What's the best classic FF game?

What's the best classic FF game?

5 > 4 > 6



this but I sense that the VI shills are coming in full force. Your game is terribly unbalanced and unfun.


6. 4 had the best story and world and stuff but 6 has better gameplay and interesting systems

People who say 5 are contrarian/trying to be cool


Damn, Super Famicom and it's cartridges were way more aesthetic than the SNES

>People who say 5 are contrarian/trying to be cool

What's wrong with 5?


IV is buggy as hell and even in the later releases, it's still poorly designed. Every enemy has obnoxious counters, dungeons are boring and have no replay value, the balancing is terrible and every port never manages to completely fix the balancing, it's never the right amount of challenge, and the story is the dumbest and least engaging of the three. Barren post-game/extracurricular stuff too, unless you count after years which isn't fair.

He's trying to fit in. Everybody knows 5 is head and shoulders above the generic mess that was 4.

5/6 > 4

Gameplay wise 5 > 6 > 4
Storywise 4 = 6 > 5
Music wise 6 >>> 5 > 4
Feels wise 6 > the distance across our universe > everything else

4 set the tone for the FF series in general (a group of young rebels overthrowing an evil empire with the power of jobs and crystals) part of the holy trifecta of Final Fantasy (4, 7, 10)

5 established that anything is possible in the franchise, and even trees can be villains. Also Gilgamesh is the single greatest returning character the series has

6 is basically what happens when Squaresoft wanted your games to grow up with you, and is one of the greatest jRPG experiences you'll ever have. Children that played FF4 were teenagers by the time FF6 came out, and it feels like Square knew this and made it darker and more mature than the others. Arguably better than FF7, with arguably the best villain in the franchise (I think Emperor Palamecia from FF2 is the best but whatever)


>Feels wise
Reddit is down the hall bud.


>be me
>be playing the best game in the universe FFIV (FF Six(6) for you uncultured swine)
>MFW the feels when Kefka wins and the world goes to shit
>MFW the feels when Celes attempts suicide
>MFW when shadow stays behind to die and gives you his dog
>MFW cyan's family backstory
>MFW using sabin and suplexing a train
the feels man, i fell them, do you?

FF 4>6>5>2>1>3
FF3 might be the worse Final Fantasy in the series for me.

At least the Super Nintendo Jr brought the design a little more closer to PAL/JP SNES.
Shame about the US cartridge shape though.

My nigga, 4 and 6 are kind of a toss up for me honestly but 5 is my favorite of the 3 easily.

I like 6 but I feel like it has the same thing going on 7 does. That being it was many peoples first JRPG they played as a kid and flaws get overshadowed with nostalgia. The SNES version of 6 also suffers from a massive amount of bugs, 4 and 5 had their fair share but they pale in comparison to how many 6 has. A few notable examples are Relm's Sketch being next to worthless due to either not working or crashing the game, the Evade stat is also worthless and Magic Evade instead functions and physical evade and Magic Evade cannot actually be raised.

Why are the remakes for FF5 and FF6 so bad

>GBA remakes
The only thing bad about them is the sound quality since the SNES was amazing and the GBA not so much. Outside of that the GBA remakes are fucking great.

6 > 5 >>>>>>> 4

Don't know how anyone can put 4 as one of their top FF games, shits almost as bland as ff1-3

GBA games weren't remakes. Talking about the mobile versions.

They wasn't ports they were full on remakes. As for mobile controls are shit, looks like shit, asking WAY too much for such a shitty version. The only thing that might be slightly good (and even than the SNES/GBA does a better job) is the enemy models look nice.

6 is objectively the best of the 2D era

They could have remade FF5 in the style of FF4 DS for the 3DS. Why Square.

Because fuck you

Why the fuck do people rate 4 so highly?
>no customization
>story is mostly fine but the everyone didn't die lol except tellah lol ruins the stakes a bit
>lots of useless spells/summons
>most temporary members are garbage
>Edge is garbage unless he's throwing which is only saved for bosses
>Kain is insane, is the reason I beat the final boss despite being underleveled
>Cecil's white magic is mostly useless
>Rosa and Rydia are recommended to use Bows/Whips even though they don't increase magic like staves
And then people say don't play the 3d remake despite fixing/addressing lots of these issues