Which was the bigger disaster of this year?

Which was the bigger disaster of this year?

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Battlefront II


>Andromeda killed the ME franchise
>BF2 caused government legislation on loot boxes

BF2 wasn't the hero wanted, it was the hero we needd.

Battlefront is fun.
Andromeda was not.

The one published by EA.

This. But only because their sales were impacted incredibly. Andromeda still sold quite well, but the quality of product was considerably worse

Andromeda was the bigger disaster for players.
Battlefront was the bigger disaster for publishers.

BF2 is such a horrid thing that the government is going to step in

Andromeda looked awful from the start
BF2 had the possibility of being an improvement over the first one and maybe a good game.

Battlefront 2 easily. Still missing features from a fucking 11 year old game. Not to mention the game prompted several countries to investigate if the game is abusing gambling. That is a severely bigger fuck up than putting out a shitty game and closing a studio.

I'm personally more disappointed with Andromeda. I would have never touched BF2 so nothing changes for me.

For me Mass Effect Andromeda.
I was really excited for the game, because I thought that the same that worked on ME3 was working on it.

Only after release I read that Andromeda was made by a complete new studio and I hate EA for that

Which game was intervened by the government?

Andromeda was the biggest disaster for SJWs and developers.

Battlefront was the biggest disaster for the publisher.

Andromeda... developer given too much freedom, developer submitting to SJW activists on social media, and the Anita Sarkeesians. "Diverse studio" making "socially conscious" game. "Come hipsters, buy our game. We have a studio filled with minorities and women making a game with body positive female character, LBGTQ themes, and diversity. We listened to you!"

Battlefront 2... DICE was just following orders. 100% corporate game down to bottom.

Andromeda: wouldn't have failed if EA went corporate on it and did what would sell.

Battlefront: should have listened to the Star Wars fanboys and people complaining about loot crates.

>communism is good
Go back to tumblr you poorfag degenerate. There is literally nothing wrong with lootboxes. Video games are one of the cheapest forms of entertainment available. Really, they should be charging more.

Communism is when the government controls EVERY aspect of society, not just lootboxes.
Get your facts straight.

>A game about a bunch of figs that ended up closing a studio
>A game that has caused the mouse himself to intervene to protect the license, and the governments of the world have gone after for manipulative gambling
No comparison, but EA must burn either way.

back to Sup ForumsThe_Donald with you


At least read the first sentence you fucking moron. You have obviously not the faintest clue about what you're talking about.

What do you think?

>Communism is good

Who are you replying to?


Andromeda failed because the dev team wasn't diverse enough though

you somehow managed to fuck up even worse than ME3, and effectively ended one of gamings most beloved franchises out of sheer incompetence and SJW bullshit. I will always be mad

Mass effect was pretty gay

For me it was Nier Automata because I thought it would be good. Knew these two probably weren't turn out too great quite a while before they were released.

Since i couldn't give a fuck about Star Wars in general and only really like story driven and character focused AAA RPGs it's easily Andromeda. But BF2 actually makes news headlines on mainstream outlets so it's definitely the bigger disaster.

> they should be charging more

so this is like the third or fourth time I've seen a shill on Sup Forums push the idea that consumers are whiney fagots and that businesses are the real victims. When are you going to fuck off and realize that this isn't working

thx Sup Forums

Andromeda. I already knew Battlefront 2 was going to be a casual garbage.


lmao faggot. they removed useless bloatware fuck off back to plebit

>"companies and consumers should have choices to do what they want!"
>consumers choose not to buy a game
>"wtf? fucking commies"

Andromeda was a disappointment.
Battlefront 2 was the real disaster.
So much shit goin on on BF, so many official statements and last minute changes.

It doesn't matter. They're both EA games.

Andromeda. Just look at this shit, they tried to replace the god tier action man Shepard to some fucking fairy twink and thought they could get away with it. Can't even play this shit without soy leaking out of my PC.

>le soy

battlefront 2 by far. at least andromeda didn't garner international attention and threaten video games as a medium

i wonder who could be behind this post?

>Video games are one of the cheapest forms of entertainment available.

Perhaps the games themselves are, but gaming as a hobby/interest ain't fucking cheap. I've already purchased a console, a recurring subscription for online, and have a few streaming subs I'm paying for.

