Sanic DLC shirt for Sonic Forces has been released. Yes, it's fucking real...

Sanic DLC shirt for Sonic Forces has been released. Yes, it's fucking real. Go to whatever shop your console has/Steam page and get it.

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>it's real

Welp, Sonic gets my respect for this. It's a shame the game is bad.

>sonic team trying this hard to be edgy and cool

Pretty pathetic.

>meme shirt

Just when I thought Sonic couldn't get lower. At least Mania was good.

Sonic generations is 6 dollars on steam fyi. A vastly superior game

I wonder why they finally released it as opposed to when the game initially released since it was already found in the game's files.

what's with the sudden meme DLCs?

first payday, now Sonic?

I can't understand how this shirt got past anyone Japanese. Surely they have no fucking clue what this is and don't care.

I mean, I saw the leaks from the thread a few weeks ago, but holy crap, I didn't think they'd actually go through with it.


>incase of emergency release memes

Memes are an easy way to push out "likable" content without the creative effort behind it.

Nude Amy Rose shirt when?

>They're reusing a meme so people will forget how shit their game is

Is Sonic Forces some sort of money laundering scheme?

Only on Thursdays.

>Be anonymous on internet
>make a meme drawing
>gets included many years later as official dlc
I wonder if the person who drew that is enjoying this

>Sup Forums forces a meme
>complains when it gets picked up by mainstream

le cringe xd!!!!1


>green and purple

weeew, who the fuck runs this twitter account, guy is a meme connaisseur

Those fucking eyes get me. Who thought they looked good


Does 0nyxheart get royalties from this?

imagine it literally being your job to shitpost

what a great and terrible world we live in

>face is wrong
>doesn't even say Cum on step it up!!!!!

>mfw an official Sega employee was told to draw a shitty Sonic in paint and he was paid for it

I see it more as being self aware of their image. They've reference Sanic and similar memes before. I think it's cool, they understand Sonic has become kind of a joke and if they try and embrace that they take it upon themselves to improve his image.

Probably not.
It's a version of a property that sega owns.

Can't find it on steam.

He is not enjoying it if he thought one day money could be made out of the drawing, Pepe's creator (or the person who says he is) was smart to copyright it.

Sonic Team is fucking finished.

>mfw I found out the Sonic on the t-shirt is actually a 3D model and that someone was paid to model it