ITT good game with bad controls
ITT good game with bad controls
I fucking loved SotC's controls wtf
Starfox Zero might have been good without bad controls.
wtf I fucking love SotC's controls now
i think you mean bad games with bad controls
Same. They need to grow on you though. Controls are fucking awkward at the start, especially Agro.
>tfw people complain about SotC PS4 having BotW controls
I'm on the 9th colossi and I still can't figure out these dumb camera controls.
Gravity Rush on the Vita, I can't bring myself to finish it.
super mario 64
I thought the controls were fine what we really need to talk about is the constant low-mid teens framerate.
also horrible camera and framerate
Extremely wrong the post.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on the 3DS. It's painful.
no idea why people complain about the controls in this game
Sorry about your problems. They really only bothered me for like 5 minutes. *shrug*
why do so many people say this
the camera is just the same as any cameera
I never noticed a problem with frame rates>*shrug*
I have never had a problem controlling this game.
any portable monster hunter game can go fuck itself, cannot wait till it's back on a proper console
Were the playing the PS3 version? It is pretty much a locked 30FPS on there you have to be blind if you didn't notice FPS problems on the PS2.
you have to go back
This was sorta the start of cinematic movie "games" yet the same people who trash the last of us for no game play LOVE this game
I like this game a lot but that's stupid
And before you say "no it was that french 2d sidescroller!!!"
No, that didn't have any cutscenes and this was so popular
I didn't have a proper image, gimme a break.
Still love it
I don't own a PS3, I have it on my PS2