My President


What are some developers that cry about the same shit every year without fail?

you mean like how you're crying right now?

literally who

See that budget deficit?

Triggered republican
Tell me about Hillary, go ahead

nothing but respect for my president

>call out a faggot for being a faggot

This man redeemed vg forever. Show some respect.

>”sushi of videogames” thread is deleted
>this shit keeps lingering on page 1
Maybe if we start paying mods they’ll do their fucking job right.

>trying to turn a /todd/ thread into a /leftypol/ thread
for shame




see that mountain? you can climb it!

Stop pretending you're above it, todd

Is this considered a lie because there is no climbing animation or because there are mountains out of bounds you cannot climb?

I transcend petty party politics.

>d-don't make fun of trump!

is that m00t

Im going to have to have a peek at those steam libraries gentlemen. They're having a sale. Milkshakes good by the way.