for her job's abilities anyway

>play the game up to the point where you go into the portal
>second half
>everybody I killed respawned
>estimates that I will probably need a good 2-3 hours of grind to kill all bosses comfortably after killing the monk/white mage boss

It's in my backlog but I won't be picking up anytime soon.

>you mean the indian girl turning into a cowboy? neither of them makes sense for her job's abilities anyway
Regardless, it was a dumb change and I don't want to support any censorship at all. I think there was something with swimsuits too, though if that was in the first game I found out only after I bought it.

Agnes is the single most beautiful vidya girl I have ever seen.

>needing to grind