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Interesting game that did all the stuff OOT is famous for first, but one where most of the good will for it in 2017 comes from nostalgia or attraction to anime waifus
Gameplay wise it didn't age too well but I love everything else about it
This. I remember spending hours just exploring the towns when I was a kid.
The definition of comfy when you aren't underground, but the unsettling atmosphere when you are underground is executed masterfully.
I really wish it didn't have tank controls, but even with those it was a better 3d megaman than X7 so I'll count my blessings.
I liked Kattalox Island, but I also liked all the different areas and atmospheres that 2 provided.
i like it a lot, it's like yatterman as a playable videogame, people complain that the tank control make it unplayable but personaly i find them fine
if anything it's kinda silly how a lot of fight are just about circling the enemies round and round while you shoot them
I really wish they would remake these games without tank controls and then release 3. Hell, they don't even have to remake them, just mod them with better controls. But I know. I know I'm just hurting myself.
Is MoTB and the two MML games worth getting for Vita?
Only thing wrong with this today is the tank controls.
Recommend me games that plays the same. I only know Dr. Slump. Even jap only is okay.
Greatest Mega Man ever made. The only one I like asides from MM 1 & 2 and mega man battle network.
Never not mad at the shit they pulled with MML3.
This, it was amazing for the time. I remember getting this with my first PSOne.
Positively OVERFLOWING with personality.
The character designs, the art style, even the facial animations are charming.
Not to mention creepy as fuck dungeons and "monsters"
and how they use tricks for the faces too.
comfiest megaman game?
Cel shading really amazingly compensated for the limitations of the era. Love that low poly flat colors look.
Comfy as fuck
Get him off the fucking moon already, will ya
Literally wanted to be him when I grew up
Best megaman subseries. Desperately needs a new entry. No other game has ever been so fun in terms of discovering secrets and upgrading your character.
Why do you keep posting this. No one is gonna get fooled by this.
I posted it as 'wishful thinking', not tricking.
>There will never be a Legends 3
Do you really think capcom could even do it justice anymore? Maybe things are better this way.
Wishful thinking is a poison. At best we should just dream of what could have been.
Hey, I don't obsess about it, still nice to think about though.
A solid 7/10 game.
A fun game with a really charming world and characters, but a lot of unpolished early 3D jank.
Also one of the most impressive ports of a game to the N64, up there with Resident Evil 2. Shame the second one was never brought over.
It still hurts.
Bit annoying to get all the parts for the Shining Laser.
It hurts, I think it's better off dead at this point.
it's official!!!!
Has anyone played the Japanese PSP ports of both 1 and 2? I always wanted to know how different they were compared to the PS1 version.
>Shining Laser.
>Not just wrecking shit with the rockets
Those were my jam
Fuck it, time to replay.
>stuck on the moon with a milf and a loli
There's worse ends for a hero I guess. I still miss the hell out of this series. Legends 1&@ and Tron Bonne were some of my favorite Mega games
I still haven't forgiven Capcom for dropping Legends 3 the way they did. I probably won't ever get over it. Years later and I'm still mad.
You muss recovah all da enegy immeedily W-Megaman!
Dat's not da same game, or even da same sewees, w-anonymous!
Literally no other game has managed to be as charming or as atmospherically oppressive. The entire setting is amazing from top to bottom and the execution does it justice.
Gameplay wise, it controls poorly and you can strafe everything to death.
> be 11
> soul kada ruins
> spot bunch of cloaked figured on a hallway
> shot them
> they all go insane and rampage towards me
never again
literally didn't buy a 3ds because 3 was cancelled just modded a pso instead to play 1 and 2 fuck capcom
I'm making a game in the style and gameplay of MML but but its memes and cats
fuck capcom
I ABSOLUTELY love the voice acting in this series. I can't decide between Roll or Tron though.
The dungeon with the waterfalls and crocodiles is still one of my all time favorite video game levels.
Tron is kind of overrated. People latched onto her because she's got that conflict of interest. But Roll is the real qt
10/10 voice acting. I prefer MML1 Volnutt to 2 though.
but Tron wants that megaman D
I really hope that's an exaggeration. If you're making some shitty wojack thing, just... stop.
