Non-Autistic Battlefront 2 thread. Post load-outs and discuss the game

Non-Autistic Battlefront 2 thread. Post load-outs and discuss the game.

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fuck off shill

>No ARC Troopers
>Clone Officers wear the uniform on ground

Eat shit and die retard

You seem to have made a mistake there OP, let me fix that for you.

Don't know why talking about a game I like makes me a shill. Also, here are the only ships I've upgraded so far. Haven't played much of Starfighter Assault, what kind of upgrades work best in there? I've pretty much picked cards that work well in Galactic Assault.

this game fucking sucks no matter hiw you slice it.

I tried playing this game again when I was waiting for nuBF2 to come out, it isn't anywhere as near as good as it was when I played it when it came out when I was 7.


>Post load-outs and discuss the game
As if the loadout sytsem was so rich, deep and interesting to deserve to talk about it.
Fuck off, shill

I want to know what the specialist shotgun is good for. It knocks people down but pulling your gun out after is slow. But its so neat, i want to use it.

Why would you walk into a bump a thread you don't like? Much less make uneducated statements about it? I'll never understand Blizzard and Activision shills.

fuck off shill

>buying battlefront 2
Does not compute

Can people in star wars breath in space?

>look at these autistic people, why are they enjoying something I don't like!

Mostly for surprise, I guess. It works a lot better once you get the three round burst for the marksman rifle and can advance forward, but other than that and infiltration combos it's pretty situational.

Good luck discussing the most hated game of 2017 anywhere but the EA forums


Anyone know what the middle mouse button does with palpatine? And it seems he has no block, left and right are attacks, middlemouse i think is an attack, and i think if you hold left and right it does more damage, but i get melted so fast i cant experiment.

>All these free bumps

How fucking retarded do you have to be to try to discuss this "game" on Sup Forums? Oh wait you actually bought it in the first place. Stop supporting the literal cancer of video games and fuck off.

ITS LITRALLY CANCER! Not the past decade of dlc, lootboxes, microtransactions, mobile, mmo, moba copies, and all the other crap that has happened. No, this game is LITERAALLLLLY going to ruin games forever. LITTRRAAALLLLYYY

My biggest issue with this game is being top of the leaderboard and still losing because my team is fucking retarded

what the fuck is the conversation. it is fucking stupid.
if you are not a shill you just want confirmation about making the right choice from daddy.
also SAGE

Middle mouse is just the default melee attack everyone without a lightsaber has. And yeah, Sheev does more damage if you hold down both attack buttons, but you'll still want to be spinning around all over the place because he's a lot weaker than in BF1 without his elite guards. Try and run around another hero or a group of soldiers to have them take most of the fire.

>Not knowing what SAGE is

bumping to help EA gain money


Entering "sage" (by itself) into the [Options] field while replying will cause the thread not to bump to the top of the page.


I started at launch and only lack Chewbacca now. Already bought all other heroes and bought quite some crates already as well.

Fuck off shill

>Clone Wars was suppose to be the main attraction
>Only three maps
>completely randomized map roster

if you aren't a shill then that's even more pathetic that you like a game that only wants to fuck you in the ass.


>Battlefront 2

The grind is honestly shit, It kills my desire to keep playing the game.

you know what would be nice? the ability to scrap unnecessary loot box cards that I don't need. I don't give a fuck about hero abilities or other classes. I just want to upgrade my Heavy.

Officer and Heavy are my jam
Also Wookiee Warrior because I get a boner from the thermal imploder sound effect. It's the best sound effect ever made in any game.

None of the good heavy abilities get better with upgrades except for decreased cooldown times. I'd recommend playing all the classes so you unlock achievements and earn scrap faster.

Wookie warrior seems like it's the only good Enforcer version, Shadowtrooper and the Super Battle Droid are Ok but the Flametrooper is completely shit.

Yeah flametrooper is a real turd.
So is Palpatine, unfortunately. I desperately want him to be stronger but he just sucks compared to almost any other hero.

I used to rape asshole in the first Battlefront and as barebones as it was I had a load of fun with it

I want to get this game too knowing things will be changed about its business model but I don't want to risk it in case they say "LOL NOPE AS IS M8"

Too bad, it'll go on sale for $20 in 3 months like the first one did

>Second best

OP here, loving the discussion so far! I hate that palpatine isn't very good tho! Maybe if I got some lootboxes I could beef him up. But how do I get mom's card without her noticing lol

Flametrooper is extremely situational, and that one situation is inside hallways defending a point. You can do well for a while until you overheat, I've gotten about 8 kills before getting rekt

>get the second pistol for officer
>can snipe people faster than specialist can, while also having great utility

i seriously have no idea how to play specialist

try harder, anyone that played the first one knows palpatine is unfixably broken

I don't play it but gonna bump to piss off poor people. lol

I only play specialist on kashyyk in phase 1
all 3 other classes are way better everywhere else imo

>be me in AAT
>enemy spawns in LAAT
>shoot it down in 2 seconds
>someone else spawns in LAAT
>do it again
>repeat ad infinitum

kek LAAT bitches, that's right, waste your BP on me, you'll never fly anywhere

underage b&

I hate trying to equip cards on ships. Half of them only apply to one side or the other, so you're basically wasting a slot 50% of the time

Old Republic BF inclusion when?


