You didn't actually kill him, right?
You didn't actually kill him, right?
Was he autistic?
what was his fucking problem?
stop this thread before it turns into modded big boob anime hyper realistic 4k texture where you can see the atoms on the model if you zoom in far enough skyrim thread
it already is one of those threads
I didn't even played that shit game.
>Hypothetical moral points and another shitty Imperial running around
>Instakill dagger
No i wanted to fight the deadra
Heh... if they could be killed... I killed them...
None were spared my wrath... heh... none could stop me...
Then turn the two of them into permanent corpse slaves
Wasn't aware I could keep him alive
Yes, literally the only time you actually have a choice in the Daedric Quests. Eat shit Dagon.
You've managed to somehow post the gayest and most cringeworthy skyrim screenshot that I have ever seen.
I kill everybody it's just more fun
Daedra are annoying, I refuse to do their quests just for the “reeee you’ll regret this” dialogue
post sexy Forsworn
this desu
Its even funnier when you imagine the shit storm that'll go down when the dragon born finally dies and basically every single daedalus and God goes after his soul
Not to mention Daedric Artifacts are mostly dogshit.
I like these threads. There's boob and there's actual discussion about things. Isn't this like the dream thread?
Ikr, besides spellbreaker and azura's black star I can't think of any good daedric artifact. Maybe sanguine's rose if you don't level up conjuration.
If you take what Meridia says, just wielding the artifact is enough for them, they don't need your soul.
>spare some fuck obsessed with the Mythic Dawn
>or let yourself be a pawn of Dagon
this quest kinda sucked
If you let him go he renounces all that Mythic Dawn shit
I killed him and got rid of rest of the relics.
Fuck him and those apocalypse causing assholes.
>Bringing Serana with you in the House of Horrors quest yields no extra dialogue
>Being a Werewolf during the Ill-met by Moonlight quest yields no extra dialogue
>tfw have to help Hermaus Mora in the dlc anyway
An extra line when talking to the Werewolf guy would have been cool, but I always got the impression that Hircine doesn't give a fuck if you're a Werewolf, Vampire, Human, Elf or whatever as long as you're a strong hunter.
>tfw Bloodmoon was about the bro-est Daedra ever, Hircine
>Dragonborn was about some faggot and his books.
Nope, but he did get killed by a bear like thirty seconds later.
Then when I fast-traveled to whiterun, I got an inheritance letter from him for twenty gold.
Killed him and used the razor for a dual-wielding follower. Made her much less useless.
>Pyrite is the weakest Daedric Prince but gives you the strongest artifact
No there isn't. Fuck off back to /tesg/ cancerfaggot
So lore wise, what is the strongest Daedric Artifact?
The Fork of Horripilation.
It fluctuates, Savior's Hide originally was able to tank a hit from Dagon. Really there is no strongest one since they are always changing.
Azura's Star is the only soul gem in Mundus that can be reused so that is pretty powerful.
I know Savior's Hide is suppossed to be pretty powerful. In Daggerfall it overcomes Dagon's magic.
In terms of powerlevel, I doubt the daedra can do much since you are Dragonborn thus have a direct connection to Akatosh.
And if you follow the TLD is a Shezzarine theory, your soul is just going to ruse everyone and fuck off to someplace else entirely.
>Lovecraftian nightmare dlc
pick one
But Herman is a giant fucking nerd
Overall it would be the Oghma Infinium, with Azura's Star coming a close second.
i dont know man, dawnbreaker is pretty cool in fucking up undead
I'd say it's mehrunes' razor, it can 1 shot anything
Yeah but then you gotta deal with using the weapon of some elf-cock-slurpin' cunt. It's a worthy trade-off to me but it does kind of leave a black mark on it.
>gods are mostly malevolent
>dude was annoying
>did all the job by myself
Not that I'm playing edgy, but sometimes I kill, sometimes not.
The one shot effect actually doesn't work on some enemies.
but Mankar Camoran did use Mehrunes' Razor to cut his own face off and give himself plastic surgery to become a Dragonborn so there's that.
>didn't even played
>still shit on it just to fit in
>spare the faggot
>gets killed anyway by a snow bear
I turned against most of the daedras. Fuck those guys in their assholes.
>Implying the Hist don't already have dibs on my soul
It's just Bethesda being lazy. You get extra dialogues based on race and if you're a vampire/werewolf in ESO.
t. boot-leather
>mfw spared him because I saw 2 frost trolls just outside the shrine waiting for any poor fucker to come near
Dagonfags need to understand their place
Yeah he's dead.
the wabbofunk
I think black star is considered as defiled version though.
