Name a fantasy RPG that takes place in a world that isn't a fantasy version of medieval Europe or Japan. Arabia, India...

Name a fantasy RPG that takes place in a world that isn't a fantasy version of medieval Europe or Japan. Arabia, India, Asia (sans Japan), and Mesoamerica are all acceptable.

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Starwars: Knights of the old republic

>we don't live in the timeline where the Conquistadors weren't faggots and Mesoamerican and Andean history and culture was able to continue where tthey are a third pillar of human culture in addition to Western and Eastern, with tons of media with those influences, and where tons of cities in latin america still have their own ancient structures and infrastructure around like how the Mediterranean, middle east, and asia has tons of ruins, castles, and city plans remaining from their ancient periods, and Mexico city is still basically an Aztec venice with canals and artifical islands and shit

it fucking hurts

Eh. Contact with white people would have still spread smallpox. Severe damage to their cultures was inevitable.

As always, eff pee bee pee

They had their chance.

>name a fantasy genre rpg
>cant be fantasy themed


Elves, orcs, dwarfs, magic etc during the industrial revolution of the west.

Unfortunately some of the warrior aesthetics are absolutely shit tier.

>wearing jaguar footie pajamas into battle

Quest for Glory 2.

>Mayans turn 40,000 people into blood sacrifices and their gods reverse global warming
they could have saved us

QFG3 too. It's set on the faux-African savannah.

Ever Oasis takes place in a desert with caves/dungeons and abandoned excavation sites.

planescape torment



Dark souls with weed mods

Expeditions: Conquistador

Not really, pic related. Pretty much every factor that screwed them over was something outside of their control. Dieases was unforseeable,

It wouldn't have been as bad as it was. There would still have been epidemics and lots of dying, but it wouldn't probably have been the near total population collapse we got, because there wouldn't have been the severe political instability and infanstructre destruction that the Spanish brought combined with subsquent poverty and being fucked over due to Spanish rule. Remember that the Spanish Crown didn't even want the region conquered, and that Cortes literally had a warrant out for his arrest for trying to do so. The intent was to just do peaceful trade.

Plus, even if you had still enough people dying purely due to dieases that you had major population collapses, without the Conquistadors, you'd still have had the native libararies being surviving, along with all of the physical buildings and infanstructure, so even if you saw like 30%-60% population losses, you'd still have had the actual culture and histry of the region preserved.

Maya weren';t the sacrice crazy ones, Aztecs were, and even then the tens of thousands numbers are abusrdly infalted.

I actually studied meso-american culture.
By the time the spaniards hit mexico the aztec civilization was on its knees. There was nothing that could of been done to stop it.

Golden Sun? I'd say it covers a lot of different cultures throughout.

>he doesn't think pic related and are aeshetic as fuck
How does it feel to have awful taste

>t. Chicano subhuman

I wish I could travel back in time and slay your disgusting indios with my brethren all over again. Before Spaniards arrived you faggots were killing each other to appease a blood god for good crops. We brought Catholicism, modern culture, universities and rule of law to you savages. You repayed us by being eternally butthurt and having the largest inferiority complex of any race.

Mesoamerican history&culture isn't appealing to murrilards /western euros, and Japanese doesn't know enough of it

Arabia, India, Asia besides Japan and Mesoamerican are all extremely shit settings compared to Europe and Nippon-land. And I say that as someone who fucking HATES Japan and anime weeb faggotry.

Seriously. No one gives a fuck about raghead sandniggers or bestial savages who couldn't even come up with a writing system. Fuck off.

Interesting. Internal religious/political shenanigans, droughts, bad harvests, culture drift, social unrest, a combination of several factors creating a downward spiral like Rome? Pls give a tl;dr.

Shadowrun? One takes place in Berlin and another in hongkong

I dunno, you can be pretty creative with a jungle/aztec themed game. Look at Warhammer for instanced. Nothing says that the inhabitants have to be human...

Imagine a new Turok survival game with sentient Lizard/dinosaur people in a jungle planet with Aztec/Mayan architecture.

It’s because they socially accepted and encouraged homosexual behavior and it destroyed them culturally. I would say it’s a lesson to remember now

>not samurai
Try again

African Animism, tribalism and landscape could make for a refreshing fantasy setting if you can keep modern politics out of it.

The Aztec empire was indeed instable, but even if the Aztec empire fractured you'd still have had the regions culture and historical record intact. The cities and books wouldn't have burned themselve and the Aztecs were just a single (albiet by far the largest and most politically dominant) state in the region amongst hundreds, pic related. Prior to the Aztecs, you had the Toltecs, Maya, Teotihaucan, and Olmec suffer cultural collapses where their civilization lost domiance, but the region as a whole kept going even if urban centers got abadnoned for a while and new cities had to be founded or that specific culture declined.