A smart person would spawn as a fighter and rape strafe everyone

>God awful movies
>Shitty comics
>Shitty games
Has Nu-Star Wars even got any good books?


Who's the best hero and why is it Vader?
His HP sustain lets him keep fighting without getting whittled down

ive found it impossible to even spawn as a fighter after a while, you instantly get spawn raped by anyone up there. i find the fighter combat infuriating cause you just get shot and have no clue where its coming from.

>still trying to shill "positive discussion" wabout this garbage game

That's what the red arrows are for, but yes, spawn camping in fighters is a problem

so glad I never got into star wars to begin with. The original movies were pretty good but it just felt like a good sci fi adventure in a time where hollywood wasn't doing anything like it. But I got to avoid falling prey to shit like this game, the new movies, all the fucking tie in crap

>Sup Forums actually has the same hivemind of reddit where there are only absolutes
this really is the second worst board

force field

You either need someone else with you, or nobody on the other team in the sky. I've gone entire matches just flying as long as I can before the map transitions, just getting a fuck ton of battlepoints. Especially on Hoth

The worst part are annoying interceptors, who turn too fast to be shot down by a fighter or bomber and there's always one player who takes up the interceptor slot and does nothing the whole time. Although when you're able to stay in the air and harass guys on the ground the whole round, it's worth it.

>Only three maps
>CIS always on attack, Clones always on defense
>No Geonosis, Kashyyyk is fucking lame and not even distinctive, Naboo is just fucking awfully designed

>everybody hating on an EA game ruined by blatant cash grab progression means there's a hivemind!!!
This board is the worst precisely because of people like you.

>play heavy on Kashyyyk
>just sit back and bomb to MTT's with my turret
>win MVP with 18,000 score and only 6 kills

man, EA really didn't think some of this shit through very well.


Good, cause more people need to shoot those fucking things. It should reward you with a go in the deathstar if it makes people ptfo

And the problem is...?
You actually played the objectivve.

you can farm points just by shooting at AI starfighters, its fucking stupid.

Stupid green little nigger needs to be nerfed. He never fucking dies and his block is the best in the game.

I just checked my gear and I lost everything that I got from the deluxe edition. What the fug

Theres a difference between hating on the company and attacking people who just want to play the game. This board and the entirety of reddit is shitty because of people like you.

I hear that the new Thrawn books are decent, but nowhere as good as the older ones. Old EU had just as many bad things too it, honestly, but it did a better job at hiding it. I mean, just look at shit like Skippy the Jedi Droid.

>I lost everything that I got from the deluxe edition

>play resistance officer on takodana at the monument checkpoint in first phase
>sit in the little monument room, have a tower nearby and occasionally buff allies with my officer shout
>make constant BP just by sitting there

I'm not even sure why I think it's my "nearby allies regenerate health sooner" card, it's a never ending stream of points.

Fuck off shill

this is the problem with Yoda in any game he's in. He's always a super agile tank with a ridiculously small hitbox

Nvm it's back :^)

>tfw SC4 Yoda

Yoda is kinda shit desu. His attack has a huge windup animation cause he curls into a ball first.

I'd much rather play Han, Vader or Kylo

not just that, his abilities are by far the best. instantly gives everyone in the area like +300 health and when he blocks it charges up his force push to an insta-kill. also hes unlocked by default dont even have to buy him.

Don't worry goy with the free downloadable content the Clones will be escorting an AT-TE to destroy Separatist droid ships on Geonosis :^)

>play as heavy with supercharged sentry
>laugh as Yoda desperately tries to block my missles as I take down 90% of Yoda's health and some stupid Assault runs up and killsteals anyway

Do you think anyone has ever killed the MTT or AT-ATs?

>Theres a difference between hating on the company and attacking people who just want to play the game
Not really. People who support shitty games with shitty practices deserve to be mocked and ridiculed. It's no different than shaming whales who spend money on F2P mobage trash.

This board and the entirety of reddit is shitty because of people like YOU. You are the cancer of this board who cries "hivemind" anytime anyone rightfully shits on your garbage games. Stop acting like you're the victim.

Except this game has 0% p2w at this point

im pretty sure the main purpose of that phase is to determine how many lives the attacking team gets in the next phase. if the thing actually gets destroyed then you were getting raped anyway.

I've seen an AT-AT die twice on Hoth but that's about it. I've never seen MTT's fall.

>at this point
It's temporarily disabled and the progression system remains unchanged. If you thought it was fine to buy this game because p2w is only temporarily removed you're a moron.

I was in a game where they got it down to 12%. I really don't know what my team was doing

If multiple people played heavy with supercharged sentry and used it against the MTT whenever it becomes vulnerable it would actually die

>im a hero because i shitpost about games i have not played

god i wish you would die

A really good defense team on Theed will fuck an MTT sideways

Imagine being this pathetic. Imagine attacking people because they have a different view point that you. Maybe some people don't care for lootboxes or maybe battlefront came free with a bundle and its the only game they have. Get a life user and stop harassing people because your circle jerk is cancerous.

>Don't like it don't play it
>Don't talk about it if you don't play it
>I demand a safe space to discuss abject p2w-engineered trash on Sup Forums

The feeling mutual you cancerous waste of oxygen.

Away shill

user tell us what games you like. What did you play today?