Mankar was part of the Camoran dynasty who were all Bosmer, both of his parents were Bosmer yet when we meet him in Oblivion he's an Altmer and he's inexplicably able to wear the Amulet of Kings.
I'm going to have to look it up since it's been a while but there's an in game text saying that he used the Razor to carve reality or something along those lines, remaking himself basically.
By far one of the most nonsensical things in the game. The retarded writers made you sell your soul so many times that by the end of the game it belongs to Hircine, Sithis, Nocturnal AND Molag Bal.
>install game
>Install elin mod
>Play 10 mins realize how fucking bad the game is
>Fap to my elin
>Alt f4
Ive been doing this for the past 5 years now. Ive tried legit non mod replay and holy shit i cant stand it. In the same time i managed to replay oblivion after 10 years last year without mods to finish again.
How can this game be so utterly fucking bad?
Vargposting is the best meme
>not bro-tier
Dude basically turns you into a god from all the Black Book powers you get and all he asks in return is that you help him kill some faggot who pussed out on fighting Alduin with the rest of the ancient nords.
Selling your soul doesn't matter anyway, as a Dragonborn they're part of Akatosh and will just return to him upon death.
>subhuman mehrunes dagon cultist
>letting him live
pick one and only one
>you can get billions of gems
>one charge at a time
>even charged with shit
How is Azura Star useful, exactly?
>typical autistic basement dweller
I was sad I couldn't reanimate him to kill him twice.
Was he the Elder Scrolls equivalent of a LARPer?
More of a muh hurritage fag really
>you can get billions of gems
Black gems are not so common as you make it sound.
Do the Daedra not know you're the Dragonborn and thus they won't be getting your soul? Or do they know and just think they can work out a deal later when you die?
By carrying around and using their shit you are spreading their influence.
They probably don't with the exception of Hermaeus Mora, Jyggalag might know too but he's not met in Skyrim so that doesn't really matter.
Been modding skyrim for a bit now. I've been trying to find some good fast travel overhauls. Is there something like the van mod for NV?
They can't claim the DB's soul as Akatosh gets first dibs but they can have the DB wield their artifacts and spread their influence, and they need a lot of it these days due to Martin Septim and his actions during the Oblivion crisis. I'm guessing they all know who you are, Herma-Mora obviously knows and Clavicus Vile acknowledges you as the DB during his questline when you ask him for power, him replying that you already have it.
Sheo and Mora know but I doubt others care enough about you to look into it, for them you're just a yet another mortal who wants power/items.
>trusting Mehrunes "I want to make Nirn and everyone in it my personal buttslut" Dagon
Why dont the Aedra do something about the Daedra?
Why is anyone in the TES universe afraid of dying? I mean it's a world where not only is the afterlife 100% proven to exist but there are multiple afterlives and you can reliably predict which one you're going to, AND if you've got a shitty one you can actually take steps to switch to a better one. Afterlives in TES are like data plans.
For now, but he's going to tentacle rape you for all eternity like he did to Miraak. I almost felt bad for killing the guy when you find out what he wanted most was his freedom.
That's Molag Bal
Mehrunes just wants to shake things up and break shit
Doesnt your soul just get recycled back to Mundus but without any memories?
>what he wanted most was his freedom.
That and to, y'know, subjugate the entire world under his rule
The Aedra gave up their divinity to create Nirn. They're all in a coma.
Miraak was a power hungry prick that got what was coming to him
>Why is anyone in the TES universe afraid of dying?
it prolly fukken hurts dude, i wouldnt wanna get hit in the head with an axe even if it doesnt kill me for good
No. At the very least you have Sovngarde, Aetherius, the Hunting Ground, and the Soul Cairn as places you can get shipped off to after death if you meet the criteria. I'm no expert on lore but Aetherius seems to be the catch-all that you go to if nobody else has dibs.
god damn it you're gonna make me reinstall all these mods for the 20th time arent you
They can't because most of their power is used to maintain the world. Mundus is a trap that feeds on them to sustain itself. This is why magnus bailed right after creation, as the architecht he figured it out just in time to GTFO and save himself.
>4E 201
>not worshiping Jyggalag
Literally Skyrim: JRPG Edition
Look, dragons don't see a difference between freedom and power. He wanted the freedom to be himself and do whatever he wants. You can't blame him if unlimited power is the only way to get there. :)
Where'd you find a computer in Solstheim, Miraak?
The worst part of this game was not being able to kill that daedric bookworm piece of shit.
you can't kill a daedra