3 days until last legion raid tier opens!

3 days until last legion raid tier opens!
Are you prepared?

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I'm just hopin to get into pugs.

Is ilvl 923 enough? I don't think I'll make it to 925 by Tuesday.

Pugs will be demanding 940 minimum.

>Raid drops 930 gear
>You must be 940 to join a pug

T-thanks. I'll just start my own.

930 should be enough for opening week, after 2-3 weeks prepare for the 940/950

>Guild fell apart because GM got pissy at one raider and threw our 1% M Avatar progression before the recent nerfs out the window and quit raiding
>Lost a healer, raid leader, and tank in a single night killing all attendance and no one knew why other than "my feelings are hurt"

I will never not be mad

>demanding 940 for raid that drops 930

Through Worgen knot - Unity

i left /wowg/ and still you follow me

>only at 921
>stressed out no one will want me

He's got your scent

I'll pug with you bro.

The last time I was around for a raid launch was Highmaul in WoD, and it was a shit show. People couldn't down Kargath on normal.

I'm hoping since it's so late in the expansion, people will know enough about their classes that normal mode won't be that hard. Maybe 3-4 wipes per boss, which I'd be okay with.

Haven't even done ToS yet. Doing heroic with pugs is impossible.

You just have to find the good pugs. I haven't completed ToS, but I've gotten to Host in pugs.

Also I just started raiding in Legion like 3 weeks ago, so I'm sure if you were pugging since the raid opened you'd have cleared it several times by now.

Effort in getting your ilvl to 940 indicates to pugs you are a good player

Been working on alts instead. I'm frustrated that only part of the dailies for Argus are open to alts and I still have to do the story quests.

>all these people caring about ilvl
I see 940+ people that fail KJ to this damn day. Easiest boss ever and yet lots of people fail to understand the basics of the fight.


well you have to admit gear make it easy, people who ask for too much want to steam rollit

>making your own raid group
>in modern wow
I did that a lot during the last couple months of WoD. It's not worth it. I barley escaped with my sanity.

Op here, I didn't did ToS too.
Finished nightmare on the first week and heroic on the second and this will be first legion raid tier I returned for.
Got 931 and all 3 second tier neithercrumbler traits unlocked, so as healer should get into without problems

I've seen 950 ilvl guys with horrible statweights crying about someone with lower ilvl doing a lot more dps.
Usually these fucks do half of what people at their ilvl should.

Welcome to the world of pug raiders, friends!

Ah, who am I kidding...
>lost my raid spot due to work related reasons back in may
>ToS was so unappealing to me that I didn't even bother to check it out even once
>tfw 922 iLvL with still the 4 t19-set-pieces I got back then

will the bosses this tier be as terrible as tos bosses?

ToS bosses were amazing

Were they really that bad?

Sisters of the Moon, Maiden of Vigilance, and Demonic Inquisition were all pretty bad.

The rest of the fights were alright though.

>been raiding consistently in raid guilds (not pugs) for the past 10 years
>Slowly being burnt out since end of MoP
>almost completely burnt out before legion, AP grind and M+ spam didn't help in the slightest
>See how shitty and lackluster BoA looks, cinematic didn't even get me hyped
>tired of coming home from work and being chained to WoW for 16+ hours a week
>decide this will be the last tier I raid at a serious level

Am I retarded? Why would this require more than 910-915?

too many soaking mechanics
kj especially is the least fun raid boss i've ever experienced in wow - i got aotc and then never did him again
the soaking shit is so fucking frustrating with pugs
it's also pointless to raid mythic so no point in being in a raid guild

Because you can get 920 from mythic+ easily and 930+ from world bosses.
You can do raid with guild with this ilvl, but no one will invite person they don't know if he visibly didn't even bothered to be prepared for raid

>Soaking mechanics
>Outside of mythic ToS
Literally what

>Maiden of Vigilance is bad

That's one of the best fights in the tier. Especially Mythic with the amount of coordination it requires. Get good.

>920 gear from mythic+
>930 gear from world bosses
>Average ilvl 925
>You need 930 gear to raid

Lmao whatever dude. I’ve only gotten two pieces of 935 gear since Argus came out, and both were replaced by legendaries. I just started trying to get gear 3 weeks ago. I’ve prepared as much as I could possibly do.

