Which version is the definitive version? PC for graphics? PS4 for exclusive content? Xbox for X?

Which version is the definitive version? PC for graphics? PS4 for exclusive content? Xbox for X?

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Looks like the X1X version is the best one for console. It shouldn't really come to anyone's surprise. And it'll look better on your TV if you have good HDR in your set. Better frame rates on the PC, though.

PC > Xbox One X >>> PS4 Pro > PS4 > Xbox One

What about the PC and X1X versions being 90% of the full game though?

You may want to take that up with Sony and ask why they are holding content back from other platforms.

I'd rather you just convince me it's not worth it to exchange blurry textures for more. Convince me about quality over quantity.

PC > anything

Xbox One X. The Sony version uses objectively trash garbage checkerboard upscaling which is significantly blurry and makes it look like vasoline was smeared all over the TV.

Sony fans raved about checkerboard upscaling last year like it was somehow going to fill the generation leap gap between these two boxes. Not only that, but the XboneX is quiet as fuck while the Pro sounds like it’s about to blast off from the runway.

XboneX has 50% more RAM over the Pro too. This is a fact that fans of Sony products will just have to deal with

>What about the PC and X1X versions being 90% of the full game though?

i played the full season on pc though? what exactly did i miss?


The Pro was all about PSVR. They got away with dynamic 4K because it came out a year ago and people were still fresh on the idea. Now the Xbox has proven that the Pro is less than ideal for new games going forward. The market for 4K in the TV spectrum Trumps what's available on the PC monitor market as well. I believe most people would rather shell out the money for a really good 4K TV and an Xbox than to build a PC with that money. People who buy these TV's also use them for media streaming and they can relax on their sofa or chair and play games if they choose.

oh i thought it was story related. i didn't miss anything then. i remember buying assassins creed brotherhood for the 360 back in the day and it came with some exclusive xbox storyline and it was actually not related to the story in anyway and was kinda pointless. this is probably the same

why is it still so expensive

There is a thread showing that only .52% of steam users even have 4K monitors. The XB1X also has a UHD blu Ray player and the Pro doesn’t. 1080p users get a benefit too. Nearly all existing games including 360 games perform better even without patches. Also 16x AF forced in all games and you can use a gsync monitor if you want. In comparison, the Pro offers nothing to 1080p users. Since VR bombed there is no incentive over the cheaper base unit (which is much quieter but much uglier and cheaper looking)

>What about the PC and X1X versions being 90% of the full game though?
I'd hardly say some extra missions Sony withheld is worth playing the worst version of the game.

>1080p users get a benefit too

Absolutely. All the jaggies and fog in those old games is gone. I'm really impressed with the supersampling as well.

>All these Xbox shills in here

PC still has the best graphics and framerate plus it goes on sale often

The PS4 version has a bit more content but its just extra targets in existing levels

>people are surprised that a 500 dollar console from 2017 run better than a 350-400 dollar console from 2016
Sup Forums really is nothing but shitposting

>all that litearl shill talk
Ever since the XboneX was announced you fags really crawled out of your holes. Sup Forums always said there're no xfags, but it turns out they're the most insecure of all

>PC still has the best graphics and framerate plus it goes on sale often
Only if you have have the very best graphics card. I guarantee the majority of these snide comments come from PC gamers with shitty graphics cards

You can’t sell used copies of most PC games. You can’t buy physical copies of many PC games (and again you still can’t sell them when you can). And yes frame rates might be better but maybe that’s because like Steam shows, nearly 80% of PC gamers use 1080p.

difference is nobody expected the performance and resolution gap to be so colossal. most people were expecting maybe a 20% performance boost for the 20% more in price but so far the absolute minimum gap between the two consoles has been 50% when it comes to resolution and 100% when it comes to framerate (see DF hitman 30 fps on pro 60 on x1x). the resolution can even go up to 96% above the pro in games like ac origins. in sw:bf2 the x1x hits 4k60 meanwhile the pro struggles to hit anything above 1440p. you're basically getting 50-100% more performance on the xbox for only 20% more in price. nobody at all expected that not even the analysts.

How new are you?

It’s more than just a year’s advance in technology though. It’s smaller than the Pro. Heck it’s smaller than the “slim” PS4 and the S for that matter. It’s very quiet while the Pro sounds like a hair dryer (no exaggeration).

But it has 50% more RAM and the GPU is 50% stronger with built-in DX12 acceleration. One year plus $100 gets you a generational leap over the PS4 Pro in a smaller quieter box that plays UHD blu rays, a handful of Xbox originals, many 360 games, and an improved library of unpatched Xbone games with 16xAF in all of these and better performance even in BC titles. Hell, a few 360 games got 4K patches.

That’s what one year and $100 more gets you. An actual and true legit upgrade that’s worth the money even if you don’t have a 4K tv. Pro owners simply cannot say that. Sony found out about the X and rushed the Pro to the market

Well if you're using that logic then its clearly the worse on Xbone in general since you'll need to spend extra money on the X to get a decent framerate and good resolution. If you have a decent enough PC already then it'll be cheaper upgrading to a new GPU instead of buying the XboneX

And yeah lack of used games suck but that shit is no better than piracy which is always an option on PC

Why do you keep pretending all console gamers have an xbox x & a 4K tv? that's like 1% that do at the moment

Don't you guys ever get tired of console wars?

It's mostly harmless and good for the bantz just as long as people don't get too upset over an electronic device.

1% would still be higher than the .52% of PC users with 4K monitors according to Steam. But it’s higher than 1%. 4K TVs are dirt cheap now unless you want HDR (which you do, but the layman doesn’t know the difference or care). That’s all people were buying yesterday

Gave me a good laugh.

>literal shill
It's okay when microsoft does it

I'd rather read his post than your seven word meme reply with meme arrows. Think of an actual argument next time.

I don't get why people just pay 100-200 more than an Xbone X and get better performance and a machine that can do more than just play games and do some multimedia stuff. People always act like you only play games on PC

PS4 version is pretty much the same as regular Xbone version. One is bottlenecked by GPU, the other is bottlenecked by CPU and they both even out.

>Episodic Gaming
>Online Only

Still trying to flog us a dead horse rabbi?

>games run better on 300-400 dollar console from 2005 than on 600 dollar console from late 2006
Surprising, isn't it?

i don't get why people don't just buy the cheapest platform available and play their games on that instead of wasting money on higher resolutions. i bought a ps4 for £100 and the money i saved on buying a new ps4 or a ps4 pro has probably gone on that holiday to morocco i went on.

People always use the dumb "show me a 600-700 bucks pc that can run games at 4k" argument, which really isn't hard to achieve considering most multiplat games on consoles just use low-mid settings especially for shadows, LOD and draw distance.
Imo and Xbone S gets you way more for your money since it can basicly do the same shit even BC etc and 4k bluray

You'd also get all your games for free and get actual software and multitasking for other things than just games.
It will save hundreds of dollar in the long run. 8-9 new console games already cost more than the console iteslf

This is the best post in the thread