What game lets me play as a cute girl with a gun who can shoot and brutalize other cute girls with guns?

What game lets me play as a cute girl with a gun who can shoot and brutalize other cute girls with guns?

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Perfect Dark.

Doom. Just imagine that Doomguy is actually Doomgirl and demons are all female.

>demons are all female
but what if i believe all females are demons?

Ghost Recon: Wildlands

In SWAT 3 and 4 you can do that plus tie up female hostages and suspects, but not as a cute girl.

Why believe in facts?

Rainbow Six Siege

this, but theres only a few female enemies in it like 3

>perfect dark
it on PC or do i have to use a POORLY CODED N64 emulator

I would do this just to execute them with a shoot in the head when I was a kid, is this normal?

what kind of dumbass question is that?

It's only on N64, Xbox Live, and part of Rare Replay on Xbox One, unfortunately.

It's fine, I did the same thing. I would have preferred an option to tie them up instead, though.

or install this

This, sadly

>It's fine, I did the same thing. I would have preferred an option to tie them up instead, though.

Nevermind, I'm retarded. I thought you were talking about Perfect Dark.

>what gayme can I le cute anime girls XDXDXXDD


u mad bruh?

>tumblr hair
>those glasses
>fridge body
Jesus Christ, I want to punch it.

I did that all the time plus use less-than-lethal items on them so they would jerk around and make moaning sounds while handcuffed. Great games.

If only that game run well and didn't had those retarded ai companions.

>not on the cake train

pathetic please kill me

>XBA and N64 only
its not fair bros

This board is full of incels.

Yeah, they should've included the option to go solo or, at the very least, customize them.

I really just love the AssCreed outfit and want a squad of them.

Nice leddit term. Go back.

epic reddit meme

what is incels

uh reddit n shit i guess.. go away.. yeah

Something made you come here.

Gunslinger girls

Emulation actually can allow you to play Perfect Dark at 60FPS and with a mouse almost perfectly, but I think Rare Replay is so far the best and least finicky way to play all the old Rare games.

The Division we never got.

oh man that would make the game so much better

The game is actually getting better with the new 1.8 update

hey welcome to Sup Forums newfriend
first thing, you'll want to get a tripcode so posters can know who's posting. It's kind of like a username on tumblr or reddit.

>there will never be a division like game with competent devs using the girlsfrontline cast
devs are retarded for not making a waifu shootan game.

oh shit i totally forgot about MGO

I want a moe shooter built from the Soldier of Fortune engine.

what the fuck is up with that g11's knees holy shit

Well at least we have Valkyria Chronicles.

Valkyria Chronicles

one of my favorite PSP games.

Wrong girl

I'm surprised japs haven't made a game like this yet


Rainbow 6: Siege

best girl

Japs don't have the skills to make a good FPS, and the West can't design cute girls. They need to unite forces for it to get made

had it updated recently?

Nips did make some third person shooter where where you play as a cute girl and shoot other cute girls clothes off. I'm actually surprised no one has brought that up yet.

fuck that, i want to see my cute anime girl run around and kill people

Sorry but they can't make a good 3rd person shooter either unfortunately.

they tried a few times but yea horrible attempts

We need more games about cute girls with guns.

The closest thing to letting that happen is modded Fallout. Otherwise no such game exists. Nips don't like guns. Drone strikers don't like anime. It's a mix that can never happen.

Sounds like untapped market to me

Left 4 Dead 2

>Starts just drawing off cute girls in military costumes
>Goes completely degenerate with his gore fetish
Fuck him.


>he doesn't know about the pre-configured 60fps + mouse-aim hack emulator

Is this actually a thing other than some random art? A manga or LN?

mobile game

It's an actual game.
Not LN.

mobile garbage called girlsfrontline

Oh :(

the fuck is this

where can i get this pre-configured 60fps +mouse aim hack? can it be used for goldeneye too?

Why are there so many great mobile game concepts....but stuck as being mobile games.

I take it from the art you make a custom team of soldiers and run "missions" against robots or such? Sounds like the perfect recipe for a Warframe style coop shooter...

Playing this may cause cancer.

exactly, the gameplay itself kinda sucks and gets extremely stale and a lot of really good shit is locked behind really bad RNG or paywall. the art is fucking great though.


Unfortunately Splatoon is closest we got

T. Hanks.
looks like a good amount of jank and moe.

Modded Fallout 4

You could probably get some mods so you can intimidate them to surrender, cuff them, and lesbian rape them

Is the bilibili Server any less grindy?

>wears paint respirator to protect against...?
>huge amounts of exposed skin not to mention eyes

I don't mind fan service but holy shit lol

it's the one I played on and it seemed to be pretty grindy, you can play pretty actively your first couple of days or weeks depending on how hard in you go and then after that it's just logging in once a day or every few days and trying to do missions without falling asleep and hoping your friends have used your echelons.


the division's story involves a diseas that's transmitted through spores in the air. you would be fine with it touching your skin but not breathing it in.

I tried that hack but the controls were a mess.

>muh cute soldier grrlz in battle
gb2Gurochan fegs

On the other hand since western armies are being cucked at an alarming rate it won't be long before qt girls are getting blown into splattered piles of guts & shit irl.

>he doesnt want more females in games
female soldiers suck ass but secret agents and shit are alright too bad we'll soon have more females(males) in games than females

Bullet Girls. Nobody mentioned it because it's Japanese only so not many have played it.

>bloomers and pantyhose

>because it's Japanese only
No, because it's stuck on a Vita.


>braided hair is now tumblr
>glasses are now bad
>body armor is bad


No brutalizing though since it's just a TF2 knockoff with more dressup

Asian servers had a crossover with Upotte though which was cute

Yeah I should have said it's a Vita exclusive stuck in Japan and the series has sold maybe 100k copies.

The new game is also hitting PS4 and is supposed to have an Asian English version so the series will probably be talked about more in the future.

Dyed streaks is tumblr
Grey dye is also tumblr

Double tumblr hair

Shogo Mobile Armor Division

Bullet Girls 1 & 2 for the Vita

You can also change her panties

>white is now grey
Are you blind?


Are you?

is it any good.

I've only played the first one, it's not the big deal. Enough for the weebs


nevermind then

>Human shit