And Roll doesn't? She's just less honest about it, due to it being almost incesty.
>wojack thing
Not those kind of memes.. Maybe. I have a list of cat related meme or viral videos I will include as a side quest/mini-game/etc of some sort. One example is nyan cat with the cat having nyan cat skills or that I should have a boat cat with cat boat battle sidequest/minigame. Also some YTers as NPCS but no one will even know who they are because they are not popular unless you know them.
And I will have doge/dogecoin in it loosely inspired by this video
user, that sounds really terrible to me but do whatever makes you happy.
No It would be wonderful. Just wait.
I'd have loved to see a 3D MegaMan with proper 3rd person shooter controls. They could have even had a real dash then, similar to Vanquish.
I can still perfectly recreate the sound of his footsteps in my mind along with the town theme.
I spent hours running around that town.
>Also some YTers as NPCS but no one will even know who they are because they are not popular unless you know them
I hope you're not good at it or else those skills will be wasted
learn what cell shading is
mml had no cell shading or any lighting at all, just drawn shadows on textures
It will be just random npcs(walking around, looking at stuff in stores,etc). Nothing detailed but if you know who they are modeled after, you will know who they are.
The fact user's creating anything is more than I can say.
Cel shading doesn't have to be accomplished with an actual shader. So what if it was done manually?
Well, it's your project so whatever you say.
Just know that cat memes are already dead
>cat memes are already dead
cat memes are never dead.
holy shit is like going back in time to my childhood
I'd say so. I could see how the case might be made for BN, maybe.
Megaman Legends 2 is not the same game as Megaman Legends. Kattleox is much comfier than the various locations in 2.
I was going to post multiple songs from both games, but decided Yosyonke was good enough to stand alone. Apple Market and Kattleox town is one of the comfiest places in all of video games though. No comment on which is the comfier game.
ML1 has more vibrant and clear textures, while ML2 is more "rugged" and old looking.
I dig both though... everything fits in their contexts.
Sorry, user, but even longcat is "rage guy" tier now
It's time to let go
One of the best games of the PS1.
Capcom needs to pull its head out of its collective ass and get started on Legends 3.
I fucking love Teisel Bonne
Would instantly buy a game with him as a protagonist
Having every game take place in a small island would be lame.
The dungeons in MML2 are a little more interesting than in MML1. Also being limited to a single small location limits the types of environments and atmosphere.
I'm wasn't saying it was better, I was saying it was comfier. On Kattleox island you become part of the community and help citizens. You rebuild the town and help it grow. It's comfy. Everyone waves goodbye when you leave.
You don't really get that in MML2, which makes it less comfy.
There's really nothing preventing one island from being a rich, varied environment. It means it's tougher to justify "ICE LEVEL/FIRE LEVEL/JUNGLE LEVEL" broad strokes, but dungeons can and were easily diversified in other less heavy-handed ways.
bumping the only good current thread on Sup Forums
Any games similar to Legends? I could think of Steambot Chronicles and Zwei 2 but not much in terms of exploration & customization
I have it.
Theyre pretty much identical gameplay and story wise.
The biggest difference between the Japanese version and the NA version is when Tron is trying to fend the dog and then falls in love with megaman.
You would pet the dog and it would stop but in the Japanese version you could kick it and it would go flying.
Good luck ignoring this on your next playthrough, lmao
I tried to play it and I had a really hard time with the controls. I had no idea how to fight these guys.
This first fight is probably one of the hardest in the game, because of the learning curve, and because you move on to fight Baby Bonne with 3-4 different things happening at once... all this before you even have any good weapons or buster-ups.
Keep at it user. You can kill these Blumebears if you keep on the move.
Fucking hell, this cute is so cute. He isn't that long, though.
Also, look in the trash cans later to find parts you need for their machine gun arm.
So how likely is a third game somewhere down the line?
Where the fuck have you been?
Why do you hurt me with this obvious bait, user?
I know about the cancelled game. I'm asking if there's any chance of another.
The 3DS is still a viable console, so there's always a chance.