Anyone else fell for the console meme? I think I'm sticking to PC from now on

Anyone else fell for the console meme? I think I'm sticking to PC from now on.

Send it to me if you don't need it

But are there cute squid girl on PC?
Didn't think so!

Sell to me for the price of shipping

consoles would be a good deal if you didnt have to pay a monthly subscription to play online. the switch is a bad deal any way you slice it though.

What is the 25th month?

what about all the squid girl porn?

imagine being so stupid you drop 400 dollars on something you're not sure you'll like.

People will say I'm trolling but I really feel this way. Most console games are really not that good, a lot of games on Steam are just plain better, more interesting and made by more impassioned designers, it's just that reviewers still hold the console as god.

Then sell your consoles already.

Do not lewd the squids!

same idiots that think you cant know if you will like something before you've bought and played it

I don't think I've ever played a PC exclusive with good gameplay aside from Broodwar

no promises

Im playing spl2 rn and the squids lewd themselves m8. Have you never seen that post victory hip wiggles?

Can't find them on the Switch for sure.


delet dis

Do NOT lewd the squids, it's just a little dance it is not lewd, don't lewd the squids!

Fuck this thing

Did you buy Skyrim for it?

You need to.

how do i delet?

Who are you?

I bought Skein six years ago. What incentive does the Switch have that I "need" to get that version?

they only buy it to shitpost

Y-you enter delete in all fields while replying to your post.
P-p-p-please delete dis, this is getting too lewd


I tried but I slipped

* The legendary open-world masterpiece from Bethesda Game Studios comes to the Nintendo SwitchTM system

* Includes all content from official add-ons: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn

* Uncover the mystery behind the return of the dragons in a massive open world to explore any way you choose

* Live another life, in another world and create your own custom character, and do virtually whatever you want.

* Choose from hundreds of weapons, spells, and abilities. The character system allows you to play almost any way you want and define yourself through your actions

* Your decisions matter in a world that changes dynamically based on your choices

* Use motion controls to battle with melee weapons, aim your bow, or pick locks, exclusively on Nintendo Switchâ„¢

user get your pubic hairs off your screen

You really woke up and took the time to write down a shitty timestap for a kiddie console. You are a fucking loser man.

>Not keeping the Switch when it gets hacked wide open and becomes the greatest emulator and app machine of all time
Are you people so short sighted? It's an Nvidia Shield without buying a fuck huge separate controller. This thing is going to be glorious.

Hey Todd

I fell for the PS4 meme and I enjoy it more than I thought. Just feels better to have a dedicated box for games where you just press a button, don't have to worry about settings or anything and can just play.

"There are 25 months" - user

I believe any one of the posts in this thread only when I see the switch actually hammered and not just carefully placed into a trash bin or whatever.

You all just whining now but waiting for games or trolling.


No no no no! Please get up and delete all of dis PLEASE!

>trying to b8 the OP into destroying his console

>i REFUSE to believe you unless you do this dumb thing i know you wont do (and i wouldn't believe you then either)


Can't play Yakuza 0, The Last Guardian, Bloodborne, Ratchet and Clank remake, Persona 5 or Uncharted 4 on PC so I'm happy with my PS4 purchase so far. Also probably going to be pretty happy with my eventual Switch purchase as well for those exclusives.

There are people in this thread that waste hundreds of dollars on consoles instead of investing in PC.


What site I can find the most cheap Switch that was used?

>wasting money on stuff i like is an investment
Brainlets I fucking swear..

EBay. 4AM auction.

It's the opposite for me, I only played Hat in Time with this PC since every else is such garbage or shit any toaster can run

any resale place a week after black friday

>Anyone else fell for the console meme? I think I'm sticking to PC from now on.
Then why did you buy one unless you wanted to play some exclusives? That is the only reason to buy a console if you have a good PC unless you really value portability enough to suffer the heavily downgraded ports enough on the Switch.

In b4 obligatory burger education reply

>instead of investing in PC.
Yes because it is imp-

>implying Hat in Time can't run on a toaster

4K sucks on PC

I dunno... I feel kinda tired

Hahahah says the guy who basically 100%'d it and got more Korok seeds than would ever be necessary. I'd say you got your $60 worth right?

You either hated it and continued to play it because you're a moron, or you actually liked it and just wanted to shit post.

SHH don't.
I know it works I know of this guy who snapped 10 fucking games for Sup Forums once.

That's no good user wake up and delete dis! Wake up! Do you need some coffee? DELETE DIS

>Owning multiple platforms
wtf? Only children and poorfag BRs are allowed to post here.

God you are such a weaboo faggot

What is this 5 year old handwriting.

>Played the game more than me who fucking loved it
>Calls it shit

I what

Man I fapped to that mitsuru pic so many times.


Don't remind me bro... Bought a ps4, will resell that shit. Just beat exclusive "last guardian".. horrible framerate, gameplay piece of shit.

you cant refund consoles


>or you actually liked it and just wanted to shit post
The only non retard to figure it out. I knew this because I do this shit all the time

clean your shit and sort your wires.


Why do you have so many Wiis?

Well white one is only one I used... Until recent Wii U being awesome shit so I actually use my Wii U really now.
I got a red one used because it was cheaper way to get used but good condition Red Wiimote and Nunchuck. Paid literally nothing for it.

The black one is not mine. It just is there because I am supposed to mod it for a friend who wants tournament project M and I am being lazy. Fucker already got his Wii U CBHC'd by me so I can take my darn time.

You actually reminded me to do something... Thanks user.

It's possibly my favourite game of the year and the best open world game I've ever played and I've not even done that much. Stop trying to be cool.

Game of the year more like Game of the BLEARGH

fuck this is comfy

>that big bulge

that's my knees

This is the greatest and best post in the thread...

>Shitposting about something you like
For what purpose

This game was great. And clearly you played it a lot given that you have over 500 moons.

I prefer the 25 November 2017 way so there's never any confusion

I'm sorry, but I'm not a pedophile.


Opinion discarded.

All my life I've been dragged through the mud, kicked to the side, attacked, assaulted, and humiliated.
This children's game is all I have FUCKING left.
And you would try to take that away from me?
Huh? you would, you fucking piece of shit?

Quite a few people do that. I had a screencap where one user was too poor to afford a game, but still had the chance to try it out and he loved it. He said he's still gonna shitpost about the game. Same shit with idorts and consoles.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general is 98% shit-posting

I love my Switch a lot

I'm an idort, and I don't shitpost games I like. That's dumb.

Does anyone have any good Splatoon doujins

That's fucking weird though, shitposting things you enjoy?


Does Skyrim run pretty well?

>buying any vidya hardware this late in its lifespan without first making sure it has games you want to play

OP what are you doing

>Because I own thing, my opinion on thing is undisputable.
This meme is retarded

What's the name of this beauty?

I do it all the time because it's fun.

>BOTW shitposters
Why do white boys always have bad taste?

You are everything wrong with Sup Forums.

Pretty damn solid, loving it so far, but I been playing Doom mainly, about to finish it, just finished Titan's Realm. Afterwards Skyrim is next

I like the Switch a lot but it's not my primary gaming platform. It's a supplemental device for me and as a supplemental device I've enjoyed it.

And you've got a stick up your ass.

Bland food, culture, weather etc.= bland taste

Eucliwood Hellscythe

>I'm here for le funposting
You started posting here in 2012, didn't you?