I just finished bloodborne and I still don't get the hype. it's just dark souls with less content and a cool setting?

I just finished bloodborne and I still don't get the hype. it's just dark souls with less content and a cool setting?

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did you enjoy the 30 fps cap?

yes I enjoyed it when it was actually 30 fps and not around 25

so what was the two thing byrgenweth found that led events of the game.

its better than dark souls

trying too hard friendo

Just started this game yesterday. Are you supposed to wander around aimlessly and grind?

mediocre base game with cool optional areas and a great DLC


The main problem with games like Bloodborne or Breath of the Wild is that idiots have access to them. We need a licensing bureau so we can weed out the undeserving.

Should have been on PC for 60fps gameplay

Yes, basically. It's the same concept, but with faster combat and a fantastic setting.

It's a toy mate, there are no underserving. Come down.

>reminder that Bloodborne sold as few copies as fucking Knack

It's for brainlets that used a walkthrough to get through DaS1 and didn't get why it was good, and thought the souls series was all about combat and bosses when that was always just the foundation. A fine foundation but nothing to write home about.

Think about the amazing level and encounter design from DaS1, with the branching paths and interesting encounters like invulnerable ghosts, invisible bridges, trap-laden fortresses, perilous walkways where you can fall to your death, cramped labyrinths with holes hidden in the floor, illusionary walls, pitch-black tombs, etc etc.

It really forced you to stop and think and pay attention to your surroundings. Why can't I hit these ghosts? Why do I die when I fall down that well into a pitch black abyss? Why do those skeletons keep getting back up, can I make them stay dead? Of course a lot of people just used guides to figure everything out or watched a youtuber before playing it themselves so all they were left with was combat, and all Bloodborne has is combat, so of course then think BB is better when it's really just an average combat RPG where you walk into room, enemies aggro you, you hit them, repeat in next room for entire game.

it's a ps4 exclusive

Stopped playing it out of boredom. PS4 and PS4 exclusives are the worst memes I felt for.

BB sold 3.6 million, the best selling souls game on a platform.

If you find it boring because it's too easy, do a SL4 run.

bloodborne is LITERALLY one of the most boring games i have ever played. overhyped garbage by fanboys.

It didn’t even sell 3 mil fag

Someone feel free to explain some of these things to me but my first playthrough there was just so many baffling design choices.
>Bloodtinge seems to be used primarily for gun damage. None of the guns do enough damage to justify investing points into it.
Maybe the cannon that requires 30 is good, I have no idea.
>There's an upper limit to physical defense you can get from armor.
>No way to upgrade armor.
I get this game is supposed to be about dodging but basically this forces you to invest points into health to have any amount of survivability.
>Most weapons are outright useless because of the way staggering works
The designs of weapons are cool but too many of them lack a good move set, range, damage, staggering ability, or some combination of these.
>Arcane in it's entirety
Again, I don't get it. Too few items exist within the game that take advantage of it. Basically seems like you use it just for weapon scaling.


That's 3 mil right there before the DLC came out plus the Complete Edition with the DLC that isn't tracked yet, the game overall is well over 3M.

Game is too damn hard

Poor balancing

The Katana uses bloodtinge in the alt blood mode.

>Global Total as of 07th Oct 2017 (units): 2.89m
Are you fucking retarded?

Are you implying the GOTY edition literally sold zero copies because it isn't tracked yet?
BB + GOTY edition is well over 3M, maybe not above 4M but close to it.

DS2 sold 2M on PC and SOTFS sold 1.2M on PC, so that's how well GOTY edition sell for souls games.

The GOTY edition released 2 years ago.
Again, are you fucking retarded?


And the retards who track shit still have it at zero copies, guess it true and it sold nothing.
VGchartz is known for fucking up numbers and having them years late for expansions or re-releases, they're only accurate for big main-line releases.

