The framerates are really low on Nintendo games and a lot of them have huge slowdowns...

The framerates are really low on Nintendo games and a lot of them have huge slowdowns. Why does no one ever mention these major flaws when it comes to Nintendo consoles? Its competitors get a lot of flak for this stuff

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because it's always ok when nintendo does it

It's ok to shitpost when it's about Nintendo

everything worthwhile has been ported anyways

Because normally functioning adults aren't bothered by something as irrelevant as framerate.


What Nintendo games have slowdonw?

Because back in 1996 we disn’t give a fucking fuck about frames per second and were to busy wnjoying fully 3D games on our CRT’s and having our puberty kickstarted by a naked fish girl with fuck me eyes and big tits

Just Zelda. Every single thing else runs at 60 FPS.
It's hilarious that PUBG runs like ass even if I turn it to lowest settings on a GTX 970 but my little handheld Switch will run Mario at 900p 60 FPS.
Obviously PC is more powerful, I'm just really upset but the optimization quality of the biggest release on it lately.

Nice try, OP. Get a better SD card or actually buy cartridges if you really have this issue. Only games I feel that are choppy are sun and moon/ Xenoblade chronicles on 3DS

banjo tooie runs at like 2 frames

>It's hilarious that PUBG runs like ass even if I turn it to lowest settings
What do you expect from korean developers? I mean they have literally done nothing but shit out MMOs.

because we were fukken 12

also a game's quality is about more than just framerate and grafics

goldeneye drops to like 5fps when youre using explosives

You posted it user

Wait a fucking minute. Is this thread about the N64 specificaly or Nintendo consoles in general?

And regardless of that, does it incluse 2nd and 3rd party games?

Cartoon games like Mario, with prebaked shadows, are always easier to run than games that target realism. Also PUBG is early access.

>20 million copies sold
>can't optimize with that funding

PUBG will just keep running like shit, though. It gets even worse with each patch. Last year was the year of nicely optimized games like DOOM, this year just feels like shit. Everything runs bad and looks terrible.

More money affords more development time, it does not remove the time cost entirely.

The N64 was the worst console of its generation.

>Just Zelda. Every single thing else runs at 60 FPS.
Far from the truth.


Name some. Mario, Mario Kart, Splatoon, Smash. Fuck, Smash is 1080p on Wii U too.

People back then were unconcerned with framerate. PlayStation games often has bad framerate. There there were the load times and disc read errors. It was a pretty shitty era technology wise but the 3D graphics, cinematics, better music, and games themselves made up for it.

Smash 64 4 player has so much slowdown that competitive players overclock their 64s to play teams.

Sony pony here, don’t be absurd. There was the saturn, the jaguar and countless others. N64 still took 2nd place

>Cartoon games like Mario, with prebaked shadows, are always easier to run than games that target realism. Also PUBG is early access.
>muh early access

The game is always gonna run like shit

What PS1 games had truly terrible (sub-25/30fps) framerates? I only know of one and it's that one game made by Shiny Entertainment that I forget the name of that was ported from PC. Other than that it was brief occasional slowdowns for the most part from what I've seen.

Just curious.

Medievil I replayed it recently and it definitely does not at 30FPS. FF7-9 all run below 30FPS in combat even on PC.

the saturn was only bad if you lived outside of japan and everything else isn't even worth mentioning besides maybe the neogeo

nothing in that post mentioned sony or the ps1 btw

Pretty much all of them had slowdown at stresspoint like explosions and shit, just like the N64, except maybe for most of the 2D simpler ones, which is also true for the N64.

I remember most RPGs being particularly bad with this, but I guess it's not as big a deal for turn based RPGs.

I'm sure there are examples of games that run particularly badly at all times like OoT or Banjo did. It was just a thing of the times.

>Spent hours playing OOT at its glorious 17 FPS
>My face when a millennial tells me anything below 60 FPS in unplayable


>the saturn was only bad if you lived outside of japan



ps1 has multiple 3D games that run at 60 FPS

n64 has one, f-zero gx

>playing the european version

Genuinely curious to know some 60fps 3d games on the ps1.

Why do you have to remind me that PBX is dead and that there will never be a doujin as great as Kamehasutra?

tekken 3

omegaboost is a good place to start, it's made by the gran turismo devs and its a great argument why devs who only make a single series should be encouraged to try something new.

it's ok when nintendo does it

smash 64 runs at 60

Tekken 2

many of the ps1 games are 2D or effectively 2D, but there are also games like ergeiz that are true 3D with 60 FPS

smash 64 is a sidescroller where most things besides the characters themselves are 2D sprites

It's not stable. There's slowdown.

shut up fat fuck american

>with parts of the game running at 60fps

>ps1 has multiple 3D games that run at 60 FPS
can only mention tekken as an example

Found a list and even though there are a number of them, the vast majority are garbage games that look like ass and play like shit.

That's not to say there isn't a number of remarkable ones.
I'm glad to see how many good fighting games run at 60, but let's face it, they are very limited in scope and could be considered basicaly 2.5D.
The ps1 just had a lot more games in general. If you take a look at the N64 most games that ran at 60 alse fell into those parameters: fighting games or otherwise games done mostly in a 2D perspective.

I'm still not convinced the N64 ones had less slowdown, although that's certainly possible.
To me it still seems like they were both on a very close range from each other.

Graphics are not what a game is about. Performance just has to be playable.

Gameplay is all that matters.

If you focus on only graphics or framerate, you end up with just a good picture simulator that has empty gameplay and boring design.

>To me it still seems like they were both on a very close range from each other.
then why is every single third party game that was made on ps1 first (aka 90% of them) a gigantic downgrade in it's n64 version in almost every way?

That game can get pretty hectic, but under normal circumstances it's stable.

If the PS1 fighting games had multiple characters, items, explosions and summons you can bet your ass it would drop frames too.

The question is how often does that happen?

With 4 players, it happens all the time on most stages. Add in items, projectiles, or stage hazards and you get even more slowdown. If you do 2 players, slowdown is much less common.

Most likely space limitations.
N64 worked at most with 128mb cartriges, but even those must have been insanely costly to the point that only a couple of games used them.

That is bound to have an impact in a lot of areas, including some beneficial ones like having a fraction of the load times.

If you mean stictly performance my guess would be shitty ports. It happens all the time to this date.
Remember how the PS3 version of Bayonetta ran consistently worse despite the PS3 being marginaly stronger than the 360?
Ports are tricky even if the developer is good and the console architecture was vastly different across platforms back in the day, much more so than nowdays.

There you have it.
It's a shame, but that's the nature of that game.

Killer Instinct on the other hand ran smoothly and looked great, since it was a more simple, 1 on 1 fighting game.

Because the games are fun :)