ITT: Your main/s
The one and only.
#16 for life and beyond
I REALLY like tomboys and hairy pussies, what else am i supposed to do, they got me
me on the left
he means fighting games user
Great taste
fuck the Celica
I can't be the only one... Right?
Needs a good nerfing, as does ling the fucking hooker.
>Won't be in Infinite
>Probably won't in Doctor Strange 2
>They pulled the Galactus-lite card on Dorm instead of fucking Shuma
Ling doesn't need a nerf, she's trash in a deathmatch.
Smash is a fighting game
Best virgin character
ah a fellow man of culture
God I hope those season 3 leaks are true.
Yoshi on the side.
is kof16 too hard to play and enjoy as a scrub casual?
im tempted by sale, cause ive not played much of that series - it has an amazingly large roster and that is a massive turn on to me, getting to discover a whole buncha new characters is very appealing.
But i started watching some tutorial, and it had like 4 jumps, as well as rolls - is every aspect of the game that comprehensive?
*kof14, whatever - the new one.
no, it's quite leanient and gives you a tutorial
it's not like you're starting from XIII so really, whichever one you start with you'll still have things to learn
Started maining Bison in SFV and love him. How different is he in V from IV, etc? Might want to trying him in other games after I git slighty more gud at fightan
Pretty sure Eliza is like low mid tier. She's not that good. Ling on the other hand is quite good I think but I believe she already got some minor nerfs.
I got so much hate, but Abel's too much fun.
this nigga
Super out of date but...
>Vanguard Princess
I really like annoy people
>H..hey guys I'm an OG 3S player! My opinions instantly matter!
>street fighter gets FOUR seperate tags
>tekken is just Tekken
I never get this. What if Asuka is my main from T5 onwards, but i want to talk about TTT1?
It was Kazuya btw
tell me how good you guys are at doing the daigo parry and recreating moment 37. also how good is ingrid in 3rd strike? i bet you guys also main q as well, huh?
Nah dude, I only played 3rd Strike through FightCade and he was fun__
>You have to do the Daigo parry to play Remy >:(
What was it like bodying alex valle and justin wong back in the day?
your autism is staggering
you being a 3S bandwagoner is tiring.
>guy has ST, 4 and 5 on there
shitposting isn't bannable but it really should be
He's fun
also fun
But you see user, anyone who picked up playing SFIII anytime after 4's release is a bandwagoner. Let's ignore the complete ease of actually being able to find "arcade perfect" versions of the game online at the time, and the simplicity of Mame and Fightcade these days. Nope, just muh bandwagoners and muh Q memes.
Let's give a hand for Big Band
>red headed daughter
>a minus
>Played Third Strike as one of my first fighting games as an adult in like 2015
>Actually decided to play Q and Remy because they're cool and I like charge characters
I'm no expert, and I primarily play SFV now, but I get the hate Third Strike and Third Strike Bandwagoners get.
People hate me
You notice how these 3S "OGs" always namedrop and never discuss the game itself or it's mechanics etc.
3S sucks and everyones a poser
yes, we get it
My nigga
>You notice how these 3S "OGs" always namedrop and never discuss the game itself or it's mechanics etc.
Yeah man! I mean who would have thought someone would have namedropped a character in a "Main thread." Like LOL Are they dumb?
This gopnik.
A duke is fine too
3S and any non-current King of Fighters are the biggest poser games. Garou ESPECIALLY.
Is anyone actually playing fighting games in this thread?
just some cucks getting triggered by 3s for some reason
Link in smash 4, sakura in street fighter 4
Anyone who fills out the entire chart doesn't play any one game enough to not be garbage at it.
I like Leona.
Gonna buy Killer Instinct today. So No.
Lets run a set. Your choice
It's the /fgg/ influx.
3S. Post your fightcade name.
Sorry, not a bandwagoner. Play me in Arcana Hearts. Where you based?
Nice duck, cuck
kek, you wanted to play fucking netplay. Where you based?
>your choice
>Arcana Heart only
And both of you are too pussy to post any kind of identifying name.
Bandwagoning isnt making a choice
>Your choice
>but not the game you chose, only the game I chose.
oh the puns
>Iron Fist
Man of impeccable taste right here.
Someone please play me in KoF XIV or XIII
I'm so lonely
ST then. Or is anything besides Arcana Heart bandwagoning?
Sounds like something a ducking cuck would say.
Literally HOW. I never gave the game more than 4 hours, and most of it was achievement farming. But he always gave me trouble concerning combos.
sure since you cant handle a real game. Where you based?
I might buy XIII later actually.
inside ur mom's pussy.
I play some anime fighters but not GG
not him but i'll play arcana. steam? na?
Holy shit why are you so triggered by Third Strike? You're obsessed.
Doesn't matter, it's fightcade. You can play BRs or Koreans just the same. Post your name.