One of these systems was released in 2006. The other was released this year, 2017.
Which is which? The answer may surprise you.
One of these systems was released in 2006. The other was released this year, 2017.
Which is which? The answer may surprise you.
Other urls found in this thread:
one is also smaller than an ipad.
Which is which?
The answer is totally expected
This is the flagship game of a console released in 2017.
>1080p higher settings vs 720p lower settings
not even a switchfag but you're retarded. not only is the resolution lower on the ps3 but so is the asset and texture quality. i'm pretty sure that if they reduced it all to the ps3 settings and resolution in docked mode then it will also perform like the ps3 version.
>vastly underpowered and inferior hardware is acceptable in 2017 if it has a shitty portability gimmick
This is what nintenredditors believe
Switch has lower draw distance lol. Enjoy your popin. You must be used to it after BotW and Skyrim
Super Mario 64 is still better than every PS4 game.
actually after having played BOTW and Skyrim on the switch I think pop in adds to the experience.
I have to agree. Skyrim was so much more fun to explore when I couldn't see what landmarks were up ahead until I was 30 feet from them.
>Switch has lower draw distance
in portable mode.
back to >>>reddit
>Nintendicksuckers always saying its more powerful than a PS3/Xbox 360
>B-But its portable so its ok if it gets worse performance!
Your retarded most of us aren't willing to get an experience the same or worse than 10 years ago for "muh portability"
>Skyrim on the switch I think pop in adds to the experience.
>Skyrim was so much more fun to explore when I couldn't see what landmarks were up ahead until I was 30 feet from them.
I wonder who is behind these posts.
>ITT another cherry picked frame drop from a DF video that's used for console war baiting
Just bring up any DF video where the comparison lags behind in performance, and you can say an entire console/port is shit. Plastic video game box wars are shit.
t. PS4, Switch, and PC owner
The Switch can be handheld or console depending on what the argument needs, so you can always win debates on Sup Forums with it. It is effectively the best console ever made.
The damn console was practically designed entirely around that one single game.
It is bad but if you're buying multiplatform games on the Switch you've got bigger problems. Nintendo platforms are for exclusive games.
Yeah and lets not forget the silky smooth 3 second freezes when hitting a moblin in ragdoll in BOTW. Only real gamers can appreciate such craftsmanship.
It's a mobile GPU. It doesn't suddenly become a PS4 when you overclock it.
Switch is consistently lower framerate than PS3, an 11 year old console with a notoriously bad version of LA noire
>It doesn't suddenly become a PS4 when you overclock it.
This is a comparison to the PS3 version. Yes, three. Not four.
Doesn't switch run at a higher res? 1080p when docked
PS3 has a stronger CPU than the PS4 with CELL, which was why it is $599
>a notoriously bad version of LA noire
are you retarded? la noire on the ps3 was the best version because it was originally supposed to be a ps3 console exclusive and everything even the game engine was built with the ps3 in mind. the 360 version was an afterthought
PS3 has unironically a stronger CPU than the PS4, and CPU is the one managing framerate
The Switch here is outputting the same resolution and a lot of the same textures from the PS4 version. At any given time, it's outputting more pixels than the PS3 version.
Also the PS3 CPU is far stronger than any current gen CPU
Rather amusing that cell was so advanced for its time
>smaller is better
t. soyboy
>bigger is better
t.Roastie landwhale
It's a shame the limiting factor at the time was GPU and time spent with the system. Would have liked to seen a future where Sony run with the Cell and managed to get more support behind them in the long term.
The switch is
>outputting at 1080p
>outputting upgraded textures
It's not a far comparison at all, a comparison with the PS4 version would be more insightful
I will never get tired of this excuse.
>you should buy multiplats on switch for the portability!
>the portability version looks terrible sure, but its better when played on tv
>limiting factor at the time was GPU
Why was this gen such a role reversal?
Because the last gen poked a lot of holes in multiplatform development. MS and Sony both kinda shit the bed when they put their systems together
don't forget to the silky smooth 30 fps!
>switch graphics and frame rate gets called out
>it's a handled so it's fine
>people call it a handheld then and not a console
Fuck Nintendies.
>nintenbros unironically believe this
who are you quoting? nothing in that post says anything you're claiming.
Uh when you watch the video it is clearly said. it's not a matter if you believe or not, it's a fact
Anything else you need?
>people who made LA noire got completely liquidated
>Rockstar continues to shill ports of it
Considering how fucking stupid the average person is I suspect it'll be around 5 years before people begin to completely hate Rockstar even though between the sharkcards, this, and modern GTA you should be hating them now.
Look at the UI, it's Mario Odyssey.
It's a shitposting thread, shut up
Yeah, but it's in a M64 homage area with a M64 homage costume. That's what I assume user is referring to
Why are you comparing with the PS3 and not the PS4 version when switch docked has the exact same resolution and textures as the PS4 version instead of the PS3 one?
Actually nevermind, we know why
I'm quoting every person who shills switch or defends it.
They still make the only games I feel justify the $50 price tag.
The technology/style/polish of their games is pretty great. Once they skimp out on that then they'll be EA tier.
The entire remaster is just the PC version running at high settings ported to consoles. They didn't do any worthwhile changes to make a difference. The retarded monkeys at Bethesda did a far better job with the skyrim remaster on all versions.
Switch cant compete with PS3 do you really want me to compare to PS4? Save yourself the embarrassment
The remaster is badly optimized that's why.
Also LA Noire was made with the PS3 CPU in mind so it runs better on that version.