I don't consider myself poor, but I'm not going to be throwing more cash at a game I spent a decent chunk of change at just to acquire; That's fucking dumb, and certainly not happening.

Maleshep Renegade is one of the best action heroes in any video game ever IMO

Andromeda killed a franchise that could have stayed for decades just because EA wanted Bioware to focus on lootbox destiny 2.0, also known as Anthem, so they left it to some shitty off-branch that's only known for making the worst ME3 DLC.

Then Battlefront rolled around and they may lose that entire loot box system that they've been working towards, or at the very least it will be reduced. Besides that, they might lose the license if Disney doesn't like the bad PR. I'd say both these disasters form one massive one.

Andromeda was pretty forgettable, did it even get any dlc?

No, they just dropped the DLC and they're just gonna wrap up all the loose ends in a tie-in novel next year

Objectively Battlefront
Andromeda was a bad game that people laughed at, BF2 got government attention

How delusional can you be to bring politics into this?

Is Mass Effect Andromeda worth $4?

Does it get better after the first 3 planets?

>Does it get better after the first 3 planets?
No, it's pretty much more of the same

As is being forced to drive around in the nomad doing boring side quests before doing the main quests?


Reminder that BioWare were instructed by force of law to update the ending of ME3 due to their lies and deceitful advertising

ME:A because it nuked one of the Bioware companies or whatever.

>check twitch streams of ME:A
>ME:A - 60 viewers in total
>check a stream
>see that they still haven't fixed the mouth animations looking like fat fishes speaking

FUCK you. We got Trump elected, and we're here to say.

One is barely a game, and the other is just a skeleton.

Ill play the one thats mostly a game.

The 12 year old thinks his Zimbabwe bass fishing forum is important

That's like asking "which one is worse? dog shit or hog shit?"

Pretty sure there are only like 4 planets. The best one is the one without the nomad cause it actually looks interesting and not just another generic wasteland

In a communist state, nobody would go hungry and nobody would be living on the street. Why is that a bad thing?

I've never played ME but I did pay BF2 for the first time as a friend brought it over.

The land combat is janky and okay and felt really unbalanced. But the Space Combat was great. I wish there was a game that was only the space combat but more fleshed out. I'd buy that, currently BF2 isn't worth a buy, but a good rental

Played it on the PS4 if that matters

Honestly it's one of those 'so bad it's good things' so if you're into that then yea. Play it completely unpatched so all the animations are still laughably bad

BF2 is a mildly decent game dragged down by shitty practices.
Andromeda is a shit show on all fronts, including similar practices, a somehow worse story, horrendous graphics and animations, and just bad gameplay

Bf2 lol.

Andromeda killed its franchise.

Battlefront could kill EAs cash cow and lootboxes in general.

>what is gasoline
>what is car insurance

wtf i have to keep paying shit to even drive my car


I would say Andromeda because it may have effectively killed Mass Effect at least for a long while.

EA getting shit on for shady business practices is not a disaster, its a miracle and needs to happen more often, hopefully enough to where they go out of business.

>come to vidya thread
>some fucking how Sup Forums STILL manages to shit up an completely irrelevant thread
You are literally universally hated. You are the niggers of the internet. Not a single person out here wants you dumb faggots to be allowed to ruin our threads everywhere else. Frankly moot should have only opened Sup Forums for long enough to permaban everybody on there before deleting the board.

DICE still has good games from this gen. Everything Bioware after Mass Effect 2 is shit.

Andromeda by far.. It was in Origin Access in less than 6 months... BF2 will be the same less than 6 months then pushed to access then they will reactivate microtransactions to try and recoup what they can. Glad to see people finally revolting against this model.

The tragedy with BF2 is that it's not actually bad, at its core. The star card system fucking ruins it though and the fags who already bought everything in the first few days are nigh unstoppable.
t. retard who bought it

There'll be more Star Wars shooters with different publishers. If you wanna get mad at EA then get mad at KOTOR getting raped with SWTOR. But I find SWTOR's story more interesting than the fake sequel movies Disney raped us with. I don't need to go on an angry rant you already know how fucking stupid TFA is. Unlike videogames though they can't do any take backs.

