Ay is me! Donkey! Tooday imma tell yoo how much I lurve three dee platformahs!

Ay is me! Donkey! Tooday imma tell yoo how much I lurve three dee platformahs!

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>hes trying to be a serious youtubber

I genuinely hate this man

>don't like his content
>still watch his videos
you're only wasting your own time, bud

Hey man don't pick Hanzo!

one of the funniest youtubers

>music montage of him playing hanzo

>it's a dunkey makes an embarrassing review video

Oh wait that's all of them.

If you're a brainlet redditor, sure

Super Mario Bros 2 LMAO

Remember when he crippling depression and was thinking about offing himself?



Literally people only like him because EPIC FUNNY VOICE XD he is legit retarded

I met him in real life once.
He is very awkward in person and can't even maintain eyes contact.

His comedy videos are gold, but he always makes an ass of himself when he tries to make a serious review

You can do both you know right?

How much?

>He's white but sounds black
Where does this happen? Louisiana?

This. He is an obnoxious funfag with stupid opinions on what great games are, but he's funny.

But whenever he tries to get serious and review a game, using "big" words and shit seens ridiculous to me.


Why does this autistic Puerto Rican get so many views?

Why is Sup Forums so pathetic when it comes to this shit? You must realize the fanbase of Sup Forums, reddit, youtube, etc are all nearly the same.

he's literally Sup Forums personified but has a huge following. I guess that's what makes him endearing to so many autists here.

>cherrypicked across multiple games

New York dummy

reddit thought he was black, which made them feel cool for watching a #nerd black youtuber

>"""serious youtubber"""

i don't know what level of insight and sophistication one would need for that but i'd say having > 1mil subscribers is as serious as you can get on social media

>people who genuinely dislike his videos
can you seriously not set aside your uptight tastes for a second and appreciate some comedy?

>he talks about wanting to lose weight and improve himself
>turns out he doesn't have to because he found an autistic babyvoiced girl with a fat fetish

Did anyone see his latest video about AC Origins? Dunky is literally Sup Forums. The entire video was full of bait and cherrypicking. Anyone could make a similar video about almost any other game amplifying minor flaws or glitches to make the wholegame seem terrible. I'd like to see him or someone make a video just like the AC Origins one except make it about the witcher 3. That game is more boring than Assassins Creed and you don't even have to cherrypick its flaws, the game is flawed itself.

I mean he was like "OH LOOK I"M FOLLOWING THIS GUY AND LISTENING TO HIM TALK FOR THE 300TH TIME THIS IS SO "GOOD." Yeah the Witcher 3 is the same thing and even worse with more cutscenes.

Everyone has comfort zones. So he doesnt open up to complete strangers, so what?

He puts out pretty decent videos, that's all that matters.

I feel like other people take him more seriously than he takes himself. Sometimes he actually wants to talk about what he thinks about a game and a lot of the time when he does that, people that normally go
>he's just funny yt man
suddenly take what he's saying super seriously

Remember when Sup Forums sucked this faggot's dick until he got popular? I remember some homo saying he stayed up all night watching dunkey's videos and was sad he had no more left and the rest of the board was agreeing with his sentiment. This site is a contrarian cockhole and you all watch his videos on the DL and don't want to admit it