Valve is the best company in vidya. prove me wrong

valve is the best company in vidya. prove me wrong.

How much do you get paid?

>can only trade if you have a smartphone, otherwise you gotta wait for 4 weeks after each trade

Dicksucking lead them down a dark path filled with more Steam buttplugs and less Half-Life 3

Valve truly are /ourguys/

>playing a game where you have to be a black guy at some points

>massive sales
>$0 a year
What does this even mean?

>not having a smartphone

lamoing at your life

>don't own games
>valve can rescind your license if they wanted
>actively delete reviews to delude audiences
>completely wiped the physical game market
>made everyone and their dog think drm is good for the consumer

GOG is based. Valve is shit.

>>actively delete reviews to delude audiences
Never heard about that. I'm assuming you're referring to a specific incident?

Shilling time? Valve literally brought the microtransactions market out of mobile games to mainstream games and made a market out of it, they are the source of this cancer.

I was going to give Dota2 another try but apparently you need to give your phone number before you can play ranked.

consolefags have to pay for online play

You know even the bushmen of Africa have smartphones now, right?

>implying paleo-Sup Forums ever cared about black people in videogames
it's strictly a nu-Sup Forums thing

>Never heard about that
New system, introduced just a few months ago.

Indians literally shit in streets because they have no toilets and they have smartphones.

You mean sorting reviews by helpfulness? Sorry for being a retard, I'm completely out of the loop for what you're talking about

Are you posting from 2002? Valve today is absolute cancer.

>implying I don't have one cause I'm poor
I can make calls and text with my phone. I have a PC, why would I need a smartphone?

>Mild simulated gambling
PC Keks are this delusional even apple knows whats up.

Only because the bar is set that low

valve is literally the microtransactions jew

they tax out every single transaction from selling shit on the market.
Thats how they make money.
They stopped making games so they could do this

>i want to trade but i need a smartphone
>lol i dont need a smartphone

Consolebros pay for online

No, I'm saying Steam is shit for requiring a smartphone for some of its functions
I don't wanna trade, it only came up once when I was trying to give some cards to a friend who actually cares about that

How much do they pay you?

>don't own games
In every sense except that you can't resell them, you do own them. And why would you want to resell your games? Used games are cancer.
>valve can rescind your license if they wanted
And never have, except for a few MMOs that had their servers closed.
>actively delete reviews to delude audiences
AFAIK this only happens when reddit are reviewbombing a game for petty non-game reasons, i.e. the developer said something politically incorrect. If you're in favour of this sort of millennial activism, you are a retard.
>completely wiped the physical game market
This is a good thing.
>made everyone and their dog think drm is good for the consumer
DRM isn't good, but Steam is the least intrusive and most beneficial DRM in existence. DRM-free releases are nice but they make the game a million times easier to pirate.

>He doesnt shitpost on the go

It's because shitloads of people were getting their accounts stolen and Valve, like any responsible company, wants to encourage people to make safe choices - like using two factor authentication to prevent hacking.

They don't force you to use it, and they even target their encouragement to the people most vulnerable to be affected by hacking - people who trade on the market frequently. That way people who just use it for gaming can totally ignore the app.

It's everything you could possibly want.

>GOG is based. Valve is shit.

How is GoG better? They give you a generic installer that isn't even registered at your name, you manually need to update and if they go out of business you also are screw, how it is different than piracy?

B-based valve! *guzzles 1000 dicks*

>you manually need to update
Didn't they develop that Steam client ripoff for that?

>valve invests way for you to make money
>they make money as well
>they're jews!

it's a non zero sum game my dude, there is literally no reason to be upset

Anyone who doesn't give me AAA games for free with absolutely no drawbacks are dirty Jews.

If they make a cent off of their game, or run a patreon, they are Jews.

holy fuck how did I miss this? They literally put fucking moon man on their app page

>as long as the 1% of players profit from it it's okay for companies to add micro transactions and gambling in their games

>made everyone and their dog think drm is good for the consumer

You do know steam isnt drm right? Steamworks is (and a very lite one)

In fact steam sells several drm-free game, it just doesnt advertise it, or ask the devs to not include drm or just one form of drm

>he's too retarded to sell stuff on the steam market or incapable of controlling his gambling habits

always strive to be a better person, user, you'll make it one day

>"friend" enters your phone number on his account and starts hacking in online games to flag your number and get your account vac'd


Not him, but it's mathematically impossible to make money on a market like Steam's (or the stock market for that matter) without someone else losing an equal amount of money.