>KOTOR getting raped with SWTOR. But I find SWTOR's story more interesting than the fake sequel movies Disney raped us with
The Sith in SWTOR might be among the better things in Star Wars.

>Diverse studio

The one that unironically used this in it's advertising

Andromeda only caused a shitstorm within the gaming community.
Battlefront 2 was such a disaster it caused a shitstorm outside of the gaming community.

Name ONE (1) successful communist state.

Mass Effect Andromeda is one of the worst games I've ever played and I stopped playing it after 15 hours (was when I could walk freely through the planet of the Angara, btw. the only decent designed place in the entire game and it just looked like Citadel 2.0 with more water). The voice acting is horrible, the character models (I played the version they put out on release, don't know if they patched it) even below Mass Effect 1, the whole Script is like a 5 years old who tried to write his own Guardians of the Galaxy fan fiction and so on and so on.

The most boring part in ME1 was driving through similar looking maps over and over again, but at least they were small and it result probably in an interesting plot (like the Geth device for Tali or the maniac AI on the Moon (which was EDI according to ME3)), but in ME:A you drive through similar looking maps who were 4 times the size of the ME1 ones and there were almost no interesting plot points at all and the only stuff that happened was that your crew members make unfunny quips the ENTIRE FUCKING TIME.

Can someone who actually played this horrendous piece of shit until the end can tell me if it gets better after the Angara Planet?

EAfront 2.

ME:A was a disappointing game
EAfront 2 was also a disappointing game but has the lootbox controversey

>Can someone tell me if one of the worst things BioWare's ever been associated with ever gets better

>which was EDI according to ME3)
Nah, the Moon AI was what EDI was built on.

>TOR sith
>personal freedom
>exploring the full extent of their genetic lottery powers
>can marry, have kids, and do other, non-Sith shit

>repressive, sex-starved cult that steals children

Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017)

Fifa. If the casual sportsfags are finally noticing they've been eating shit all this time something went very wrong.

who are you quoting?

Can't get hungry and live on the streets if you get realocated to a mass grave.

Sure they had the time of their lives.


Isn't it implied that the Jedi do whatever they want and no authority can really do anything to stop it. I'm pretty sure my Jedi Knight ended up fucking his Padawan or something and he pretty much said as much. The Jedi Knight story sucks by the way. It's cookie cutter shit where every chapter revolves around you needing to stop a super weapon. Sith Warrior is much better even though Bioware went SJW with how far you can push your annoying twilek slave.

Andromeda was a fairly successful game financially, though I'm sure battlefront will still sell, the fact they had to change their entire business model about the game makes me pick that one. Andromeda may have been a disappointment but it was pretty obvious to the fans of the old games that it would be. Some people were holding out for battlefront.

You're right, I had only in mind the sentence of Shepard "So our first confrontation wasn't so peaceful" and I doubt that even that was 100% correct.


>Andromeda was fairly successful financially

It was. They published their financial report, it led that quarter for them.

OH MY GOD Sup Forums LOOK ITS OUR ENEMY POL don't you guys hate them? as an oldfag myself i sure do.

And if you don't you are reddit and should go back.

Thats all, see you around the chan

Andromeda's failure led to various patches and the closure of its studio

Battlefront's failure led to countries deeming lootboxes as gambling.

It's Battlefront.

Everything that could go wrong with Andromeda went wrong, yet the core gameplay was fun enough to keep me going for those 40 hours or so

i just wanted a post reaper mass effect effect game where everyone is synthetic and trying to rebuild the galaxy while you play as a manly cool character who tries to keep the shepard legacy on
instead we got autismo girl and her sissy brother adventure in gay andromeda



>Andromeda led to a shitty studio getting axed
>Battlefront led to something that should have happened a long fucking time ago before "cosmetic-only lootboxes" were deemed acceptable by retards
>Somehow Battlefront is a problem

AAA gaming as whole and gambling for children such as Hearthstone and BF 2 were the big disappointmets. My passion for this hobby is gone, for its creators only care about money and public only cares about money. They also keep pandering to nonpandering.

I mean the Sith steal children too, but those are typically slaves already.
I still love the idea of Sith 'royal families' having all kinds of back door interactions like arranged adoptions/apprenticeships, backdoor alliances, and all kinds of backstabbings for the sake of 'Sith Eugenics'.