Why do you browse this board everyday ?

Why do you browse this board everyday ?

because as much as I hate nu-Sup Forums and all you newfaggots I am stuck here.

it's an addiction

i often hate going out or being away for so long in fear of 'missing out'

im pathetic

I love the shitposting and whirl threads.

Because my life sucks and I can't turn it around. I'm sick of myself

Sonybro here
Ask me anything

This, I absolutely cannot stand this place sometimes, and yet here I am.


Name a single place to discuss videogames that is better. this may be a shithole but its the least shitty.



waifu threads

Kill yourself OP

not good at all. voting system ruins everything and turns it into a hugbox. only reason I browse Sup Forums is the anonymity and the equal playing ground


This is me with a few /vg/ generals

I don't, I've switched to mainly /vg/ since they're better at discussing games than Sup Forums is. I just occasionally open up Sup Forums to look for spicy shitposts.

It's one of bad habits of mine.
The thing is I don't play games at all anymore.

I don't know how to deal with it. It came to the situations that if I just think of something else in front of the blank screen my fingers automatically input Sup Forums adress

Same. I have 9 tabs open for this board right now. I can actively feel it fucking with my brain chemistry. Damn I gotta stop.

Because it's mostly unmoderated so I can call someone a filthy nigger faggot without fear of getting banned and shitting on SJW games is always fun

Lol, same.
Been on Sup Forums for almost ten years now. Once you are here you never leave.


So I can shit on the game I hate. I only click on the Sup Forums catalog to hunt for a new thread, enter and defecate all over its """fans""".


Shitposting and the few comfy threads about the games I actually like.

>post on Sup Forums every day
>try and keep things vidya
>meme occasionally
>gets boring after a few days
>post increasingly more risque topics
>devolve into full-on shitposting
>finally get that 3-day ban hammer
>fine with it because Sup Forums was getting boring
>after three days feel refreshed and ready to post about vidya again
>post on Sup Forums every day...

>not again!


I still wait for vocaroo of the full version.

t. toddler

Literally the worst choice.
Fucking Bedman is a better waifu and he is a man.
When did the bar drop this low?

It's fun.

I'm stuck here because hate is addictive and I hate every single fucking one of you

I'm a toddler for thinking this retarded picture is funny? Grow up

Because I'm unemployed and desperately need to waste all this time I have lying around.

>even Sup Forums has good threads sometimes
>best place to discuss vidya on the internet

I "hate" you too. *wink* *wink*

>No clique mentality with usernames; exact opposite here where trips and names are discouraged
>moves faster than any of the previous forums I used to visit
>images make for plenty to save
>less likely to get banned for having a different opinion (as long as your not being a shitposting faggot about it)
>not flooded with emoticons
>sometimes get some pretty good recommendations

All shitposting aside, I can't see myself anywhere else.

To kill time or mindlessly look like I'm doing something to avoid social situations

Hoping to see a resurgence of the weekly mirrored cover art versus thread.

I don't think anything can beat ABIB A TOOT and HAAW WAAW

Haha expanding brains memes are so funny lmao!!

Huh? Only babbies hate based anal vore never ever man.

start one now


i feel neo Sup Forums and sjw should be switched

>seeing a thread with things you don't like and then entering it to bitch about the things you don't like within it

I love you guys.

You're not welcome.

Because I've lost control of my life.

kill yourself tripfaggot
I'd rather have 10 redditors here than 1 tripfaggot

To talk about video games and furfaggotry

But I LiKe BoCo

Becuse I want to die. I don't even play video games I really don't know I come here

I just come to Sup Forums every now and then to feel better about my life knowing I don't spend most of my day shitting on toys other people like to play with.

This board is fucking garbage.

Reddits upvotting bullshit filters through all the garbage, some times I like the garbage.

I'm bored. Also all of mainstream media sounds like cancerous shills, chock full of graphomania but no writing skill to support it. And I still want vidya news.