Do Kids even know what this is?

Talk about the SEGA Genesis.

Other urls found in this thread:

No, let's better talk about SNES.

*Master System

Unless you were from Brazil, nobody had a master system. I ever knew it even existed until the 2000s. Same with things like the Turbografx & Neo geo.


>All the poor kids has a genesis with 50 sports games
>Rich families had the Super Nintendo

Which kid were you?

Anyone lucky enough to buy one of these from Toys R Us back in the day? The thumb stick was for sexual.

I was very poor with cheap NES clone (Dandy it was called here in Russia).

My GOAT is on this console.

Oh, the Sonic machine.

this. my first system was nes, followed by genesis and snes. I legit thought the genesis was the first sega system until I was about 17 or 18.

was the master system even a success?

>going to Sup Forums to talk about old games
the people here are absolutely clueless. ALL you'll find here is the same eceleb spouted rhetoric that you find among all historical revisionists and kids.

In Brazil and parts of Europe, yes, it was a moderate success.

mah nigga!

Shinobi games make me rock hard.

>not having both
I bought mine for MK and pic related. The six button controller that later released shits all over the snes pad.

Looking forward to Grand Dad Mania?


Nintendont fail so hard that they stop making consoles

got one 1991 and i knew several people that did too.

I forgot just how many hits the genesis had.
Anyone else have Sega Channel? That shit was rad as fuck for us kids that couldn't afford to buy games each month.


Wasn't the reason it did well in europe because Nintendo aid something like "if you make games on the master system you can't make any for the NES", & in europe they couldn't strongarm companies into doing this? fucking weird times to be a game fan.

Confirmed for best RPG ever

I didn't have it back in the day, but I picked one up a few years ago. Thing is so fucking cool, portable genesis that you can connect to a tv and have a second player.
I'm sure I'm not original in saying it, but pretty much the switch before the switch.

ONE person I know had it. When it was explained to me as a kid it was like fucking magic. We didn't know what the internet was, so when this white trash kid I knew claimed he could get sega games through the wall out of his telephone cord I assumed he was just full of shit. It was much easier to be impressed back then.

Have you modded it for the better screen? Capacitors on those should be replaced too. I've heard they die easy if you don't maintain them.

since when did sega make consoles?

That’s a Megadrive you arrogant cheeseburger wal-mart scum American trash garbage

There are more American sega genesis systems than Japanese & European "mega drives" combined. SEGA of America had 50% of the market at one point.

no one cares, the original name is and will always be megadrive

I totally understand how you felt, and I had the damn thing. It just never made sense to me how it worked, but it just did.

also, it suck there wasn't a SNES channel.

Getting a Genesis instead of a SNES was like getting Gobots instead of Transformers. Nobody wanted to be that parent

Mega Drive*

This is NintendoGAF. You want to know why? Little fuckers grew up on N64+
Maybe SNES. Either way, Nostalgia is a bitch.
Don't get me wrong, SNES is great, but the Nintendo Defense Force is real and Nintenfags are not well-rounded.

There was in Japan.

AKA Megadrive in places where you don't have a cheese burger for breakfast.

Depends on your locale. TRUs around here had master systems and turbos.

By dropping the wii u so fast they're starting down that path though.

He's right though.
Sup Forums is dead for a majority of threads
Unless you post late at night when the shitposters are asleep

Dragon's Trap ftw

This is the only reason to own a master system. Oh! Also Phantasy Star. So that's TWO games.

oh shit, that's awesome. wonder why it wasn't available in the states.

Mega Drive. But of course, North Americans being the faggots they are, had to be different and call it Genesis.

Wasn't the MD called the Genesis in the US b/c somebody else got dibs on the Mega Drive name?

to be this good takes AGEs

I'm from Spain and my first contact with videogames was some friend's master system who was probably the only kid ever to own one in my country.

Then i became a sonic faggot until i tried mario 64.


How the fuck is that not Zelda. It's like something in the middle of NES Zelda and Alttp.

It's legally distinct.

my friend passed away over the fall and I helped his widow clean out his house and I found his stash of classic consoles in a closet everyone thought was just a wall. Inside was one of these. I drooled over it as a kid cause everyone had a gameboy and the only thing I wanted more was the nomad so I could take my genesis with me when I went camping....

He had the old 90s battery pack on it and it still had a charge. I sat there like a kid playing sonic 1 on it for a good 30min or so. Sadly the screen was all washed out but I didnt care.

I was one of the kids who owned the SEGA Channel. Shit was so hype, I'd spend nights avoiding sleep and my mom to play the exclusives and Aerobiz Supersonic.

>Aerobiz Supersonic

Does that game hold up? It's really rare now. I don't think they printed a lot of copies.


not an argument, Sup Forums is objectively shit for retro games

delete this

not an argument. Sup Forums is objectively shit for all games.

not to sound like a /vr/ apologist, but summer never ended this year it's frustrating but it's still better than Sup Forums

as opposed to /vr/? the board that thinks Bubsy was better than Sonic?