just downloaded and installed this game, should i play it?
how do i git gud? pre-made or custom character?
just downloaded and installed this game, should i play it?
how do i git gud? pre-made or custom character?
Refund it and get a real RPG for real men instead.
3rd act sucks, good turn based shit though. Went from xcom 2 to this and I didn't notice too much of a change in enjoyment if that helps.
>just downloaded and installed this game, should i play it?
no way
just leave it installed but never touch it
>just downloaded and installed this game, should i play it?
GOTY contender as a modern PC exclusive. That is a massive achievement.
Custom character
Pre-made characters are too pigeon-holed to try and roleplay as
>For example, rolling the Red Prince, ALL your responses will be arrogant
It might take you a couple of do-overs to get everything right, but in the end, the game is very forgiving if you screw up the first chapter, mind you don't outright kill any of your potential companions.
Also, avoid Fane--he feels too much like a last-minute addition to the game to be a core character.
You mean, you play as the character you knowingly chose if you choose a pre-made with actual backstory? Say it ain't so.
That's not how the game frames it--game flat out says you're going to be missing out on key story items, while giving your free-range to roleplay however you damn well please. The Red Prince could have just as well be played as a niave or progressive prince, but nearly all his responses at the end of the day are more inclined to enslaving everything.
>downloading a game and not playing it
Play the pre-made characters. is a fag and his shit's all fucked up.
>just downloaded and installed this game, should i play it?
Are you for fucking real?
GOTY contender when the last two acts are rushed as hell is an even bigger achievement. They fought with one arm tied behind their back and still won.
I spent 80 hours on the first 2 arcs in tactician mode(No save scumming combat till act 2). I think that's good enough for me in an RPG.
Yeah but I can honestly say that if they had the time to polish the 3rd and 4th acts like they did with the 1st and 2nd this game would be contending for GOAT, not GOTY.
>playing a pre-made character in an RPG fucking ever
>i have no imagination
This game has a bonus main quest for the 5 main characters(the pre made ones). And it recommends you to play as 1 to get the full experience. If you don't you literally miss out on more content.
Obviously you don't if you're playing a pre-made
Multiple playthroughs my nig
>not playing through multiple times with both the companion and avatar versions of every premade character to get the full story
Refund it. There is no reason to play this casual cringe shit.
>terrible wish fulfillment story
>horribly cliche writing
>lol so randumb humor
>boring edgy one dimensional characters
>easy broken combat system
>fucking armor system is anti-fun
>music is so so
role playing a pre existing character requires more imagination as you have to think what would they say in those circumstances. self inserting you just say whatever you want to say