Hi Sup Forums i'm new in here.Could someone recomend me a great game that has been released recently for the xbox?I wanted to buy star wars battlefront 2 but since it's fucking cancer i decided to not buy it
Hi Sup Forums i'm new in here.Could someone recomend me a great game that has been released recently for the xbox...
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>xbox one
I am planning to buy a new pc but untill now i only have an xbox one
>i'm new in here.
Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon, Cuphead, and maybe pre-order PUBG if you like battleroyale games.
Other than that, theres a lot of multiplats. Wolfenstein 2, Titanfall 2 come to mind.
Have fun. Save up for that PC/Switch.
If you have friends in real life I would recommend #iDARB
Everyone is new on Sup Forums anyway
As an Xbox one owner I can tell you there's not much to get that isn't already multi platform. PUBG if you have a shitty computer I suppose
What's going on here?
Looks like she's adjusting her position but it looks like she's flirting. Roland is married anyway and she has three kids of her own. I highly doubt she's flirting.
She's giving him a reverse hand job
>PUBG if you have a decent* computer I suppose
pubg runs like shit on everything unless you have a modern quad core with at least an overclocked 970 or above. meanwhile sw:bf2 looks miles better and runs on older processors and on gtx 960s.
>Gears 4
>Forza Horizon
>Halo wars
Why can't microsoft in to sales? They only have like 4 exclusives on the pc end of their store (not counting on the mobile shit) and they're all overpriced as fuck.
I appreciate that I can play their games on my computer, but theres barely any
It runs alright for me. Not great. The draw distance is the worst gripe and might effect my games. I'll get it in xbone anyways
Forza Horizon 3 is the one game I would highly recommend. I dual booted Windows 10 specifically to play it. Also if you buy it digitally it has crossbuy so you won't need to buy it again on PC. Sunset Overdrive is also really good.
Divinity: Original Sin
Dishonored: Definitive Edition
Halo: MCC (also the odst expansion)
Halo Reach
Skyrim: SE
Algo get the Xbox Pass (its on promotion this days), then play Halo 5 and Sunset Overdrive, and next month Gears 4
Xbone would unironically be the best way to play it if you could use mouse and keyboard simply because it won't have the chinese cancer PC has. I feel like that game would feel awful on a controller.
i have on overclocked haswell i5 and whilst i do get good performance on very low with my gtx 1070, i still get drops to the 40s in yasnaya for whatever reasons and it makes the experience jarring. they really need to optimize that city.
Some must-have games to start are Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2 and 3, Cuphead, Ori and the Blind Forest, D4, Gears of War 4, Super Lucky´s Tale, Rare Replay and Dead Risisng 3. Also Recore, Forza 6, Ryse, and Zoo Tycoon are okay.
Other games to try are Rivals of Aether, Castle Crashers, Limbo/Iniside and Super Hydorah.
This game is so goooood
Prey is currently on sale in the online store for $20. Its a good System Shock clone.