Game has toxic community

>Game has toxic community

>Game has neurotoxic community

Name *1* game without a toxic community.

>Serve your sentence or pay the court a fine

>Game has a community that's more interested in the community and not the game

>Feminism has toxic whining about gaming community

undertale, fnaf and bendy

>They haven't heard of the high elves

>game has helpful, placid community

I like these guys but seeing their rooms in one of their specials makes me think they're weirdo need autists who live at home and have fun and don't worry about stuff. I'm envious.

This. I want to play undertale but this community is toxic as fuck

Butterfly Soup

>Game's community loves banter and fun

>game has you stay on the roads

>what is literally every online game community
monster hunter used to be the exception, with a genuinely helpful and welcoming community, but after a full generation on the 3ds with no communication options even that has degraded into garbage

It is the Daedra you see

>games community is mostly furries, bronies, fnaf fans, and undertale fans

>getting involved with any gaming community

>implying any multiplayer game can have a non-toxic community

>Game has you fighting mudcrabs more fearsome than yourself

>games community loves banter and fun
>games community is mostly furries, bronies, fnaf fans, and undertale fans
>furries, bronies, fnaf fans, and undertale fans loves banter and fun

>game lets you kill story-vital NPCs

>Sup Forums has fully embraced the use of the word "toxic"
We really are reddit now

>game has community where people use the word toxic

I resort to saying nigger as often as I can before getting banned then never playing the game again

>game has a non toxic community
Boring, i'd rather play with shitheads, trolls, and griefers who can handle bantz and do stupid shit for kicks instead of nu-male soyboys who use gender neutral pronouns for everyone on their team because they're afraid of offending anybody.

Yep, Sup Forums is growing up.
Being a stupid cunt in online videogames is not amusing or smart, fuck off edgy kids.


>game has a racist,sexist, biggoted community

>multiplayer game lets you disable the chat entirely

>game tells you that criticism is bad and stop acting entitled


>game has a red pilled alt-right community

>Game has the best community

>tfw don't even know if posts like these are bait anymore

>it's a Sup Forums thread
>but it has no Amerimutts posted in it

Sports fanatic shit on sports in general, their own team memebers, and even beat each other, sometimes to death, over a game they don't even have any impact on. They don't get a lot of the same shit as people who play video games.

Fuck off /r/Sup Forums :))))

>vidya community has toxic masculinity

Asian idol fans are even worse. If their idol gets a boyfriend or married, they'll stab or kill them. Now their management won't let them date until they're in their 30s.
Yet gamers need to relax? I'll never understand it

america has nosferatus???

>play xbox live 50 years ago on halo 2
>everyone calls each other a gay faggot and threatens to murder and fuck each other
>if you get offended everyone laughs at you

>play any game today
>kill someone
>they report you for killing them
>steam account deleted

wtf happened

People became pussified.

It's the nature of anonymity and by extension every online game. If you can't handle some man-child talking down to you about some digital numbers that will be irrelevant 30 minutes later, you're the problem

>people who call other people "toxic" are actually the most "toxic" people in the community

AoE2 has been pretty non-toxic for me.

But user, sportball is a time-honored tradition! You don't get to criticize it

They are an extreme community in some parts, but its kinda nice to feel accepted for being weird instead of shunned.

if someone calls you toxic, you can respond with I know you are but what am I, and they get banned instead of you

Normies seized control of the internet

Things got better.

Name a game that doesn't.

>Getting involved with Sup Forums

I bet you stop playing single player games because of rude people on Sup Forums

And it's getting worse, I've talked to people who legit want net neutrality gone. We aren't even at the darkest hour yet, and it's coming.

>game has reddit community

>game has a too friendly community and freak out the moment someone criticizes someone

About 95% of all players in any game are either ultrabad, annoying or unable to speak english so why would you care about it. Besides the only thing about a game that matters is the mechanics and everything else is completely irrelevant.

What do you mean? Reddit didn't invent the term, and it's just a word

>Game has toxic
Screw you, Blighttown!

No one complains about "toxic" community in an FPS, it's only in MOBAshit.

This is why people hate Sup Forums. You really think a bunch of 12 year olds calling eachother nigger and faggot on xbox live was "good community" ??

Why are people on Sup Forums so opposed to being nice to others?

What's insulting of Blighttown is knowing that the first Bonfire is literally nearby. But you get fucked by frame rate and toxic easily.


What good comes out of being nice? I don't want mushy mushy shit.

Why did you post the leader of ISIS?

>game has soyboy community


>game has a Stinky Big Butt community

>teammate clearly playing like a retard
>plays super cautiously and avoid helping team directly
>thinks he's helping by being the back support only to be the last straggler in most cases
>call him out

it forms a good community.
not that you would care or understand that
>I don't want mushy mushy shit
well the rest of the community does that's why they are kicking out annoying little shits like you

You can have both.

this makes me so mad

>game has a BADASS community
>of 7 people

>Why are people on Sup Forums so opposed to being nice to others?
Because i don't want to be forced to being nice to someone. If i feel like being nice i do it, if i don't feel like it why should i?
You rather people lied to your face 24/24 so that you can only hear nice things? Being forced to be nice won't improve society, it will only make it worse because people tend to rebel against tiranny.


>not talking about pharmacologic effects
kill yourself

You're missing the "and here's why" catch line.

>online game cicera mid 2000s
>porn images everywhere in sprays, or as textures or posters in a map
>||-||Weapons-Of-Ass-Destruction*people talking shit over the mic*
>games have global, team and other forms of chat
>trolling kids and making them cry
>rarely any degenrates such as furries, flaming homos, traps just whiteflower1488, jose_fernandez1988 and TheNiggerWhoPullsTheTrigger
>people are generally racist, homophobic, and talk shit about nationalities
>online "communities" cicera 2017
>chatting with enemy team is forbidden in some games
>competitive faggots who think they're hot shit
>people who police server discussion and ban people for swearing and any negative speech as its disrespectful
>YTers not only get to be gods amongst men but can change the way the game plays
>no more cool machinima or griefers they literally all died of suicide, drugs or dont do the shit anymore
>no more clans with rivalries in all games
>community servers have restrictions and some games dont allow community servers, pay us money to use our servers goy with limitations, you can also get banned for playing with pistols or knifes only because thats stat boosting
>no modding scene what so ever, most games dont allow mods of any kind, most activly moded game is fucking skyrim
DLC splitting the playerbase
>cosmetics given as a random drop or paid boxes instead of being unlocked via challenges as a show of skill
>other gay shit
>games are just shit in general

>Gotta Blast

Sup Forums is being overridden.

We were reddit since a long time now

>you get banned because you didn't see your teammates asking you to change your character

Warframe's community


This, matchmaking and DLC ruined online communities.

why is there a key hanging from his neck?

Emmett Hercule (?) makes music? His brother cosplayed as Link

I think the word 'respect' is better than 'nice', because the latter makes it possible for communities to become hugboxes were criticism is difficult to give an receive.

its for his chastity cage

>muh toxic
Reddit detected.

>play multiplayer focused online game like a fucking normalfag
>go on an antisimetic rant and shout how niggers should all be working cotton fields and getting shot once they get too old

If you can't take the bantz get your faggot friends as summons to help you out.

>call someone a faggot in some gmod server
>got a warning
I've never been more genuinely surprised, people A C T U A L L Y take issues with such things, it's amazing

>game is full of racist white manchildren

>call them virgins
>they lose their shit
Every time.

>someone non-satirically uses the word "toxic"

Plebbitors and sjw niggers invaded this board after the election

this king of nu-males, we are not worthy of his presence.