Plus, the Aztecs were a hegemonic, not an imperial empire. Most of their cities maintained independent rule and political relationships outside of paying tribute and giving logistical support during military campaigns, even if the central triple alliance and valley of mexico core of the empire got decimated somehow, the empire as a whole would just revert to indepedent city states and they'd be fine.

Fuck that. You and your primitive fag cultures can piss off, I fucking HATE the jungle and how ridiculously hot it is and filled with gigantic poisonous insects. Fuck that and fuck your shit setting. Give me a generic English forest any day over that shit.

Also fuck your shitty not-pyramids too. Just because you dumb savages built the first ones doesn't mean you built the best ones, at least the Egyptians had the sense to give it smooth sides for an aesthetically pleasing look.

Once again, fuck that barbaric savagery. Primitive retards who are only barely above cavemen should be exterminated, and nothing else.

>India, Asia besides Japan
>Neither of these are interesting
Nigga what.

Euros seething

They aren't.

Lets list off why:
Arabia: Sandniggers who did nothing but jihad around the globe
India: Literally whos who have done nothing of interest in the entirety of history, like Africa. Also they shit in the street in front of each other and have no sense of personal hygiene.
Asia besides Japan: Only China comes anywhere close to Japan, and even then they fall short because only the Qin dynasty did anything of note. Also every other part of Asia has the literally who syndrome of India.
Mesoamerica: See above, disgusting uncultured savages who were too retarded to even come up with a writing system.

>Cortes literally had a warrant out for his arrest for trying to do so.
Didn't Cortez retire in Spain and suffer no consequences?

The only ones with reason to seeth are colonials who would have to resort to the folklore of the people they culled and replaced were they to create a fantasy setting based on their homeland.
Everyone else is able to appreciate the interesting cultural and historical backgrounds of the og3 continents of humanity.

The thread is about fantasy settings tho. Why are you mad about history?

eh, does Digital Devil Saga count?

>implies I'm a spic
>implies Aztec pyramids are older than Egyptian ones
>has no grasp on history whatsoever.

Amerimutt detected. Reading expands the mind my friend. You should pick up a book, you babbling moron.

Fantasy settings are based in history and folklore. And the places I listed have absolutely ZERO interesting backstories to make a fantasy setting out of.

>o-only post-1700 history counts!

>Zero refutation, also has no clue about global historical timeline

Here's a quick lesson for you since you are clearly still in high school: Mesoamerica made pyramids before the Egyptians did. The largest in terms of mass was also made in Mesoamerica.

Too bad they are savage niggers and never figured out how to get the sides smooth or line it with limestone to make it a nice shiny white, like the Egyptians did.

My nigga

Sakura Wars/Taisen

The entire franchise is based around alternate history 1920s America/Europe with mechs, harems, and kickass music.

So why not just folklore. Oh wait you hate folklore too because you're unwilling to learn or try it since they have no background apparently.

I never said only post-1700 history counts.

I said they did nothing of interest in the entire history of the region. Which they didn't.

Jade Empire

Let's see
>Middle east controlled the Spice Trade for several hundred years
>Buddhism was born in Central Asia
Already two holes in your boat, Sup Forumstard

Don't even mention world history or other cultures or the Sup Forumsice will start crying.

Name a fantasy RPG that does take place in a fantasy version of medieval Japan

Because folklore is reflective of the culture it is derived from. Something like Quetzalcoatl would never appear in English folklore. I fucking HATE the savage barbarism of all the places I mentioned, and their folklore reflects it. So fuck them, and fuck their shitty fantasies, European and Japanese folklore is vastly superior in every single way.

>devolving into Sup Forums bogeyman shit

Welp, it was a good try.

>Imagine a new Turok
>not just making your own jungle levels in the Turok remasters

You'll never make it if you just want shit handed to you.

I'm european though.

> universities and rule of law to you savages.
The Mesoamericans had systems of education (the aztecs had a public education system for people regardless of social class, for instance) as well as court systems and centralized complex goverments already. They weren't people in huts out in the jungle, they had large scale urban cities (Teotihaucan and the Aztec captial of tenochtitlan were both in the top 5 largest cities in the world at their times, with the latter outright tying the largest cities in Europe, Paris and Constantinople, for the 5th spot as of 1519) and complex political and social structures. Fuck, there was running pressurized water in the region 2000 years before europeans showed up. The Maya and Teotihaucans had flush toliets, and the Olmec before them had aqueducts and fountains.

