Was there ever a time where a remake / reboot / spiritual successor was superior to the original game ?

was there ever a time where a remake / reboot / spiritual successor was superior to the original game ?



Post more thinking , please.


Hmmmmmmm here you go

OP, not sure how much this counts but Sparkster (AKA Rocket Knight Adventures 2 for the Genesis) was far superior to any of the Rocket Knight Adventures games on the Genesis AND the SNES, and it was the most rebooted and deviated from the formula.

google, whatsapp and twitter ones are the best
microsoft guy had a stroke


Thank you

Fire Emblem Echoes is a 3ds remake of an FE 2 from the Famicom, not hard to wind up being better in everyway. Also, the VA work in that game is nothing short of amazing.

can you post the skinny thinking girl? like the opposite of this one?

Borderlands 2
Spiderman 2


Thanks for posting the thicc one, I only ever had crops of it

sequels obviously don't count

This even has the original game in it too if you don't like the remake for some retarded reason.


I actually thinking Twitter is the best.


not bad if you just made it




dumb phoneposter


Why are apple emojis so god tier?

Samsung's :thinking: looks a bit better than Apple's I think. All the other ones are shit, however.

ALBW > ALTTP in everything but art style.

Absolutely not, twitter and google are the best ones



Metroid Zero Mission

Tomb Raider