The Euphoria physics engine was a mistake.
Because the switch uses the PS4 version and not the PS3 one as a base? And is identical to the PS4 version docked as far as visuals go?
Are you fucking retarded
this desu
the settings and resolution greatly exceed the ps3 version and are more in line with the ps4 version but at lower performance. i'm sure that if they made a straight ps3 port to the switch they could even get it to run over 30 fps because the settings are lower and it would run at 720p rather than 1080p
The switch version is an upgrade over the PS3 version and is the same as the PS4 version instead with all the upgrades present there. Of course PS3 runs better, it's the least demanding version
>last gen system struggles to run last gen game
Why does Sup Forums like the Switch, again?
LA Noire was 2011
>Switch and PS4 use the same te-
2006 console retard
Switch version still looks better
>the absolute state of bing bing wahoos
>The switch version is an upgrade over the PS3 version
not in framerate hahaha
>Switch version still looks better
This doesn't count because it doesn't fit the Nintendo narrative
The latter has literally never happened
>handheld mode
Yeah, not in framerate. Which is because of the more demanding textures and resolution
they're actually pretty close. they're miles better than the ps3 textures in comparison
Good argument, the video clearly fucking shows that
>Implying that the dock isn't just an HDMI out
>portability is suddenly a gimmick
Then the Vita was vastly underpowered shit as well, due to its "portability gimmick" right?
it's not though. the processor gets a clockspeed boost which allows for better performance/resolution/higher quality assets/further render distances
The N64 or Ps4? Both are right
nope sorry sonybro your console will always be shit
But.... The switch face looks better??
>using a half-assed "remaster" that's not by the original team and got bested by "creation engine" faggots as proof of anything
You guys are truly retarded.
The switch version is an upgrade in textures and resolution, closer to the PS4 than the PS3. Also LA noire was initially a PS3 exclusive so it's more tailored to the monster CPU PS3 has
Higher framerate is expected
>>people call it a handheld then and not a console
Literally never happened tho.
vita is shit too retard
Digital Foundry;
>The Switch version may have some limits, but it's otherwise a fully-featured release that bests the PS3 version in many respects - notably image quality.
And there we have it
It's docked. And watch the video, Switch has lower draw distance than PS3 even when docked. Fucking disaster of a console
>The switch version is an upgrade in textures and resolution, closer to the PS4 than the PS3.
But that's literally how portables have ALWAYS been.
The GBA was equivalent to a SNES power wise.
The DS was equivalent to an N64/PS power wise.
The 3DS/Vita were roughly on par with the 6th gen consoles power wise.
Now the Switch is on par, and by most accounts stronger, than the 360 and PS3 and this is considered insanity, a complete blunder. You people are legit retarded.
Actually no, the switch does not, lower draw distance is handheld only
>in many respects
Meaning not all. Shameful to not even decisively win against 11 year old hardware lmao. And this is coming from notorious Nintendo shills Digitalfoundry who claimed Doom on Shitch was "a great experience" at 22fps 600p, below minimum settings.
Jesus fuck blunderfag you're fucking insane
So you just think any portable is shit? Well guess what, your opinion is shit.
>"EVEN WHILE DOCKED, Switch often has worse draw distances than PS3"
>meaning not all
Image quality is an upgrade though, the downgrade is the framerate. And the 11 year old PS3 is somehow stronger than the PS4 as well, now that's what I call a failure of a console. I mean, they even have the PS3 tech
PS3 is literally stronger than both the PS4 and Xbone in CPU
Why is this such a surprise switch runs worse? The PS3 is still a fucking clusterfuck of a powerhosue
so how much do you think i'd be able to get for an og ps4 with 5 games if i wanted to swap it for a switch?
>The PS3 is still a fucking clusterfuck of a powerhosue
Best description of the PS3 yet
they made a chimera, and didn't know how to tame it
>the downgrade is the framerate.
and draw distance
>PS3 has an extremely strong CPU, even stronger than current gen consoles
>LA noire was initially a PS3 exclusive, meaning it utilized the PS3's power better than most games would
>meanwhile the PS3 has a shit GPU, which is why it looks the worst
Apply yourself
>framerate drops on Switch actually slow down the pace of gameplay, instead of simply cutting the frames out
Top fucking kek. Enjoy your slow motion experience Nintendies
Yeah, both CPU bound
>The PS3 is still a fucking clusterfuck of a powerhosue
not really. there's no point in having some super complex cpu which can do a gazillion calculations if your gpu is fucking trash. the main reason why the 360 was superior for multiplats throughout the gen, even after most devs got the hang of coding for the ps3, was because the xbox gpu was massively superior and had features ahead of its time like unified shaders and not the abortion split vram config of the ps3 which made achieving the same visuals and resolution of the xbox 360 practically impossible.
fun fact: if there is a game on both consoles which runs better or runs the same on the ps3 as it does on the 360, chances are with some further optimization to the 360 version it can exceed the ps3 version. any game which was equal on both systems generally was heavily optimized for the ps3 e.g. la noire or vanquish and the 360 was basically just left at a performance level to match the ps3 without any further optimization to boost asset quality, framerate or resolution.
That's why it's a clusterfuck. It has the potential to be a powerhouse, but it falls short while obliterating everything else with its monster CPU. Unbalanced as fuck
LA noire likely took greater advantage of the CPU as it was initially an exclusive
Get the fucking PS4 out, PS3 is superior in every way besides GPU
So(n)yboys don't remember the PS3
Pity, because the phat3 is the best thing sony made