Treated myself to one of these bad boys and a new TV last night. BOTW is fun and cozy but it's not a Zelda game. It's like my first skyrim or something.
Treated myself to one of these bad boys and a new TV last night. BOTW is fun and cozy but it's not a Zelda game...
Other urls found in this thread:
Enjoy your bootloops
>Penis toes
>it's not a Zelda game
why do people say this
>american televisions
americans everyone
>it's a good X, just not a good Y
I hate this fucking shit. kys
Better than samsung trash
The carpet matches the drapes
No dungeons, autistic items that you get within the first 2 hours, no fucking roll. It's fun but don't call it Zelda.
Don't hate me because you ain't me pajeet.
is this the gay thread
more feet and belly
Hmm, now that I think about it, the divine beasts weren't big enough to be normal Zelda dungeons
weird that it's the best Zelda gameok a tie between it and MM
Its called Zelda regardless of what you think.
Absolute trash taste.
>not a Zelda game
>It is a good game but not a zelda game
was there any reason of including your feet? grow up
why aren't you rangebanned yet? you're fucking annoying and shit up the forum
how is it not a zelda game you fucking retard Its like the first one but in 3D and shit
I wouldn't even consider it a good game but that's a correct statement. It's Skyrim: lite edition with a zelda and half life mod pack installed.
Look who's talking loser
No you.
Imagine if this was a woman, though
Don't backpedal now
You said it was fun
>mfw there are normies here right now who don't calibrate their televisions
>probably still have motion smoothing/estimation/compensation/interpolation on
>probably have Sharpness at 50
You're sub
Subpar you fucking faggot get outta here
I wanna punch this guy until he dies.
Fat fucking pig, perfectly happy with his fat fucking huge belly, little baby feet of someone who never moves and full of disgusting hairs.
Fuck I'm mad.
It's more Zelda than anything coming after Zelda NES you newfaggot
>Sharpness at 50
Wait sharpness at 50 is bad!? It's right in the middle? Lowering it makes it blurry! Redpill me user! I need to know now.
>no fucking roll
The majority of Zelda games do not let you roll.
>Hurr durr I have a super deep opinon, guys, I swear, if you think about it, then it makes sense please look at me
Kill yourself.
You have to turn if off, always
but he's fat
I'm not that guy I don't even think it's fun after a few hours.
I'm aware, my dude.
just kill yourself idiot
Post pic of switch and celery
Because celery babies bitch and moan that only falseflaggers claim that "it is a bad boring game"
I'm too fat to have celery
It depends on the TV. Sometimes "off" is somewhere in the middle. On my TV off means off but its not the same for every TV
zelda you smart ass
the absolute state of nintendo fanboys
heres a pic of me and my playstations
Should've gotten a new phone instead of settling with your current one from the mid 2000s and a PS4 Pro.
not a single game to be found. quality
>BOTW is fun and cozy but it's not a Zelda game.
Here we fucking go again.
>Better than samsung trash
Did you just say LG is better than Samsung?
LG gets their fucking panels from Samsung you god damn mongoloid.
Nice to know you've never played Zelda 1
your setup looks like literal garbage and your shelves are shit.
t. non fanboy
You're a stupid shitter.
black like your soul, right
kill yourself with our garbage taste faggot.
>caring about looks
>doesnt even have an AVR
>have all the nintendo but not ps1/2
you're a nintendo fanboy.
Did you pick up that cabinet out of tornado rubble?
>doesn't even have an AVR
What was that you stupid little faggot?
That model of PS3 plays PS2 and PS1 games. Just saying, you're an idiot.
i dont know what any of this means. but i like video games
let's see your TV and speakers, dumb nintenbaby
>Pictures literally show PS4, Xbox One, original Xbox, PS3, Gamecube, Switch, etc.
>Somehow a nintenbaby when you own every console
>input lag
Apart from that, looks max comfy.
>viewsonic projector
>no cable covers
>non fixed projector screen
>shelve blocking front speaker
>probably doesnt even have the surround speakers
absolute kek
There's less input lag than a TV, dumbfuck. Do some research.
Then, to make things quick, you should turn on "Game Mode" in your TV settings, it'll disable all extraneous enhancements/filters and give you a pure image with less input lag. Hopefully it's a catch-all remedy for you.
>Still calling him nintenbaby when heis an idort
Laffin kiddo shitposter
goddamn, ive been playing all this time without this. thanks user
>being this retarded
your projector probably has 60+ms input lag
so idort he has all the fucking nintendo and no ps1/2, and his ps3/4 are probably secondhanded even
Literally not true. I'm not about to look up something that I already know.
>Viewsonic sucks HURRRR
It's just the angle I took the photo you fucking moron.
I rent this place, I don't give a shit about cable covers, and I'm not getting a fixed screen. What the fuck does that even mean?
>gameplay evolves so it isnt that series anymore
When did this shit meme start picking up?
I guess Mario 64 isnt a Mario game because it doesnt have muh fire flowers and muh timer and muh flagpole ending.
Also Metroid Prime isnt Metroid
Metal Gear Rising isnt Metal Gear
Donkey Kong 64 isnt Donkey Kong
>your projector probably has 60+ms input lag
It does not. But okay, TV owner.
>He didnt go with Sony tvs
Still stupid because a "nintenbaby" wouldn't have a single sony console or any xbox console, retard.
>uses a projector but doesnt even know fixed screen
>uses a projector but doesnt know the input lag vs tvs
>$550 projector
my projector that i stopped using was even more expensive than yours btw
>he has all the fucking nintendo
Where's the NES, SNES and Wii though?
YEA that TV looks like SHIT. Panasonic VT65 you Calibration is your friend...
>my projector that i stopped using was even more expensive than yours btw
I also fucked your mom, etc. etc. You have no idea what you're talking about and are just shitposting, you never had a projector, and are living with mommy and daddy.
Fuck off roleplayer.
so much for feng shui.. man that hurts to look at
The input lag of that projector in particular is anywhere between 16 ms and 40 ms.
You're a shitposter and need to stop, you look really jealous.
wow keeping all these old POS consoles youll never turn on or hook up ever... I just keep all my old games and consoles in some boxes in my storage room.
>Owns Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo consoles
The absolute state of Sony ponys.
I play them all regularly. The consoles I don't play are in my closet.
Play a good game like Odyssey
Most of those are clearly hooked up though.
Did you just reply to the same guy twice?
I'm this guy
why would you get a 4k tv for a console that can hardly do 1080?
>Being btfo'd this hard
>so hard you have to say "I had a projector too, it was better than yours, nintenbaby"
>now just replying with "kek"
Holy fuck this is hilarious.
user that last post was some desparate trolling.
Surround sound is a meme. 2.1 is home.
Why anyone wants a permanent thing that's 80 inches across is beyond me.
He fucked up his viewsonic monitor and blames the brand.
>Manlet feet
>gross dust covered Nintendo consoles
>disgustingly organized controllers
>several cod games hiding in the back
just kys OP
I agree its not really a Zelda game but its super fun. Basically the best Adventure/exploration game out there.
Why do people call it Skyrim? its nothing like skyrim. the only people who call it skyrim are the people who have never played any open world game before skyrim
What model of Benq is that
Well well well what do we have here?
A BTFO'ed poster?
Wow, samefagging this obviously?
Okay, what model is that? Take a pic of the model.
I've never owned a projector but what is all this shit flinging? Why would it matter if you have a fixed screen or not? Do they have less or more lag than TV's? I want to KNOW
Lol you probably followed the """""calibration""""" the xbone had you go through
metal gear rising isn't metal gear
he plays n64 on a flatscreen