If 923 isn’t enough then fuck them. I’ll make my own group and we’ll clear it

>930+ from world bosses.

they barely give 880+

>mythic maiden
>anything but frustrating
Wiping on it got old really fast because one asshole could literally cause an instant wipe.

Mythic mistress on the other hand is a fun fight.

Of course I am.

I am unsubbed until the BFA prepatch and will blow through this new raid in a week without a fuck given.

Staying subbed for months on end with this time gating bullshit is retarded.

The more coordination required, the less I like a fight. Maiden requires you to move around way too much. As a healer it fucking sucks because you have to be paying attention to health bars at the same time running across the room collecting orbs and one fuck up will screw over the entire raid.

Maybe for dps it’s fun, but healing that fight sucks major ass

>tfw my toaster can crashes when I join pugs on lfr

it sucks to not be able to raid, more than 20 players on screen kill my computer

>retail wow
>muh ilvl

kek, what a shit game

does the 24/7 run selling spam ever get on anyone else's nerves?
i mean you can buy gold for $20, then buy a run from a guild, and be decked out in mythic raid gear
since gear in pvp is normalized, and there is no prestige in raid gear (because it can just be bought), what exactly is the point in the current end game? farm mounts and pets?
classic can't come soon enough

No. I'll probably resub in a month or two and ask for a tourist visit from my former guild to check out that place in heroic difficulty.

Argus WBs do give base 930
They're awfully statted and don't include rings or trinkets but that's how it is

They need to figure out M+ mechanics that require group members other than the healer to perform well
Literally every M+ affix is solely on the healer - it makes bad groups so fucking frustrating

>>Average ilvl 925
Your artifact 960+
2 970 legendary

>Those Tier 21 set bonuses

Just fuck my shit UP

Unlike Vanilla WoW where bosses have 0 mechanics you need good ilvls. Sorry lad

Without mythic drops how do you get your artifact beyond 940?

>p-p-please play outlaw...... p-please play the shit specs nobody has played.. please......

yet somehow the raids then felt like they meant more

>So everyone knows how to do this boss right?
>It's my first time
>no XD

WOW is all spam these days.

People complain about tradechat spam for LFG, but SGI and Run selling spam is by far, much, much worse.

No one ever communicates on WOW anymore, because there is nothing to communicate about, the UI tells you everything you need to know, so its all just filled with spam and memes like barrens chat.

outlaw is the worst spec?
I'm leveling an outlaw rogue and I though I was doing the right thing, hell, I just spam the gun attack and hope for the best



>Literally every M+ affix is solely on the healer
Kill orbs in time
Kill mobs in right order
So yes, 2 specially for healer, 2 specially for dps and others for everyone
I have 915/920/910 relics and have 959 artifaact
So pretty easily

perfectly normal response in LFR

It was ludicrously strong at the start. Then absolutely gutted. Now they are trying to fix it again.

if the group fails those affix mechanics, who is punished?

>epic drops in vanilla
>it replaces your level 58 blue dungeon item
>feel like the king of the world

>retail wow

Did they make Ret Paladin fun to play again or is it still the most boring shit?

every melee spec is just spam the ability that isn't on cooldown, so no

Comparing Vanilla WOW to Modern WOW is like comparing a roguelike to a beat em up.

Yes there were less mechanics, but vanilla encounters would still wipe raids, because they did as much damage as a level 80 raid would.

The main difference between vanilla raids and post BC raids is every post BC raid has enrage mechanics, while only 3-5 bosses in vanilla had anything resembling an enrage mechanic, most bosses in vanilla were simply designed to kill half the raid at a time.

You also couldn't just autopilot with addons like you do now, and there was a lot more micromanagement to classes, such as mana which didn't regen faster then you can spend it, like it does now.

The group. No healer in the world will heal you through 2-3 fel orbs, 10 mobs bursting or 15 bolstering stacks exploding at once

being an adventurer who joins with other adventurers to take down a local threat is better than being the champion hero duke #1 who saves the universe

>ilvls somehow make mechanics more relevant

Oh how I am laffin

Vanilla required specific gear for different fights, let alone high enough stats so you didn't randomly die to raid damage.

>fails mechanics
>blames healer for not healing through globals
that's how it works in reality

Your thoughts on Ion Hazzikostas?

>Six Expansions now
>Expect us to be taking down the "Local threat"

Fuck off

>PTR raid test
but why

Also, classes Required a lot more knowledge to play and abilities were much more situational. You had 20+ abilities that you could use in an encounter as opposed to 4 today. Also blizzard didn’t tell you how to play, you had to min max on your own.