Not everyone can be winners.

you have to activate a code that you get via sms

Wait so you're saying that it's like a marketplace where some people buy and some people sell?

But seriously, it's mathmatically impossible not to make money on the steam marketplace if you play tf2, csgo, dota, or any other market integrated game. You get a drop and you sell it. Money made. Complaining that Valve took a cut is like complaining that your mom didn't make you enough mac and cheese.

valve were the fucking pioneers of all the bad business practices we see today

Someone else lost 7 cents for that 5 cents you made.

And they got something that they wanted. That's typically how a transaction works.

Steam is utterly swimming in cash yet they still can't hire competent developers to build a proper desktop or android client.

I don't know really, it just might be the best. But the best of shitters is still shit.

I’m always concerned my ownership of games is tied to my community standing.

>Moving the goalposts from "everyone can make money!" to "Well, everyone got something at least!"

I get it. If people are willing to pay then how is the fault on developers? I don't understand why people want DLC and MT gone in gaming.

You forgot
>run IPs into the ground with casualization and the esport meme

Better not own any physical games then. If your standing in the community is too low, someone will break in to your house and steal them.

Or if it gets REALLY low, someone will burn your house down.

Everyone can. Not everyone does.

it cost us fucking half-life 3 or episode 3 or what fucking ever. seriously really really consider killing yourself.

gog is better because they give you the game for free if you already have it on steam

>prove me wrong.
they dont make fucking games

Browsing Sup Forums while shitting.
Browsing porn while shitting.
Reading books & listening to music on the go.
Email while shitting.

It's quite convenient.

>Video game developers are the only companies in video games
How old are you

How fucking long do your shits take?

I've seriously never understood this. My shits take 1 minute of concentration tops.

>browsing porn while shitting.
Gay as fuck.

>get unfairly banned
>lose access to your games
>wait 6 months for Valve customer support to reply to your email
>still banned

>best company

>free games
no games
>no ads
ads pop up in a new windows & are on store front every major release
>mod support/tools
broke all hl2 mods with a stupid update nobody asked for, broke them again, tools are broken and are in "upcoming" beta branch since 2013. When asked questions about why a basic feature doesn't work some developers unironically say "well just mod for unreal, don't bother with source"
>community content
yes, let's take stuff other people made and sell it instead of making something themselves
>ingame internet browser
is so shitty you'd be lucky if steam overlay won't freeze after you load up google
>massive sales
of shit asset flips
>integrated voice chat
extremely shitty quality
>unlimited downloads
So like any other digital distribution service ever?
what does even that mean?=

>>get unfairly banned
Sorry to hear that user. Was it your brother cheating on your account?

>ads pop up in a new windows
Wht ads are those?

Hoping it will be fun to trade artifact cards.

>Unfairly banned
I refuse to add little shitters who spew NIGGER with their cropped hentai avatars and have several VAC bans on their account.

>If GoG goes out of business you're screwed
GoG is by no means an alternative to Steam, but that their number one appeal is that you safely own your games without having to rely on them. If they were to shutdown it wouldn't be without notice if you didn't backup your games.

>pushed early access cancer
>Paid mods
>One of the first to use lootcrates

Steam and valve and Gaben are the Jewish cockroaches of videogames. They don't even make games anymore cus they milk enough from just selling other shit. If you support steam you are a cancer on gaming

>Stopped making real games even though rich af
>Only relies on gaming as a service
>Tries to jew mods out of their money
>Popularizing gambling into gaming
>even games that sell well (valkyria chronicles) mean nothing to the industry

valve and steam are literally gaming cancer.

actually it was EA that popularized it

>free games

>Not using the steamguard desktop app

I'd respect them more if they dumped their money back into MAKING HALF LIFE A TRILOGY

Valve started the shit everyone is mad at EA for. Valve started linear hallway shooters.
Valve stopped making game in exchange for selling virtual trading cards that people buy with real money.

Valve are a fucking cancer and have outlived their usefullness.


No shit it's free.

You don't own your games with GoG either, dipshit. Your account just gives you permission to download from their servers for both steam and gog. If gog goes down and you don't have your shit saved, then youre fucked.

Did EA make CS:GO?

did cs:go exist back in 2007?

What EA game made loot crates popular back in 2007? I never heard of them until TF2, then Dota 2 and CSGO.