Lizards/Reptiles are weak to electrical attacks

>Lizards/Reptiles are weak to electrical attacks
What started this meme?

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because reptile physiology is weak to electricity, retard. pay attention in biology class

>Dark and Light based enemies are weak to their opposing element
When did this shit begin? Dark is inherently weak to light.

Fantasy elements have nothing to do with reality anyway, so it's all arbitrary.

>light and fire are two different elements
>ice and water are two different elements

top quark

Light isn't light though, it's always holy magic.
Ice and Water must be different for mechanic reasons.

All creatures are weak to electricity

>Dark is an element

But it's just the absence of light everyone

but steel

What about dark matter and energy?

In Pokemon it's basically Evil type.
Real bullshit is:
>Bug is an element.

Lizards are weak to ice, you're thinking of water types.

What weighs more? A gram of marijuana or a gram of steel?

>Flying types are weak to lightning
>Even though they'd be the type of species that most deals with arbitrary lightning strikes

Nothing really uses those, the next closest thing might be gravity which is ok

I imagine birds deal with arbitrary lightning strikes by dying

A gram of feathers


Being around more lightning more often doesnt make the lightning nonlethal, friend.

>cold blooded creatures
>weak to cold

Just like light, which is holy, dark is more about evil and unholy than it is about the absence of light.

This is why in some games dark is purple or red shit rather than just black blobs of fiery shadow.

not geodude or onix

I can show you videos of humans burning. Does that prove that humans are particularly weak to fire compared to other animals? No

That's not what cold blooded means retard.

Try shining a flashlight into a black hole see how well that goes for you

Then why do birds sit on power lines?

They get used to the lesser amounts of electricity in the power lines, so they can then shrug off lightning bolts.

Chrono Trigger

My sweet summer child, I'm sorry to inform you that Pokemon are not real.

Not fish, they've evolved to get stuck in plastic loops, thus making them immune to electricity.

prove it

Black holes are gravity

Pokemon doesnt use "elements"

It’s more dirty fighting, that’s why dark type moves are shit like biting and sucker punches

So your telling me that Pokemon's wrong?

>birds were just building up an immunity this whole time
The fucking Birdemic is real

+10 internets to this man.

The one cool thing about Bionicle is that Shadow WAS inherently weak to Light, so the Shadow-users went on a fucking Light genocide thousands of years before the events of the story.

In japan is literally the "evil" type.

No it's a gram of steel.

>"Thief" is a dark type move
What did game freak mean by this?

they're just standing on their toes you moron

>Then why do birds sit on power lines?
because they are tired

Ah yes, just like I shrug off .50 BMG’s by shooting my foot with a .22 every week. Birds can stand on power lines because the electricity goes through their feet are worse conductors than the power line, so the electricity ignores them. A lightning strike will fry them.

Fighting type is honorable like samurai, Dark type is dirty fighting

Do you know what happens when a toad gets struck by lightning?

Birds don't create a complete circuit when their entire body rests on the lines. The have to be touching something else to complete the circuit and die.

>(((they))) fear Odin

Don't forget that a good 60% or so of the Light-based worker population had built in mechanisms that would kill them once they reached a certain age and transform them into mindless janitor-bots. Av-Matoran had a hard life.

>What started this meme?
Probably happened before Chrono Trigger, but I'm sure CT had a big role in establishing it.

The uncool thing about bionicle was there was a rock AND a earth type and the earth type was already black.


>atheism is a religion

Reptiles should be super weak against ice damage. And have some resistance and speed bonuses to heat damage. But they can't equipt anything.

Humans can equip just about any gear to take on any type of damage.

Humans would have a higher cold resistance.


Yeah, seeing as we are mammals.

But humans generally do worse in the cold because they don't have the fur perk, so they still need to invest in high-level gear to be viable.

It gets shellshock

Oh wait fuck that's turtles

Where we really excel is warm climates, because we have something no other mammal species does; sweat glands.

Greetings Sup Forums! My name is Falconhoof and I will be your guide on your quest. What is your name traveler?

I think Dogs have the sweating perk or some equivalent but not as effective.

"Dogs only produce sweat on areas not covered with fur, such as the nose and paw pads, unlike humans who sweat almost everywhere. However, they do have sweat glands, called apocrine glands, associated with every hair follicle on their body."

>dark matter and energy
>anything other than a meme name for stuff we don't know about

Are you retarded?
Fire is for Heat, Ice is for Cold

What is scrafty then

Open sarcophagus.

Kill Jester


>feathers are heavier than steel

>photons and combustion are the same thing
>liquid and solid are the same thing although I find water to be a dumb element in itself

Japan is retarded. Do they consider the moon evil or some shit? Look at Umbreon.

>No other mammal
Horses have their own variation of sweat gland. Hippos sweat too and it's actually has sunblock in it.

Moonlight became a fairy type move. Umbreon is also evil.

Burger education everyone.

>Eevee that evolves from happiness during night and the power of the moon
>It's evil
Like I said, retarded.

this post is proof that americans do not deserve the internet

And I thought this was weak bait.
I was wrong.

Oh, come off it, bruv

We all know it's the implied "Darkness of Man" or whatever analogue you care to use.
Light is typically, "kindly staying-alive healing power sponsored by a giant lady". Light and dark are not fuckin literal

Street boxer

>mfw my favorite pokemon is immune to electric

What's funny about this to me is that in Dark Souls all dragonoids are weak to thunder because apparently it's the only way to penetrate their scales and humans/hollows are typically weak to fire as some primal force that created them.

It'a an Element retard.
A very anti-social and scumbaggy one.

>plant monster
>weak to dark because it can't photosynthesize

>Most enemies are weak to Light AND Dark
>Demons are weak to both and are fire
Name the game.

Dark Souls