The 'hype' is that it's an exclusive and it's easy to trigger people who haven't played it
Anyone who is a souls fag would love Bloodborne, exclusive or not

They trimmed all the fat off dark souls and improved the combat, better world design, more interesting lore, better weapon movesets, better bosses. Its just an all around improvement of the formula.
Only shield cucks prefer dark souls

it's a good game, but the PS4 doesn't have very many exclusives, and this is one of them

>better world design

sounds like you haven't played dark souls
(ds2 does not count)

Yeah, the problem is you OP you jaded fucktard, never assume otherwise again.

ds2 is actually the only one I havent played, played through the other 2 and demons multiple times with varied builds, and I still love them, but to me bloodborne is the better experience
its true nerd refute me or something

Does Pro get better framerate with the game yet?
Got a Pro not long ago and I'm about to get this game soon.

you're just a special being, user. that's ok you can move on and return to dark souls

Souls without the weight is lame.
I want to make my own fast or fat build, I don't like that BB forces everyone into a speedy dexfag.

Yeah, to be fair, you need to have a high IQ to understand games like Bloodborne or BotW.

I think it's stable 30 instead of 24-30, I wish there was a 60 patch

There's nothing to refute as it's objectively wrong, the world in Dark Souls is vertically stacked and just about every level for the first half of the game loops around to other areas whereas Bloodborne is designed around fast travel and just about every area ends in a dead end like Old Yharnam, Hemwick Charnel Lane, Upper Cathedral Ward, Cainhurst Castle, Nightmare Frontier, Nightmare Frontier. None of these levels ever connect in any way which also makes the game far more linear than Dark Souls. There's no reason why I shouldn't be able to skip Gascoigne and go through the door on the Cleric Beast bridge to get to the Cathedral Ward and there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to obtain the password without killing Amelia but that's a separate issue.

In boost mode, Pro gets stable 30 in the few instances that the PS4 goes under 25, mainly chalice dungeons.

Bloodborne has the best storytelling and lore imo

bloodborne is LITEALLY the masterpiece of this new century.

>interesting lore
Lmao it’s a mindless hack and slash game with no story

>best storytelling
That's why Paleblood and MP's motives are never explained in the slightest?

>dodging is hard

>amazing level design
> Dark souls 1
Whew lad

>i'm too retarded to use deductive logic so its bad lol


>MP's motive
He's sick and goes to Yharnam in hope of a blood cure but searches for Paleblood instead.

>never explained
At least do some research.

Me too, bud. I thought BB was a great game but one with too many flaws to overlook. That being said, I personally enjoyed 2 the most and 1 the least, so maybe I'm an oddball in that regard.

Great game. Characters weren't as memorable as in the DaS series though.

>I am clever and good at researching
>watches a youtube video
Kill yourselves

MP = Moon Presence, maybe (You) should do some research.

its appeal is its an exclusive
if it didnt exist you would have people claiming demon souls was the best

really what it has going for it is a cool setting and cool weapons. Thats about it. the rally system is nice and a creative way to keep people in combat but its not the most amazing thing.
If it wasnt an exclusive it would probably be 2nd most popular but DS1 would be top

Good argument
>>watches a youtube video
Where was this implied?

I don't know why but I thought MP meant Main Protagonist. Nevertheless, the MP's motive can only be theorized but considering what can be deduced about the doll, Gehrman's role in the dream and other paleblood shit it's somewhat explained.
Also, the MP really doesn't need a motive for the story and world to work.

>I want to make my own fast or fat build, I don't like that BB forces everyone into a speedy dexfag.

then use a strength weapon

Ok, what theories exist to explain why Moon Presence wants Mergo killed?

>some of the NPCs since DS1 have been great
>but we'll never again get that huge quantity + quality cast

get ready for the inevitable Sony butthurt when it comes to PC

emulated in 10 years maybe, Demon's Souls never came to PC before the PS3 emulator

moon presence is the bb version of nyarlthotep, who is a rogue old one who has no alliance with any of the others and semifrequently works against their interests, and he's presumably a nasty enough guy that kos thought leaving gehrman with MP was an adequate substitute for the hunter's nightmare

and by then Sony bros will have Miyazaki's next masterpiece. Only on PlayStation V. Greatness awaits

Can't we just admit that all souls games are garbage?