>couldn't even come up with a writing system
They did though, the maya had a true syllabic writing system where characters represented spoken sounds, and the Aztecs, while primarily using a logogramic system with glyphs rather then characters, did have some syllabic elements. There were books and libraries and everything. There's even a few surviving ones, pic related.

>doesn't mean you built the best ones, at least the Egyptians had the sense to give it smooth sides for an aesthetically pleasing look.
They did have smooth pyramids, it's just the outer layers on most of them have worn off. If you go look up the Pyramid of Cholula, you'll see a part of it still has the smooth casing, though without the paint or stucco.

Both of you should do actual research or just a basic wikipedia and google look through on shit. The region was on par with bronze and iron age old world cultures in most ways, even on par with europe at the time in a few.

He was almost executed, there were a series of letters he wrote to Charles V after the conquest where he was justifying his actions to try to avoid punishment.

>Being blind as shit to these patterns.

Agreed but I know this is fad/trend that won't be as frequent in 5 years or a decade.

Controlling a spice trade means absolutely fuck all, considering that they did NOTHING with the potential wealth that could have given them.

Also `
>religion constituting a cultural advancement
Religion is a devolution from rational thought, and you know it. I'm not saying Europe wasn't caught up in religious shit, because they certainly are, but the period of time that Europe was obsessed with Christianity was only a few hundred years, compared to the THOUSANDS of years that religion dominated eastern civilizations. Fuck off.

>conspiracy theorist

Maybe you belong on Sup Forums.

>or Japan. Arabia, India, Asia
no actual RPG does it though.

This thread really highlights the unironic ignorance of Sup Forums users.
A sad day.

>this is your brain on memes

>Not being a conspiracy theorist
>Not knowing that Sup Forums isn't anything but a honeypot and made to indoctrinate you for the scalie jew

Then why did Yurop have such a hissy fit when the Ottoman Empire closed the Spice Trade?

>The Maya and Teotihaucans had flush toliets
The hell. Between them and the lake cities, were Mesoamericans literally the masters of hydrodynamics at the time or what? And if so, why didn't they have any naval presence at all? Or at least I have never heard pre-colombian navies being mentioned ever.

Literally 5 seconds on google.

The Egyptian pyramids predate the oldest Mesoamerican pyramids by about 2000 years, 3000 B.C. Oldest Mesoamerican pyramid is recorded at around 3000 years ago.

Once again, read a book.

Pretty obviously best setting of RPG so far. Morrowind.
Gameplay arguements are understandable and it looks pretty dated by now but it was one of the most interesting settings of any fantasy RPG by far

Because they liked their fucking spice, that's why. Europes desire for spices means nothing to your argument beyond proving that the Ottomans and the rest of them were retarded for not capitalizing on it.

>credible source
I suggest you try again.

If the Spanish crown didn't like him conquering the Aztecs, why did it go ahead and take over almost all of what is now Latin America?

Final Fantasy XII.

Chicanos are half Spanish though.

You mean Indio asceroso.

i hope for your sake that you're trolling.

Chrono Trigger

I bought it on Steam two years ago.

Can't wait to get home and play it.

Here's the part of the Pyramid of Cholula that I was talking about.

Also, fun fact, the Pyramid of Cholula is not only the biggest pyramid in the world, it's the biggest single human monumenr ever constructed going by volume: It's shorter then the pyramids in egypt, but it's many times wider, What's in pic related is only around 1/20th of it, the rest is buried and just looks like a large hill and can't be uncovered because a church was built over the summit, which is so old now it's considered historic and it'd have to be demolished to uncover the rest.

There's also a pyramids in the region that is taller then the great egyptian pyramd:: The La danta complex pyramid is 170 or so meters tall, and another pyramid

To be fair, the Maya flush toilet thing wasn't a common thing, it was a specific Maya city state that happened to have a pretty advanced hydraluics system in it. You need to remember the Maya weren';t a unified group but a bunch of seperate city states and kingdoms.

>were Mesoamericans literally the masters of hydrodynamics at the time or what?
I mean they were clearly pretty good at them, but it's not like Eurasia didn't have aquaducts and baths and that sort of stuff around that time, Teotihaucan and the Maya city state in question were both around from 500-900 CE, so the Western Romans empire had just fallen. Tenochtitlan (which is the lake city you are thinking of) was outright probably the most impressive work of hydro-engineering at the world at the time alongside venice.