I think that’s what most people forget playing this game. They’ll pull up some random boss from Legion and say look how complicated it is, but they’re forgetting that the only complicated part is the movement patterns, not the complications of playing their class which is stupified

no way my computer can run that, not even on minimum graphics

so now that you're the savior of the universe, what comes next? since you're too awesome to defeat local threats? do we save the 3rd dimension?

Can't wait to run the same thing for a year+

A hackjob who only got his job as raid designer because he could make DPS spreadsheets.

Making him game designer has fucked the game ten ways sideways, hopefully we can pull an OSRS with classic WOW and undo his faggotory by showing the heads at blizz that he fucked over the game hard.

I've got about 2 million gold in consumables and another 500,000 or so in crafting gear. I should make about 1.5 million in profit during patch week.

I love being a (((goblin))).

There're a bunch of raid and guild discord channels for teaming up with fairly decent and often nice people going for a decent experience. You just have to talk a bit.

Why on earth would you submit yourself to the puglife?

>There are people who play WoW solo
>They've never known life outside of the PUG world
>They probably run keystone dungeons exclusively with randos
>They keep paying a sub for a game that cannot possibly be fun
>Some of them even play healers in the pug world

Just stop user, its not worth it. Get with a pve guild and make some friends. You truly dont know how much better things can be

Why what?

>vanilla-wotlk wow, 12m subs
>legion, subs no longer reporter
you tell me

>heh fuck that guy game i dont like it so he is bad man
Grow up. He has more passion for the game than the rest of them had.

based desu

He has openly admitted that stuff like random legendaries were a mistake and took personal responsibility for them. So he has my respect.

>implying keystone dungeons are any more fun with friends

WOW has no casual group based content to have fun with legit friends anymore.

Everything is a turbo grind that will turn your real friends away from the game right quick, all of mine have quit by now, im stuck PUGing, or joining shitty guilds.

Guilds are worse, in my opinion. If you want to be in a high end guild, you need to have time commitments, and there’s a constant pressure to consistently perform. With a pug you can do it at any time of the day and if you fuck up a bunch you can leave and never see those players again. It’s a nice feeling.

Also, if you’re in a relaxed raiding guild, usually they’re terrible and you get nothing done ever, might as well be in a pug

last time I was in a guild there were only 4 or 5 fuckers that know irl eachother and they did ignore the rest of the guild

guilds, not even once

can confirm all 3 of these

Watcher only cares about raids, he's been the lead designer since WOTLK

He and Ghostcrawler has systematically fucked over the game hard, from PVP, to PVE, and beyond.

Dungeons just became an repetitive grind, loot became an RNG pinata fuckfest, class design has been stupified so you cant cheese his incredibly unfun 'tuned' boss encounters.

And PVP just got worse and worse and worse, but that started in BC, watcher and team B just made thing even worse.

Will we know what fully happens at the end of antorus raid and how/why the artifact weapons fuck off?

>Raid guides always out days before release.
What's the fucking point? Doesn't seem like anyone plays this for fun anymore.

Because the raids don't matter, only the randomized loot gamble.

One time I was in a guild and became close chums with everyone because I'm a super loveable person. The guild leader kicked me from the guild at some point because I was too chummy with all of his officers and other players. The rank and file quit the guild because I was kicked for literally no reason other than being likeable and the entire guild disbanded a few days later.

It was an odd experience back in TBC.

I never knew wiping = fun

>that moment when you kill the first time ragnaros generated more joy than all nu wow

>gear normalized in pvp
>24/7 mythic raid run selling spam
can someone expain what the point of wow's current end game is when 1) gear can be bought with gold (which can be bought for $20), so there is 0 prestige in having it and 2) being geared doesn't mean shit in pvp

At Blizzcon Ion described the end of the artifact weapons as Khadgar coming around and collecting them from everone

Learning the fight was the fun part.

>That guy who steps into a raid without doing his homework
>Probably complains about ""Elitism""" in guilds

but why?
that does not make sense

wiping on kj for the 100th time because someone forgot a soak is awesome fun

You sir have found the golden question to why the game has dropped 8 million subs over the course of 7 years.

The fun part is figuring out the bosses and overcoming them as a team to finally down them.

You need to have the lows to experience the highs. That’s why LFR is so fucking boring.