From what I remember of the lore, Moon Presence wants Mergo killed because Moon Presence feels threatened with Great Ones seeking an audience and cooperation with humanity (Rom holding back the true night, Ebrietas's communication with the Church). Mergo being the son of a Pthumerian and a Great One is a threat to the old ways. Moon Presence is influencing you and Gehrman to kill off any undesirables during the Hunt so it can stay in control.

Even the str weapons in BB just feel like dex weapons that require a different stat. There's also no heavy armor or shields, so everything just feels like a wanna-be DMC game with some stats tacked on.


>tfw never using those fucking guns because I don't know how to really use them but besides that I think it's just shitty in a souls game

Armor is just there for aesthetic purposes.

Not really I enjoyed Dark Souls

Souls game are the best action/adventure RPGs made in the last 25 years.

More like the MP wants to the Greatest Great One.

this is exactly how i felt when i played it

Zelda BotW.

Not an RPG.

I enjoyed all of the souls games, but that doesn't make them good. Hell, Bloodborne and Demon's Souls are among my favorite games, like Deadly Premonition, but that doesn't mean that they're good games.

Well the only armor I ended up liking was Cainhurst. The game genuinely feels like it's missing half the builds it should have.

Wants to be*

I fucking love the Crow set.
All those feathers and the doctor's mask are just amazing for my tastes

i like bloodborne, it takes the shield away and forces shitters to actually learn how souls games are supposed to be played. Also the level design and enemy design/placement is way better than DaS.

epic response needs a epic reply.

BOTW is Skyrim-lite with awful combat that has 3 weapon movesets in the whole game, in menu instant healing with no inventory limits on food, no animation for healing.

6/10 game at best.

Bloodborne also has all the things you just mentioned, you fucking retard. You didn't even play the game

I'll admit that the crow set was really nice, but it didn't fit my girlish character well enough.

More RPG than souls and shitborne.

>finite resource management (food, weapons)
>temperature mechanic
>meaningful decision making w/ shrine rewards
>actual sidequests and exploration

>port bb to PC
>try to run it at 60 fps
>game crashes every time you use a ladder
based from soft putting pcfags in their place

Yeah, they're fantastic games.
Demon's is the most unpolished and broken of all of them and is easily the weakest.
I'd give it a 7/10 compared to the rest being 9/10.

it looks and feels so much better than dark souls


Bloodborne is absolute vidyakino. If I HAD to make a complaint, just to prove I'm not a fanboy, it would be that the DLC bosses really straddled the line between "difficult but enjoyable" and "difficult and annoying" for me, as a person with a "video games should be fun" mentality. But the atmosphere of the game is like nothing else, and the gameplay is brilliant. It's very good at putting you in the flow state: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_(psychology)

I think this is why people enjoy it so much.

Sorry to be the one to tell you user, but I think the brain damage is permanent.

If demon's is a 7/10 then DaS2 is a 5/10 or worse

>Also the level design and enemy design/placement is way better than DaS.

Oh yeah, this is so true. I love that one enemy that swings it's weapons at you. Or that enemy that grabs you. Or that one enemy that swings it's weapons at you. Or that enemy that grabs you. Or that one enemy that swings it's weapons at you. Or that enemy that grabs you. Or that one enemy that swings it's weapons at you.

Also the placement is so much better. Like how ever enemy is just standing in a room and then runs towards you. No clever ambushes that make me have to think, thinking hurts.

No it doesn't, did you play BB? Tell me where the narrow ledges are, where all the traps are (I only remember a couple in the RE4 forest and a few in what little of the chalice dungeons I could stomach), where the enemies that require specific items to beat are, where ANYTHING I mentioned is?

Cried about how fucking bad it was desu

has it gotten so bad that people don't even know what RPGs are

>Demon's is the most unpolished and broken of all of them
>saying this when dark souls 2 exists