> And if so, why didn't they have any naval presence at all? Or at least I have never heard pre-colombian navies being mentioned ever.
The region's geography isn't conductive to naval exploration or development. They had large canoes, up to around 100 feet, but that's about it, and there was some coastal trade and transportation for coastal cities, but nothing super duper noteworthy that I know of.

Tip your fedora right into the trash can my man.

That's a good question I don't know the answer to, maybe the situation was different for the Andes and South america were it was sanctioned, but for Mesoamerica it wasn't:

The entire thing that outright kicked off open hostilities with the Aztecs was that the governer of Hispanolia sent out a force to arrest Cortes, and Cortes had to leave the aztec captial (He was holding montezuma hostage after being invited there as a guest and ruling through puppeting him) to go deal with that, and while he and his troops were gone fighting, the guy he left in charge had massacred a bunch of people at the great temple, so shit had hit the fan, and when he got back to the city he and the rest of the Spanish had to fight, got BTFO'd, and fled back to Tlaxcallan territory (Tlaxcala being a confederacy of city states that fought and beat the Spanish earlier in their expedition, but spared and allied with them since they saw them as a useful tool and leader to overhrow the Aztecs with, since the Aztecs had been waging a long war of attrition against them for a while before then).

After regrouping and resting in Tlaxcalla for months (the Aztecs suffering from famine and smallpox during the same time), Cortes gathered a native army of around 200,000 soldiers, marched back to the Aztec captial, with other core important aztec cities going into civil wars and some eventually siding with Cortes, and then sieged the Aztec captial as it continually got fucked by famine and smallpox, before they were finally able to overtake it. Other Conquistadors eventually then conquered the rest of the region over the next cenutary or so, mostly using native armies and city states either hired as mercenaries or via alliances.

The Tlaxcallans actually got left alone and were awarded a fair amount of special rights for helping the Spanish, but almost all of them were dead by the end of the centenary due to diseases anyways even if the Spanish never betrayed them.

You're a fucking faggot for resorting to that after getting shown up by a guy who knows his stuff

He's claiming the mesoamericans didn't have writing systems and were basically mudhut tier savages, so know, he doesn't know his stuff. The only thing he said that's even remotely accurate is that the mesomaericans had larger pyramids then the great egyptian ones going by mass

I think you are confused and mixing him up with the user making the super long posts, who clearly does know his stuff.

I used to buy into the whole "you can't judge historical figures, they were products of their culture, blah blah blah" until I learned about shit like this and realized that the people who lived in those historical periods weren't monoliths and there were many many major figures who had profound disagreements, the exact same disagreements that we make today.

That brand of "it was a different time" moral relativism treats our ancestors like children who didn't know basic right from wrong.


Its pretty much a reskinned HL2 with other shit bolted on, but its the best example of non tolkien fantasy iv seen.

>of the og3 continents of humanity.


>He's claiming the mesoamericans didn't have writing systems and were basically mudhut tier savages, so know, he doesn't know his stuff.

I never claimed this you illiterate retard. Re-read what you replied to.

Well, the person I thought you were talking about did, see


Really? A buddy bought this for me forever ago and I never booted it up. You're making it sound pretty neat though. Sell it to me. Give me the basic rundown.

>yfw Cortes was burning Aztec books and codices so hard that even the Spanish Inquisition, well know for burning any books that contradicted the Catholic fate, had to step up and said to Cortes to calm his tits down.

user, this might not mean much but I want to thank you for your informative and high quality posts. I find mesoamerican culture really interesting and you've taught me a lot today and given me things to look into. Thank you for remaining strong against the tide of low tier bait.

All mighty user, sir? Could you recommend me a credible book/site for me to look deeper into this. I am super fascinated.

Quest for Glory III

Maharaja (NES)

Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire

Man, I really need to dig into some ultima. I'm starting to develop a taste for old rpgs.

Quest for Glory 3 was more saharan africa inspired.

Quest for Glory II then. Undeniably.

Steampunk is good. See also: FF9.

Why do we know so much about the Aztec religion and civilization if Cortes intentionally destroyed so much?

Unironically check out the /r/askhistorians reading list for the region, despite being on plebbit they are unironically one of the best history resources around since their userbase are actual historians

There's a guy from his who was compiling a mega of stuff, which is here!vtQ2EIKK!Z7R8gN5vTsfalKDn18jOmw though not everything in here are nesscarily accurate or up to date, but it's still a lot of reading material on the area. I was helping the user compiling this with stuff but I lost touch with him, sadly

>Sell it to me
No point since you'll dislike it and then come here to bitch about how Sup Forums is always wrong. Either play it or don't, if you need someone else to sell it to you then you won't enjoy it anyway.